When you guys do the next one when ever that it ^^ i hope you add a part where having 800 power ratimg but only using the amount of 3 solar panels can be achieved since i dont turn on the reactor so full use of power rating please
Stability and playability are most important. This version has bugs yes but most can be managed and I'd much rather see they take their time and produce an update they are proud to release. Rushing the developers will result in sour feels and more bugs to squash. Please take all the time you need to make my favorite game even better
To be honest i'm quite impatient for a hotfix too... I used to play a lot before the update broke almost every aspect of the game, now if I want to progress in survival to try the new toys, I can't do that without constantly restarting and reinstalling (!) the game. I reported all the bugs I could find in the repeated few first hours of gameplay, then tried getting further with console cheats, but even those are bugged out now (blueprint bug requires reinstall or new game as far I know). So I gave up for now, and I envy the PC version owners...
To be honest i'm quite impatient for a hotfix too... I used to play a lot before the update broke almost every aspect of the game, now if I want to progress in survival to try the new toys, I can't do that without constantly restarting and reinstalling (!) the game. I reported all the bugs I could find in the repeated few first hours of gameplay, then tried getting further with console cheats, but even those are bugged out now (blueprint bug requires reinstall or new game as far I know). So I gave up for now, and I envy the PC version owners...
It is quite annoying, but at the same time: I don't really blame the people at Unknown Worlds for having a hard time with their first console game release. Unfortunately for us, we have to wait until a patch is verified through microsoft. I'll stick around and see where Subnautica will go for the Xbox One.
Until then, I'll hold off on a serious survival playthrough and play Elite:Dangerous, or something else, in the meantime.
I have 16 hours in survival with all my blueprints still intact and i havent had to unistall and reinstall once. The secret is to save and close the game from the dashboard. DO NOT use the pause menu to quit the game. Just straight up close the game after you save then start it up again. As soon as you hit "quit" and then "yes" in the pause menu the game will forget your key bindings and blueprints. Closing the game from the dashboard prevents the game from doing whatever its doing to forget everything.
You know Ive posted this advice a few times throughout multiple threads, a little reading can go a long way.
You know Ive posted this advice a few times throughout multiple threads, a little reading can go a long way.
Don't go assuming I haven't done my due diligence It still doesn't change what I think about the current state of the game, and especially about the quality of the "update" for the Xbox One version.
I'm the kind of guy that goes reading up on forums and reporting the issues he encounters, I don't just whine and want a perfect game, I know I agreed to being part of the Preview.
But think of what kind of impression SN makes on somebody that is playing the current hour long demo on Xbox One, I certainly wouldn't have bought it in this state. The update made things a lot worse.
I know there are workarounds for bugs. But when the workarounds for the workarounds stop working because you're using a function as intended, you can't blame people for giving up and rather begging for an update.
Not trying to be inflammatory or anything, I agree that UW are very cool and communicative devs, and that the game has a metric ton of potential, I just think it's not uncalled for to call a broken version broken.
how about say in need of fine tuning mk2? sounds nicer and less like being mean just to help you with your case because if it was "broken" then wouldn't be able to play it at all lol
because if it was "broken" then wouldn't be able to play it at all lol
I agree With MK2. I also agreed to the preview program and bought the game TWICE on PC and Xbox One, but the state the game is in currently is unacceptable. I also understand this is their first console port but the bugs and utter impossible playing if the game begs to question if they even have a console to test it out on or are they simply creating code that "should" work with the console hardware and hoping for the best? I mean theres no way if they play their own game on console that this last patch would have even been submitted for cert as thye would have immediately seen the bugs on their own console version. I would also like to see a little bit more Dev response on the forums, alot of people say that it would take time away from them "fixing the bugs" but in all honesty creating a new thread and just letting us know they are still with us wont kill the project and would definitely help the image of their company as im sure alot of people will are not too happy right now. Lastly "broken" maybe doesnt exactly meet the definition your using. My truck could "break" and be completely unusable but I could still go outside and start it, that doesnt mean its not broken. this game has so much potential I think alot of the frustration is stemming from is that we want to get into exploring and actually get into the game, I for one am very excited for the future of the game, but as it is for game releases so it is for situations like this, time is a huge factor and poeple will quickly lose interest in something if things arent fixed.
@Infinityx1 pretty much already hit the nail straight on its head with a hammer. I don't think that calling a spade a spade is a mean or bad thing, please don't ask me where all those toolshed similitudes just came from...
A LOT - if not most - of our current version of SN is broken. There are very old, very well documented bugs that are mixing with new ones, and because of this, workarounds for them stopped being useful completely, or require constant save resets, game restarts and up to total reinstalls. Combine that with age long load times, plus the stuttering, and trying to get the game running is an exercise in patience, superstition and sometimes a good portion of praying.
While this is the current state of affairs, UW says that they won't be rushed into releasing a hotfix, because they want to make sure it's just right, and while I appreciate this sentiment, that's exactly what they said about the update in general, and look at the mess we ended up with anyway. I have a feeling that another two months will pass, we will get a content update, and that the game will still be as broken, if not more, because of the stop and go whack-a-bug style development that UW does NOT seem to be willing or able to practice with the Xbox One version of the game.
As a Preview user I'd rather have a lot of smaller updates and hotfixes, even bi-weekly, Microsoft verification be damned, EVEN if new bugs risk being introduced into the build while trying to fix old ones, RATHER than being stuck with a broken shell of what the PC version looks like, which by the way, is positively terriffic. But no, we get rather blatantly obvious bugs in releases, noticeable after just an odd hour of casually poking at the systems the game has to offer, in an update that was awaited for, and put off, already a long time.
In conclusion...
1) Microsoft certification is not very good at what it does, for being as clunky as it is.
2) UW are chewing at much more than they can swallow, with developing for two platforms.
3) UW needs way better and rigorous internal testing, IF they really care about quality updates.
4) I have already given them my money and enthusiasm, it's up to them not to squander it.
5) Issues get solved by raising them to attention, not by molly-coddling those responsible and hoping for the best.
6) I will come back to SN as soon either the hotfix or next update hits, because, as we probably all agree, the potential of this game, and its dev team, is through the roof.
for the devs i bet they feel crappy enough that most of the xbox time is spent on patches and not add-ons but thats what i think because that would hurt like hell to the pride
As Obraxis stated, we are hard at work on getting an Xbox specific update out that will fix many of the big issues people are reporting. Meanwhile, we are also working very hard on the next BIG content update, which will be for both Xbox and PC. So, we are having to balance our time between working on the Xbox only bug fix update, and the content update for both platforms.
We are bringing someone in to work in the office specifically to QA the Xbox version of the game, something we've never done before, so we are definitely serious about supporting Xbox going forward.
@Infinityx1 pretty much already hit the nail straight on its head with a hammer. I don't think that calling a spade a spade is a mean or bad thing, please don't ask me where all those toolshed similitudes just came from...
A LOT - if not most - of our current version of SN is broken. There are very old, very well documented bugs that are mixing with new ones, and because of this, workarounds for them stopped being useful completely, or require constant save resets, game restarts and up to total reinstalls. Combine that with age long load times, plus the stuttering, and trying to get the game running is an exercise in patience, superstition and sometimes a good portion of praying.
While this is the current state of affairs, UW says that they won't be rushed into releasing a hotfix, because they want to make sure it's just right, and while I appreciate this sentiment, that's exactly what they said about the update in general, and look at the mess we ended up with anyway. I have a feeling that another two months will pass, we will get a content update, and that the game will still be as broken, if not more, because of the stop and go whack-a-bug style development that UW does NOT seem to be willing or able to practice with the Xbox One version of the game.
As a Preview user I'd rather have a lot of smaller updates and hotfixes, even bi-weekly, Microsoft verification be damned, EVEN if new bugs risk being introduced into the build while trying to fix old ones, RATHER than being stuck with a broken shell of what the PC version looks like, which by the way, is positively terriffic. But no, we get rather blatantly obvious bugs in releases, noticeable after just an odd hour of casually poking at the systems the game has to offer, in an update that was awaited for, and put off, already a long time.
In conclusion...
1) Microsoft certification is not very good at what it does, for being as clunky as it is.
2) UW are chewing at much more than they can swallow, with developing for two platforms.
3) UW needs way better and rigorous internal testing, IF they really care about quality updates.
4) I have already given them my money and enthusiasm, it's up to them not to squander it.
5) Issues get solved by raising them to attention, not by molly-coddling those responsible and hoping for the best.
6) I will come back to SN as soon either the hotfix or next update hits, because, as we probably all agree, the potential of this game, and its dev team, is through the roof.
Maybe the update's the way it is because we live in a world of give it to me now, can't for 30 seconds to load, "where's my update devs", "if I have to wait a month to play a game thats not even fully released yet, then I quit and no ones going to keep interest for long", "oh and I want a new model of the same phone every six months no matter the cost" kind of world. Apparently patience is not a virtue that many people hold dear today! I agree that we shouldn't coddle the devs, CONSRUCTIVE criticism is good in any buisiness. At the same time I don't think we should trash the devs or Microsoft for an issue our own impatience is probably partiallly to blame. Also constantly comparing Xbox builds to PCs and being frustrated PC is much smoother running, then blaming the devs and accussing them of just not caring about Xbox, is in my opinion an unfair assessment. Xbox One cost $299.00 where as a good gaming PC can be $1,000.00 or more. Whats that saying " you get what you pay for". PCs RAMs are usually alot better, it doesn't surprise me their version is currently running smoother. Not saying anything bad about Xbox One, it's awesome and enables me to play PC type games I couldn't otherwise afford. This also doesn't mean the console version won't run as smooth eventually, might take a little more time though ( not for lack of caring by the devs, rather the diffence of a platform that till now they've never worked with ) As for the game losing steam for console players ( pardon the pun ) I don't care how long it takes the devs, I personally couldn't lose interest. The game is far to unique for that and stands alone. I'm sorry if this message comes off as rude or insulting to any one. That's not my intention. Just trying to put things in perspective.
Agreed a hotfix is needed. But i'm willing to wait and let the devs work their magic. Please don't rush the hotfix, afterall there are hundreds of other games to choose from while we wait.
Ex 1. Blueprint cyclopsblueprint
Ex 2. Blueprint seaglideblueprint
Ex 3. Blueprint mobilevehiclebayblueprint
but the brain sound isn't foxed yet. hope this helped though!
thank you
It is quite annoying, but at the same time: I don't really blame the people at Unknown Worlds for having a hard time with their first console game release. Unfortunately for us, we have to wait until a patch is verified through microsoft. I'll stick around and see where Subnautica will go for the Xbox One.
Until then, I'll hold off on a serious survival playthrough and play Elite:Dangerous, or something else, in the meantime.
You know Ive posted this advice a few times throughout multiple threads, a little reading can go a long way.
Don't go assuming I haven't done my due diligence
I'm the kind of guy that goes reading up on forums and reporting the issues he encounters, I don't just whine and want a perfect game, I know I agreed to being part of the Preview.
But think of what kind of impression SN makes on somebody that is playing the current hour long demo on Xbox One, I certainly wouldn't have bought it in this state. The update made things a lot worse.
I know there are workarounds for bugs. But when the workarounds for the workarounds stop working because you're using a function as intended, you can't blame people for giving up and rather begging for an update.
Not trying to be inflammatory or anything, I agree that UW are very cool and communicative devs, and that the game has a metric ton of potential, I just think it's not uncalled for to call a broken version broken.
I agree With MK2. I also agreed to the preview program and bought the game TWICE on PC and Xbox One, but the state the game is in currently is unacceptable. I also understand this is their first console port but the bugs and utter impossible playing if the game begs to question if they even have a console to test it out on or are they simply creating code that "should" work with the console hardware and hoping for the best? I mean theres no way if they play their own game on console that this last patch would have even been submitted for cert as thye would have immediately seen the bugs on their own console version. I would also like to see a little bit more Dev response on the forums, alot of people say that it would take time away from them "fixing the bugs" but in all honesty creating a new thread and just letting us know they are still with us wont kill the project and would definitely help the image of their company as im sure alot of people will are not too happy right now. Lastly "broken" maybe doesnt exactly meet the definition your using. My truck could "break" and be completely unusable but I could still go outside and start it, that doesnt mean its not broken. this game has so much potential I think alot of the frustration is stemming from is that we want to get into exploring and actually get into the game, I for one am very excited for the future of the game, but as it is for game releases so it is for situations like this, time is a huge factor and poeple will quickly lose interest in something if things arent fixed.
A LOT - if not most - of our current version of SN is broken. There are very old, very well documented bugs that are mixing with new ones, and because of this, workarounds for them stopped being useful completely, or require constant save resets, game restarts and up to total reinstalls. Combine that with age long load times, plus the stuttering, and trying to get the game running is an exercise in patience, superstition and sometimes a good portion of praying.
While this is the current state of affairs, UW says that they won't be rushed into releasing a hotfix, because they want to make sure it's just right, and while I appreciate this sentiment, that's exactly what they said about the update in general, and look at the mess we ended up with anyway. I have a feeling that another two months will pass, we will get a content update, and that the game will still be as broken, if not more, because of the stop and go whack-a-bug style development that UW does NOT seem to be willing or able to practice with the Xbox One version of the game.
As a Preview user I'd rather have a lot of smaller updates and hotfixes, even bi-weekly, Microsoft verification be damned, EVEN if new bugs risk being introduced into the build while trying to fix old ones, RATHER than being stuck with a broken shell of what the PC version looks like, which by the way, is positively terriffic. But no, we get rather blatantly obvious bugs in releases, noticeable after just an odd hour of casually poking at the systems the game has to offer, in an update that was awaited for, and put off, already a long time.
In conclusion...
1) Microsoft certification is not very good at what it does, for being as clunky as it is.
2) UW are chewing at much more than they can swallow, with developing for two platforms.
3) UW needs way better and rigorous internal testing, IF they really care about quality updates.
4) I have already given them my money and enthusiasm, it's up to them not to squander it.
5) Issues get solved by raising them to attention, not by molly-coddling those responsible and hoping for the best.
6) I will come back to SN as soon either the hotfix or next update hits, because, as we probably all agree, the potential of this game, and its dev team, is through the roof.
We are bringing someone in to work in the office specifically to QA the Xbox version of the game, something we've never done before, so we are definitely serious about supporting Xbox going forward.
Maybe the update's the way it is because we live in a world of give it to me now, can't for 30 seconds to load, "where's my update devs", "if I have to wait a month to play a game thats not even fully released yet, then I quit and no ones going to keep interest for long", "oh and I want a new model of the same phone every six months no matter the cost" kind of world. Apparently patience is not a virtue that many people hold dear today!