Bucharest, Romania Join Date: 2015-11-08 Member: 209102Members

So, after the last update, the game got SOOO messed up....Sandstone is VERY hard to find, I had to kill 3 stalkers right bellow my pod (in SAFE shallows) and I have 6 gasopods near it. Cherry on top, the Lifepod moved about 100 meters instantly, turned my head and it was gone...and I just built a small base near it for storage. Now I need to swim all the way to the lifepod for food/water cause I really can't find 3 silver to make the fabricator. This sux.
Here's the thing... none of those are new, though the lifepod "teleportation" should be rarer now, AFAIK it is still a bug. Used to be it would "teleport" way off the map, not just a few meters, though.
Stalkers under your pod? Happens all the time. Surrounded by way too many gasopods? I've been complaining about that since the Machine update. One of the devs told me I was exaggerating. Obviously they don't play the game or just don't mind getting gassed to death every dozen meters or so in the "increasingly-unsafe-yet-we-call-it-safe" zone. Sandstone hard to find? Have you even played this game before? If it was any harder to find it would be missing entirely.
On that score, though, there are specific spots that always have sandstone (Big Green Tube middle cave-behind-the-boulder-you-can-squeeze-behind, and the two thermal vents in the Safe Shallows). Even with the screwy drop rate you should be able to get 4 silver to make a builder and fabricator. The vents are a long swim apart though. The not-so-full-of-creepvine-but-still-green-grassy Kelp Forest area overlooking the Grand Reef where it meets both the Sparse Reef and Grassy Plateau is also a near-Stalker-less place to find sandstone in the crevices and canyons of that cliff edge. Just follow the border between Grassy Plateau and Sparse Reef due south and you'll hit it.
In general, sandstone is still an unbalanced mess, but that's over the whole game. If you have played before and know where to look, though, it shouldn't be a problem at the beginning for making the first fabricator, at least.
I started a new game today and I've had no problem finding sandstone, it's absolutely everywhere, and after an hour of playing I've got more than enough silver stored already.
And YES, I played this game before
Concerning this though I would like to have a room or wall-mounted mechanism where I can manage my signals and beacons. Right now I have about ten beacons out and the HUD is getting quite cluttered. Also I have two signals still going, while I have another six in my lockers. Another five got lost in my Cyclops. If I had a way to store them in my PDA or a mechanism this would really be a feature and would open up great possibilities.
For example you could have 5 beacons on the way down to the LZ and LR to guide you through narrow passages. But of course you do not need that all the time. So why not turn them off as you will?
It seems like a strange move to take what is one of the most common issues with the game, the limited amount of silver, and making it even scarcer by removing it from the grassy plateau. Why would they do that?
You can find some in the kelp forests, make sure to look for cares. Be careful of the hanging vines (those purple jellyfish looking things), they do less damage than before but they are glitched. You can't swim around them anymore (sometimes) they form a solid invisible wall that blocks you off from getting further. It can keep you from getting to what little sandstone you can find sometimes.
All these large nodes to drill do nothing for a beginner. They can't even reach the sea treaders if they don't find a way to cheat into the depths to find the vehicle mod station so they can build a pressure compensater.
It is possible to unlock the prawn pretty quickly, but only if you know exactly what items you need and where to get them admittedly. I will admit that silver is a bit obnoxious to find. Maybe a few other ideas might work. Remove gold from the drop table for Sandstone? That would help a lot and at the moment gold isn't used for much in the early game. Advanced wiring kits aren't need for much. Moonpools.. but gold can be found in basalt as well and you could simply get some from there. In fact, there's basalt all over the place near the wreck that the moonpool frags are located.
Alternatively maybe the player should be able to craft a weaker, portable hand drill to mine nodes with earlier in the game? It could potentially still use diamonds in the recipe to keep it from being TOO easily accessible. The drill on the PRAWN would still be useful as it allows you to safely harvest in more hostile territory without worrying about being completely immobile while drilling.
Just some thoughts.
I just searched the aurora and the only beacon was the signal to where the precusor gun is going to be. If the mountain is in there, it must be in the section you can't reach without the propulsion gun (technically both, pretty sure jumping over it is an exploit) or is behind the door you need the laser cutter for.
You know, the laser cutter that you need a diamond to make, the one that is easily found on the mountain if you know where it is.
you see the conundrum loop here? You need the laser or other late tech item to get the beacon to lead you do the laser. It doesn't work practically.
Also doesn't change the fact that we need an exploit to get the data in the first place.
That's no excuse for glaring balance issues, to a point in this update you could call them roadblocks, brick walls, or game-breaking balance issues, in a game they obviously intend for us to playtest. Kind of hard to do that if you have to cheat to play because all the fragments are too deep, too well guarded, require their own tech to get to, don't spawn due to flawed RNG, or can't be made even if you get the blueprint because one or more resources is unobtainable.
You'd be right if you weren't completely wrong.
Are you even reading the posts from people playing the Prawn update? Everybody who hasn't spawned in their "magic suit" to play around with it or converted an old save is saying some or all of those things. This update is as fundamentally game-breaking as anything I've yet to see in Subnautica.
And the ones that did convert an old save have lost their Cyclopses, so there's that. I'm starting to associate that kind of lose / lose mentality with Subnautica, honestly, given that there aren't gameplay solutions for many of the game's "problems" (that is, hungry sharks), which is why you constantly get new people complaining about the same things:
Where's silver? I can't find any.
Where's [fragment x]? I can't find any.
How do you kill [hostile thing very effectively stopping your game in its tracks]?
What do you mean there aren't going to be any weapons?
The ideas in this game are awesome, but the attention to balance has been atrocious, which is why you keep seeing these patterns. And the Devs just decide to make it 100x worse by upping shark aggressiveness, numbers, & persistence, AGAIN, and then locking all the fragments behind an army of them or at depths you can't hope to get to without the tech they unlock, even the very simple early stuff like chargers, rooms, and aquariums? You can't possibly defend that, it's moronic.
You're just wrong. I myself am playing on a new save, and the fragments are easy to find. Especially when you repair the pod and start getting directed to other pods and wreck locations. There's nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can't scan because it's too deep. I now have my Seamoth and I've not needed more than the Seaglide for getting down to one wreck near lifepod 17. And even then it wasn't necessary, it just saved me time going up and down.
And I've never, ever used the console.
Why would anyone think an old save would be compatible with an update? Is this the very first game these people have ever played?
Then your game must be legitimately bugged. Do a fresh reinstallation because silver is genuinely, honestly, not hard to find. It's still everywhere, it's still far too common.
Then your game must be legitimately bugged. Do a fresh reinstallation because fragments are genuinely, honestly, not hard to find. They're still everywhere, and never in impossible places.
This old discussion again? Haven't you paid attention to a single thing the devs have said since the beginning of the development of the game, so long ago? You're not getting any weapons, they don't want weapons, you're not supposed to kill everything hostile because that makes the game repetitive and unoriginal and really bloody boring. You're supposed to avoid dangers, outwit them, not blast them. Go and play something else if you think the only solution to a threat is to open fire like some kind of testosterone fuelled high school meat-head.
I can and will defend it. Again, you are simply wrong. Fragments are within easy reach, your game must be broken. Seriously consider doing a fresh installation because it's like you're playing a completely different game.
What the game needs now is a portable drill tool that works like the drill arm but doesn't require an exosuit to use.
For any balance issues, missing stuff, etc, people need to effing remember it's an early access game. If the problem you encounter is indeed a bug, and not just simply more difficult gameplay design you are too lazy to deal with, then report it as a bug instead of running to the forums to cry and demand changes to suit your simplistic needs.
The point of us playing the early version of the game is to help the devs balance everything out, we have no right to expect a complete and flawless gameplay at this point.
Wait, there's actually something on the Mountain Island other than an excess of lithium? I guess that means I'm not very good at exploring it's network of caves.
It's not in there yet, but what I can tell you is that there is some sure room for it
It is if you say, to read here about such problems, is the feeling others played a totally different game.
Weapons? For what would we need weapons? If a sandshark is chasing after me, i don't need to kill him i can avoid them...
Even with the others like Bonesharks or our beloved (^^) stalkers. If you want a game, where you can
kill everything on sight, just play another Game.
And all that complaining and whining about the bugs and so on... others sayed before and i say it again, it is still EARLY ACCESS,
what means it is not 100% ready yet. Did some of you read that point over? There are working on it, so if you find a bug or something else
just report that bug, so you can help, to find the bugs etc better.
You have encountered an obvious bug, it has nothing to do with other complaints. That said, you are playing an early access game, so I see no issue whatsoever. If you expected flawless performance from an early access game, you are doing it wrong. Just report it and deal with it, it's not something that will be present in the finished game, obviously.
Way back when I suggested a new tab on your PDA that would work kind of like the Radio tab in Fallout 4's PipBoy -- you could "tune into" whichever beacon or signal you wanted and that would be the only visible one in the HUD (along with the standard seamoth and cyclops ones). Or maybe you could checkmark several in a scrolling list so that you could have a few show up in the HUD, but not all of them.