About having to come up to the surface...
France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members

Something's been bugging me. I've recently seen Markiplier's latest episode of the game. Here's the vid:

One part got me thinking (around 11:26). Mark drowned extremely near the surface when he got the "10 secs of oxygen" warning. He was swimming horizontally at around 20 meters deep, which is shallow enough to get back to the surface before drwning. Now, it's either cause Mark was really dumb, or it's because the oxygen warning isn't obvious enough. That's what I want to discuss about.
Let's compare to reality. When you need oxygen to get back up to the surface, you immediately know it cause your body lets you know. Whereas in the game, the only warning we get is from the AI, and then from the screen blackening. I may only be fearmongering or even wrong about this, but I don't want to immediately jump to the conclusion that this is a serious problem or that Mark is a pure idiot
So I want to know your opinions on the subject. Should the need for oxygen be made more obvious?

One part got me thinking (around 11:26). Mark drowned extremely near the surface when he got the "10 secs of oxygen" warning. He was swimming horizontally at around 20 meters deep, which is shallow enough to get back to the surface before drwning. Now, it's either cause Mark was really dumb, or it's because the oxygen warning isn't obvious enough. That's what I want to discuss about.
Let's compare to reality. When you need oxygen to get back up to the surface, you immediately know it cause your body lets you know. Whereas in the game, the only warning we get is from the AI, and then from the screen blackening. I may only be fearmongering or even wrong about this, but I don't want to immediately jump to the conclusion that this is a serious problem or that Mark is a pure idiot

So I want to know your opinions on the subject. Should the need for oxygen be made more obvious?
I think the alert system is good enough. Flagrantly ignoring it is your own damn problem. About the only other thing they could do is make the alerts more obnoxious, which would make playing the game kinda annoying when you're contantly getting audible and/or visual warnings.
It would be nice if the 30 second warning would not occasionally be skipped, but otherwise the warning system is fine.
He still doesn't seem to have figured out that holstering your held item makes you swim faster either, but in his defense he has been away for a while - though he really should have heard the AI alert about ten seconds remaining. Probably would have too, if he wasn't talking at the moment :P
I agree with this. He was sorta talking over the ten second warning to boot. That didn't make it any less painful to watch when he did it, but still... markymoo what are we gonna do with you?
And not just because he died.
That's a nice attitude right there, roight dere mmMMMM RIGHT THERE!
I think it's safe to say nobody else is having this issue.
You sir, can go jump into the abyss. Markimoo is lovable and charming, while you are abrasive and curt. I shall bite my thumb at thee!
The only issue I see is playing without sound, which for some people is necessary. I think making the O2 bar flash red when less than 10 seconds remain isn't too obnoxious, but helps when you can't have sound on.
What's fun is that this is the second time he's died because he was too busy rambling to notice the oxygen meter / warning, but to be fair this time he was honestly distracted AND has the defense of having not played in mooooonths. The first time he was just completely oblivious and even didn't realize what happened until after the recording when he was going over it for editing. To be honest, that was one of his greatest moments in the series, tying for first with blowing up his seamoth by running into a floating rock.
I don't say this in a meanspirited way, but more because it's fun to see his reactions when playing these games. Which is also why I feel it's unfortunate when people spoil a lot of things for him in the comments or when he looks a ton of stuff up in advance like with the episode where he spawned the unimplemented content in. This way, he's not as surprised when he sees the new things since he's already been told about it or read about it himself long before he's seen it naturally. I like seeing him be honestly surprised when seeing something new, but that's a bit off topic sorry ^^;
Heheh that's a win in my book!
No seriously, I have nothing against Markiplier, I don't enjoy his videos but whatever.
I just enjoy winding you guys up. The community here feels like a bunch of friends whom I can abuse without them getting too offended.
Yes there is no, up in your face, visual indication for oxygen warnings but you are given a lot of leeway otherwise.
All THAT said, your air is your life in SN. The game is BUILT on the fact you're underwater. Just as with a racing game, you should be watching your speed, in SN you should be watching your air... carefully... all the time... period. Except on land, derp! I don't mind the current system, nor do I care if they change it. I've only ever drowned in SN a handful of times, and generally because I misjudged on depth vs air time. Just my 2 cents.
P.S. I'm one of those old fashioned gamers who thinks "let's plays" are silly because I would just play the game myself. To each his/her own, obviously.
I certainly don't want to turn this into a "love or hate let's play" thread, so just to finish up...
I'm sure some "Hosts" are entertaining in various ways, and never would I tell someone how to spend their time, so please don't misunderstand where I come from. To add a bit more perspective, given a choice to either play video games or watch tv, 98% of the time I choose the first. In fact, I choose video games over most things. (I visit forums for games I'm currently really into while going to bed, or on the "throne". Or while waiting for SN to load, HA HA!). I am occasionally forced to watch a show here and there with my wife, LOL! Also, I will check out Twitch or YouTube when looking for gameplay to help me decide on a game purchase.
For better or worse, I am very passionate about video games, always have been, and spend as much time playing games as I can. What can I say?.... I LOVE VIDEO GAMES. really... i do.......
Just saying, LPs aren't so much "watching or playing" as they are "watching then playing".
Wasn't there some story that Jack's LPs of SN kept the game alive?
Yeah, he did actually:
Move SN to SSD if you have one, see my sig. Load times went from 3+ minutes to 45-50 seconds.