Explorable Sunbeam.
Join Date: 2016-06-21 Member: 218886Members

C'mon. The Degrasi was smaller and IT was able to be salvaged. I have seem the animation for the Sunbeams destruction and.... its pathetic. A TINY little explosion and debris that falls disappearing into nothing. No sighs of it burning up in the atmosphere. The Sunbeam is a cargo ship and it would hold valuable recourses for the endgame. So whadda ya thing? Also we wouldn't need more Aurora. Link to my MORE Explorable Aurora Poll: http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/145092/explorable-sunbeam#latest
But.. but LOGIC! There are no signs the debris burns up it just DISSAPEARS!
Still, I would like another ship to explore. I got hype about the Deep Grand Reef message about an origin-ambiguous titanium mass before I realized it probs refers to the castle in the ALZ. As far as resources go, if the wiki's biome maps are still up-to-date-ish, we've got four unassigned surface areas left and I recall the devs were looking into doing something with the sandy biomes (ie, reaper territory), so another ship that can largely be created from existing models (maybe recolored?) doesn't strike me as an out-of-the-way effort.
Great idea and I think we should see it burn up and bypass the island before crashing far west of the Aurora and island. (Which is relatively far away, so maybe some good shit in there idk
I'd like to see it, and I'd like to explore what little Sunbeam there is, but I doubt it would be big enough to actually be a point of great interest. Maybe we could find some materials on it, but it did look very far away when it got shot. I doubt that, without this "Warper Technology" and "Arctic Biome" we'll be able to really see the Sunbea, in its full(ish) glory.
Yeah, pretty sure given the Sunbeam's size it simply gets vaporized on impact rather than leaving wrecks. Might spawn some scrap metal for us to use, but exploring? Nah. I didn't realize it was so small though. Guess that's why it's obliterated unlike the other two ships.
Part of me thought that some of the wrecks were from past ships and not just the Aurora, the planet does have a history of missing ships after all and being Alterra in origin doesn't necessarily have to mean they came from our ship. But, they're too pristine to be old wrecks so....
The sunbeam needs to be much larger if it's going to survive the precursor gun.
You forgot to click on the agree button.
and now you disagree about me reminding you that you forgot to click agree. .__.
even if it was shot down maybe we could explore its remains?
>Sunbeam black box
>Probably nothing but screaming
S'wrong with you m8
Survivor's guilt.
A black box only containing mundane info, plus some detail about the crew (conversations they had on the way to pick up any survivors) would actually accentuate that.