Where the HELL is the Modding station?
Germany Join Date: 2016-02-17 Member: 213158Members

Got a Seaglide and a Seamoth without upgrades and are desperately searching for the Modding station. After hours and hours of searching still no clue, nowhere to be found within 200m depth. Can anyone help me?
Either my new game didn`t spawn the wreck with it or I was really really unlucky so far.
Either my new game didn`t spawn the wreck with it or I was really really unlucky so far.
You might need to explore Aurora to find Pressure thingy for Seamoth and PRAWL(did i remember name right?) from there before you head to ravine.
Wreck exists but is more than 300m below, no way to reach it without cheating. Had to use console to check if that wreck exists.
A welder and maybe the fire extinguisher would be good too.
One thing you don't want to waste your inventory space on is food, water and more than 1 or 2 med packs.
At start find seaglide, build it, use the signal to find lifepod 17, the wreck there is where you can find alot of fragments, main ones are seamoth and Mobile Veichal Bay.
Build Seamoth and make way to the mountains, follow the safe shallows till you hit the red grass and keep going north till you see a kelp zone, go through it and your at the mountains, find diamond head back. (this is the easyest way to avoid Reapers going to the mountains that I have found)
Build Laser cutter bring Fire Extinguisher and welder, head to front of Aurora but be careful, make way into the aurora and to Admin (?) room for keycode.
Use the enviroment to jump over the boxes, enter code and have fun avoiding the Bleeders ^^
Maybe you should consider in that things like Propulsion Gun were never needed before. So people like me playing this game since times where we couldn`t even grow plants (means quite a long time) just tried out things like that, and then put it in the "no use locker". Lately the Devs keep reorganising the game giving things like the P-Gun a meaning/use. That ain`t bad, but leads to confusion.
Btw: Got the Modding station now thanks to the help here.
As for the Prawl, the suit kinda sucks. It`s nice to drill with him but YUCK, moving with it while using many beacons to easy navigate to places make me sick due to the constant up and down movement of the beacon signs. In addition it gets worse by jumping down from something since the Terrain and object loading is quite slow and if you even slightly bump into something that suit starts circling away from where you went. Good thing I always use the compass or I wouldn`t be able to move straight with that thing. :-/
BUT, I like the potential it has.
Edit: Yes, I know terraforming gets moved out the the game because saving that environment takes up to much save space, but really? The Exosuit can NOT DRILL HOLES? W T F
There are places in the aurora you can't get to without a propulsion cannon. You may be able to circumvent that first blockage, but there are others that don't have a platform to jump from.
I have been everywhere in the Aurora without ever using the Prop Cannon, there are ways to jump past stuff/debris like using boxes and parts of the environment to get past (balancing on the hand rail is a personal favorite of mine). People just need to have patience and persevere when trying things out imo
Enter from the main entrance. Broken side on the left and walk up. At some point you get to a place where you need to walk over some metal things to continue. From there you reach the door. On one side is the room on fire with a pda which has a code for the door. On the other side you get the ramp downward. Either jump on the big box and run + jump on the debris or dont go down the ramp and instead on the broken bids at the side and then jump down on the debris. From there you reach the door where you already found the code in the first room.
When going back you can just jump on the debris to get out.