Crashed multiple times during game, now it crashes on startup, unable to do anything now
USA Join Date: 2016-12-19 Member: 225151Members
So I upgraded my PC recently (windows10 64 pro/ intel i7 6700 CPU 4Ghz/ 8g ddr4 RAM, Nvidia 1070 GPU/ 500g SSD/ Acer Predator XB1 monitor).
I found I could play my old saved game, however I didn't want to play it, as it lacked all the new game features & updates, so I deleted it.
Here is where the trouble begins:
I started a new game, and everything was going fine, then it started to crash and crash and crash. I thought because I used some command codes it might have caused an exception, so I deleted it and started over yet again.
With the newest release on December 15, 2016.... I started a new game, and at first it was fine again... and then it crashed 9x (I have all 9 crash reports). Then it would crash on start-up over and over... and now it won't even start.
So, I uninstalled and re-installed the game (local contents), and then verified the integrity of game cache, and tried to start Subnautica .... but still CRASH, CRASH, CRASH, CRASH.... it won't even attempt to start now - it just crashes without doing anything at all.
I found I could play my old saved game, however I didn't want to play it, as it lacked all the new game features & updates, so I deleted it.
Here is where the trouble begins:
I started a new game, and everything was going fine, then it started to crash and crash and crash. I thought because I used some command codes it might have caused an exception, so I deleted it and started over yet again.
With the newest release on December 15, 2016.... I started a new game, and at first it was fine again... and then it crashed 9x (I have all 9 crash reports). Then it would crash on start-up over and over... and now it won't even start.

So, I uninstalled and re-installed the game (local contents), and then verified the integrity of game cache, and tried to start Subnautica .... but still CRASH, CRASH, CRASH, CRASH.... it won't even attempt to start now - it just crashes without doing anything at all.
Hmm. You could try running Subnautica one more time, if it crashes, then run a chkdsk on that drive, then re-verify game local cache, and try again. It's a long shot, but you've got nothing to lose. Let me know either way.
It started as i entered the Aurora, the first was on the way up, the second to in the reactor room. As i left the aurora every thing seemed normal.
It started again with the seamoth i build, had huge area loading lags and now it crashes every time i move the seamoth slightly...
Will try to re-verify the cache tomorrow.
Then I rolled my Nvidia drivers back to October 2016, as some people have reported issues with the newest drivers.
Then I uninstalled and re-installed Subnautica...... it still won't start. Still keeps crashing on startup, no matter how many times I try.
Manufacturer: (Custom)
Form Factor: Desktop
No Touch Input Detected
Processor Information:
CPU Vendor: GenuineIntel
CPU Brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
CPU Family: 0x6
CPU Model: 0x5e
CPU Stepping: 0x3
CPU Type: 0x0
Speed: 4008 Mhz
8 logical processors
4 physical processors
HyperThreading: Supported
FCMOV: Supported
SSE2: Supported
SSE3: Supported
SSSE3: Supported
SSE4a: Unsupported
SSE41: Supported
SSE42: Supported
AES: Supported
AVX: Supported
CMPXCHG16B: Supported
LAHF/SAHF: Supported
PrefetchW: Supported
Network Information:
Network Speed:
Operating System Version:
Windows 10 (64 bit)
NTFS: Supported
Crypto Provider Codes: Supported 311 0x0 0x0 0x0
Video Card:
Driver: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
DirectX Driver Name: nvd3dum.dll
Driver Version:
DirectX Driver Version:
Driver Date: 20 Jan 2017
OpenGL Version: 4.5
Desktop Color Depth: 32 bits per pixel
Monitor Refresh Rate: 119 Hz
DirectX Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
VendorID: 0x10de
DeviceID: 0x1b81
Revision: 0xa1
Number of Monitors: 1
Number of Logical Video Cards: 1
No SLI or Crossfire Detected
Primary Display Resolution: 2560 x 1440
Desktop Resolution: 2560 x 1440
Primary Display Size: 23.54" x 13.23" (26.97" diag)
59.8cm x 33.6cm (68.5cm diag)
Primary Bus: PCI Express 8x
Primary VRAM: 8192 MB
Supported MSAA Modes: 2x 4x 8x
Sound card:
Audio device: Headphones (2- High Definition
RAM: 16331 Mb
UI Language: English
Media Type: DVD
Total Hard Disk Space Available: 1679772 Mb
Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 484091 Mb
OS Install Date: Dec 31 1969
Game Controller: None detected
VR Headset: None detected
I'm starting to wonder if there is some kind of software running in the background (via Windows 10 - 64 bit Pro), that is potentially causing the issue.
I've consulted numerous computer and software wizards I know, and none of them could offer me any help.
Do I need to build yet another computer from scratch, to get SUBNAUTICA to work? (but seriously... what does it take to make if function again?)
There's an update due out today, hopefully that will fix these issues you are having.
Still can't even get Subnautica to even initiate.
However I believe only Subnautica is unique, as it was designed by Unknown Worlds, so perhaps there is something in their code or engine, that conflicts with something in my Win 10 Pro 64-bit OS..... but that is just a guess.
Mph. great. It's not W10 x64, I and many many others use that with Subnautica. Eh, is there a crash folder in the Subnautica folder (a folder with the date and time as its label)? If so, can you zip that up and upload it?
At this point, I think I'm going to have to build a new computer from scratch, to get it to work... but that means I need $1,200 to build a new PC equivalent to my current build.
So until I find an extra $1200 lying around, or someone gifts me the cash... I am stuck unable to play or even start Subnautica
(personally, I have a suspicion that either my GPU or monitor drivers are to blame... but I don't know this for sure)
You could always try using a different really cheap used GPU to test if that's the issue (make sure it's at least minimally capable of running Subnautica). If that is indeed the issue, then at that point you could just upgrade the GPU, and sell both your old GPU and the temporary cheap GPU you used to test with.
the only GPU better, would be a high-end version of the 1080 .... but either should be capable of running Subnautica with no issues
Even so, sometimes it will manage to create those reports. However, you are saying you already checked and it doesn't?