The Singing Skulk - Streaming anew
Denmark Join Date: 2014-03-16 Member: 194783Members, Squad Five Blue

Good morning, good day, good evening and good night to the people.
My name is Ixian, and I am known as The Singing Skulk. This is a small advertisement for my channel, so heres a little about what you can expect from it.
About this Singing Ixian dude:
I have a more "real life" background in music, where I have found theories of conducting, to be a great help in my efforts to command.
My competitive "career" have had its ups and down, but I have fought at the premier division level, where I can say I was above my head. I simply wasnt experienced enough, it turned out. I did however learn a huge amount of infomation, strategy, logic, and how to use my brain well in NS2 aspects. I learned alot from excellent players like Jackson, Vindaloo, Blind, Zafod, Wob, Anzestral and many others. Although I owe most to Herakles, who I consider a master of NS2, who took me to new hights, forcing me to relearn everything I knew about the game. I enjoyed my competitive time very much so - it was fun taking something as light and trivial as a computer game to new, almost extreeme degrees of seriousness. My high ended with season 5, where I was entered into the Hall Of Fame, for being part of the hard road my team took upon themselves to win the championship.
Instead I pursuing a second title title, the fire and energy I burned with to play in the competitive scene, I have repurposed to streaming and to advise UWE in matters of the design of balance and gameplay. More specificly, my major is commanding, with a side of field play, strategy calling and training. I have an extensive knowledge about NS2, but not really in keeping my points short - I dislike simplification, as it lacks nuance, so I fight it whenever possible.
I have casted almost since i started playing competitive, so I have a quite fair bit of experience in
On my channel you will find:
I am still looking to refine my format so any constructive words, which people can spare would be greatly appretiated.
My goal with the channel is the endless pursuit of bettering yourself. Natural selection is a beautiful medium to understand how logic, attention and focus can work for you, and against you. How to understand futility and well spendt energy.
Any requests, wishes, words of advice, anything concerning the channel can and should either be written here or sendt to my e-mail:
Watch the shoutcasts at
I look forward to seeing you.
-Ixian, The Singing Skulk
My name is Ixian, and I am known as The Singing Skulk. This is a small advertisement for my channel, so heres a little about what you can expect from it.
About this Singing Ixian dude:
I have a more "real life" background in music, where I have found theories of conducting, to be a great help in my efforts to command.
My competitive "career" have had its ups and down, but I have fought at the premier division level, where I can say I was above my head. I simply wasnt experienced enough, it turned out. I did however learn a huge amount of infomation, strategy, logic, and how to use my brain well in NS2 aspects. I learned alot from excellent players like Jackson, Vindaloo, Blind, Zafod, Wob, Anzestral and many others. Although I owe most to Herakles, who I consider a master of NS2, who took me to new hights, forcing me to relearn everything I knew about the game. I enjoyed my competitive time very much so - it was fun taking something as light and trivial as a computer game to new, almost extreeme degrees of seriousness. My high ended with season 5, where I was entered into the Hall Of Fame, for being part of the hard road my team took upon themselves to win the championship.
Instead I pursuing a second title title, the fire and energy I burned with to play in the competitive scene, I have repurposed to streaming and to advise UWE in matters of the design of balance and gameplay. More specificly, my major is commanding, with a side of field play, strategy calling and training. I have an extensive knowledge about NS2, but not really in keeping my points short - I dislike simplification, as it lacks nuance, so I fight it whenever possible.
I have casted almost since i started playing competitive, so I have a quite fair bit of experience in
On my channel you will find:
- Casts of public casual games
- Casts of competitive gathers
- Casts of competitive PCWs (private clan wars)
- Casts of games in the upcoming ENSL season
- Postgame Analysis
- Gameplay
- Rants about anything even remotely related to the game
- Other games?
I am still looking to refine my format so any constructive words, which people can spare would be greatly appretiated.
My goal with the channel is the endless pursuit of bettering yourself. Natural selection is a beautiful medium to understand how logic, attention and focus can work for you, and against you. How to understand futility and well spendt energy.
Any requests, wishes, words of advice, anything concerning the channel can and should either be written here or sendt to my e-mail:
Watch the shoutcasts at
I look forward to seeing you.
-Ixian, The Singing Skulk
The pubbies bested you with their incompetence.
The one before that, typical marines humping the phasegate while the aliens take the map syndrome. - i don't really know what to do against it.
Feel free to announce in this thread anytime you know you're going to be streaming ahead of time.
keep goin man
High competitive level Mix vs Mix
Live in 5 minutes (20:00 Cet)
Placeholder vs Edgy
Private Clan War.
I love it though that i find out that there's a PCW going on that i should play trough your forum post xD Thanks for the headsup Ixian!
Placeholder vs Edgy
Private Clan War.
pstscpt: I am usually casting these games, as Placeholders manager/captain Infamous is letting me know when. Other captains/players are ofcouse welcome to do the same, here, PM, on discord or over steam.
Private Clan War
Thank you to Absurdon for the notification. You can follow the game from his perspective at - However, HBZ is a german team and will be speaking german.
Edited so that your link worked. -IH
Thanks for streaming it - it's very much appreciated. Being able to watch the replay, reflect on the match (and also get a neutral & good commentary on it) is super valuable for us to see where we need to improve most.
I will be streaming me and the expendable doing some basic traning to shake their team properly together.
I wont be interacting with the chat that much though, as my focus will be on the traning session instead.
Also friday 19:00 cest I will be streaming VD2 vs Close One 101 at - Come all, come happy and enjoy some official matches as has started their 10th season!
VD2 vs Close One 101 at
Official match!
Had more character then your usual streams, even little tunes sung by our singing skulk!
Can you maybe organize co-streams for S10 matches with our artisan lerk blanket maker.
Followed by Close one 101 vs Pubstars starting at the very earliest at 21:00 also at
This odd scheme is due to lack of casters. I apologise for the inconvinience, and the short notice, as teams with different time zones can have alot of difficulty finding matchtimes.
Edgy Ns2 Players VS Sieze and Decyst
Official Match
Div 1
I may have a special guest joining me.
Horror Show vs Combat Instinct
Placeholder vsSieze & Decyst
Official match
Vitural Dejection 2 vs Combat Instinct
Official Match
Apologies for the short notice.
Placeholder vs Small a & Sons
It is still up in the air, whether or not it will be an official. I will know very soon! Check back later!
Today Sunday 20:00 CET on
iSay vs Horror Show
Official match
PCW aka Private Clan War (Friendly match)
Placeholder vs Edgy NS2 Players
Official match
Division 1