cyclops is missing after saving.
UK Join Date: 2016-08-18 Member: 221473Members

I have twice now built a Cyclops, and both times it has gone missing after saving and reloading the game. I even tried to create one using the console command, but after restarting the game, that has gone too, and my seamoth went with it.
It really is a bit of a grind getting all the stuff to make the cyclops, and i have done it twice now. is there a permanant way to get both my ships back. thanks for any help offered.
After spawning in the third replacement it hasn't disappeared from my game again ... yet
F3 -> F8 to click "disable console"
Close everything (F8 and F3) and press space.
Spawn seamoth
Once you open the console,. type
We're investigating this bug. Hopefully we can fix it soon.
On another note, I cannot spawn a third cyclops, using both the mobile platform to create it, nor through commands. What happens with directly spawning, it shows it to be "under construction", and my framerate drops to 2-3 fps before eventually crashing. This framerate issue happens regardless with using the platform to create it or using commands.
Weird bug I tell yea.
PS this is on the latest experimental BTW.
It happens regardless of where you are when you save.
Since Thursday I've lost 3 Cyclops's in total. The first one I built normally and the next 3 I spawned in as replacements. The 3rd replacement seems to be sticking around, but I still make sure nothing is docked in it and clear out the lockers before I save just in case.
I lied...,
When I signed into the game tonight the Cyclops was gone, but my Seamoth was still there.
This probably has something to do with the fact that my blueprint list still shows that I haven't collected all the necessary fragments for the Sub.
To tell the truth, I'm not sure myself if I've actually collected all the necessary parts myself.
I don't remember collecting all the frag's for the Cyclops Bridge.
It might actually be that the BUG is giving us the vehicle too early.
I'll continue to search for more parts and see if it eventually works properly when I have them all.
My blueprints are not showing cyclops 2\3, it is not listed as needing any parts, like the post above mentions, maybe the problem is some fragments not registering as being collected, so next game cyclops not loading. My game is showing all cyclops blueprints are there ok.
I think I've figured out the issue, submitted via F8. I built my first Cyclops legit - scanned & farmed. My PDA shows 2/3 progress for the Cyclops. Spawning replacements also delete the Cyclops. I don't think the game is properly recording fragment progress and logic is cancelling the loading of the Cyclops because the fragments aren't complete. Seems like this would have been a straightforward and near-foolproof way of improving load times but in this case there's a bug with fragment tracking. That last part is conjecture on my part, I don't know if that's logic you guys would have been looking at, but it makes sense to me from the testing armchair.
One of the other theories was that it's related to the seaglide -- which I can't prove or deny, as I have built a seaglide but at least throughout the Prawn update it's just been sitting in a locker.
I hadn't built seaglide before Cyclops, but it's disappeared right after construction on the next day.
Cyclops disappeares every time.
Even though it still says I'm missing 1/3 of the fragments.
I haven't had to create a new one since this past Wednesday. (9/7/16)
Last Version with Zyklop : 37596 Sep-2016
After the short Patch today i'm at 37615 Sep-2016
Can not cheat a new one, because i cannot use the Console. Using F8 wants to give Feedback.
Just wanted to include myself in the list.
Will be trying when I get home from work, to see if the latest experimental builds fix it.