Removal of D3D9 Support?
Join Date: 2016-08-21 Member: 221558Members

Looking on the Subnautica Developement roadmap I found something unsettling, under the unknown tab they are going to be removing D3D9 Support but the thing is without D3D9 I cannot play the game due to my Graphics card being dated, it is an AMD Radeon HD 5670 and it is due to D3D9 I can even play Subnautica in the first place! And NO I cannot get a new graphics card because they are expensive, so unless a game patch comes out for my type of graphics card that enables me to play this game then I have wasted my money, so I think removal of D3D9 Support would be a bad idea as it could potentially alienate some more of their customers with very low end PC's and old-ish Graphics cards and annoy a lot of people
DX10 has support down to the HD4000 series, but you are correct... Yours is a low end card in any case, even when it was brand new...
Not sure what your budget is, but you can easily get a significantly better GPU for $100-$200 from Nvidia, due to the price decline.
I tried running it in both D3D10 and D3D11 on D3D10 it crashed after 20 minutes and on D3D11 it crashed within 5 minutes so i have no idea where to go with this but the reason is simple my Graphics card runs at 512mb
People don't seem to get what I'm saying, I cannot afford a new GPU no matter how much I save up. I have a flat to run and bills to pay, now I paid £16.99 for the game and I do not like the fact that once they remove D3D9 support I won't be able to play this game therefore WASTING my money, I am not one with endless pots of money that most of the people that argue against my issue seem to have
Report the crashing to the developers.
The HD5670 512Mb barely passes the 3Dmark score at only ~977 points vs the required 950. So it is indeed the bare minimum if even that, making it even more dependent on the rest of your rig... Heck even my much higher end gaming orientated HD5870 1Gb (3Dmark score: 5138) will stutter from time to time (mostly loading in assets not FPS stutter, due to only 1Gb VRAM). But I've also got a beastly rig, overclocked 2500k @4.7Ghz with 16Gb DDR3-1600... I can only imagine what a low end 5600series with just 512Mb can handle... sidenote: I did manage to get it to run flawlessly with a HD4850 512Mb just a tiny bit more stutter than my HD5870 and not a lot less FPS either... But that one is also higher end than yours @3587 3Dmark score)
But all that aside, it should handle DX10/11. If it is crashing, that is food for the programmers and those crash reports will help them...
Mind you this isn't a diss at your issue or rig, but it might be you're asking too much from your hardware with an unstable prerelease like Subnautica in it's current state. Where even the current gen high end rigs run into trouble from time to time!
My Specs are as follows:-
Processor:- Intel Celeron dual core processor each at 270gHz per core
Graphics processor:- AMD Radeon HD 5670
I ran a test using D3D9, D3D10 and D3D11 and the reason why I am annoyed at the fact that D3D9 Support will be dropped is because Subnautica seems to work just fine on my rig albeit at the lowest graphics quality with very little chugging when at D3D9 with no crashing, then on D3D10 it crashes after 18 minutes and finally on D3D11 it crashes after 5 minutes; this is my point, if it ain't broke don't fix it but since it is their game it is their choice regardless of how much I paid for the game right?
I wouldn't even consider asking for a refund I like Subnautica. It isn't the money but the principle I guess I will have to cough up for a 1gb graphics card
heh i may have mistyped i meant 2.70 GhZ
The biggest issue I see here is that you're really on the border of the minimum requirements and the game is as I mentioned a prerelease. Which do require some bruteforcing and can cause random issues on lower end of the spectrum of machines due to low CPU/GPU power or not enough memory, having to cache more to and from the HDD/MEM. Your crash issues on supported DX versions seem to indicate this...
About the removal of DX9, it isn't as simple as "we don't like it or don't want to support it". It is quite similar to the 32bits -> 64bits decision, which is also an issue these days. It gives developers a lot more options to work with and also a lot less overhead to support all obsolete architectures.
I've had to replace a few very capable video cards as well in the past due to the requirements of newer shadermodels, so it kinda comes with PC gaming when using over 5-6 year old hardware at some point if you want to play the latest stuff.
I'd go ahead and ask for a refund, you are entitled to it in any case if you can no longer run it (even though it is technically supported
Now git out of here and get a new rig <- That would be a rude way, but nonetheless true
heh, that's kinda funny so i guess i have to be patient
Those are magic mushrooms, appearing out of nowhere sometimes
To be honest, I would prefer if they optimized the game to use DX12, but that would be a bit much I think.
Further posts and replies will be ignored from here on in, have a nice day!
regards V497_vesper
I understand that you'd like to keep being able to play the game, but it's not our fault that you may lose that possibility and it feels like you're taking it out on us.
The developers make the decisions and - as you were also told here - they are a small studio with limited resources (just like you have a limited budget, btw, so you should be more understanding) and so they may have to give up d3d9 support in order to be able to provide a more complete experience at the intended quality of dx10/11. It's really no one's fault, it's just how the world is and no one is doing that to spite you and others who can not afford the latest and greatest in computer parts.
If I do actually get to upgrade my GPU will that allow me to pay the game better with these specifications?
Processor:- Intel Celeron dual core processor each at 2.70gHz per core
If so, then I will have no problem doing what I must to play Subnautica again,
I guess that's the price of progress so with that in mind I think it'll be better to lock this thread or delete it even though I dissagree with the decision and sorry if I came off rude but my issue still remains valid, some people that run subnautica in D3D9 mode will feel for lack of a better term "conned" out of their money now let's end this thread and FYI, I don't care about the amout of disagree's I get on this post as I am very peeved off about this but que serra serra.
I plan on upgrading to something better... or WAS before I found out about how No Man's Sky bombed... Or at least found it I could run the game on my machine at the very lowest settings thanks to a friend of mine (basically according to him my CPU is backing up the GPU and it's the reason I can even play the game as smooth as I do).
As for my full system specs...
CPU: AMD FX 8350 4 GHZ
GPU: Gigabyte Radeon R7 240 2GB OC Edition
System Memory: 8GB RAM
System Board: Asus M5A 78-M USB3
OS: Dual Boot Windows 8.1/10
Now correct me if I'm wrong here but doesn't Steam policy clearly state, you can ask for a refund at any given time before it is released officially and you can still get a refund 14 days after it does release? And something about amount not having played more than two hours of the game or something? <- after release, I assume...
So for a pre-release of a game you cannot be conned out of your money, as you are basically paying for early access to an incomplete product and are given the ability to playtest the game to give feedback/bugreports to the devs as the game develops
From what I read, if you have played for over a certain amount of hours you cannot get a refund
I take it that there's the possibility that the game would require at ABSOLUTE minimum a graphics card like the GTX 1080? O_O