no crabsquid no reaper no sea tredders no crabsnakes and more i want to live with crabsquids and build my base near then as they are AMAZING DEVS please fix this as they really need to be in the game
@coldsteellegg I have the crabsquid spawn naturally in my game. I dont often see them in their intended biome but I have tons near the volcanic islands (north of safe area) and they chase me just fine
@coldsteellegg I have the crabsquid spawn naturally in my game. I dont often see them in their intended biome but I have tons near the volcanic islands (north of safe area) and they chase me just fine
did you redownload the game when you got the hot fix as i have a save with everything but no beasts if i undownload and then download the game again will they then spawn into my save i have
yes i did @coldsteellegg. Not at first because my old save file converted rather well but after seeing 1/2 of the blueprints missing I have had to reinstall every time I like to play. Just delete the game itself and redownload you should still have your saves as I have to do this often. Have even heard of a few players now meeting the reaper naturally so it is possible and terrifying from the sounds of it.
Hmm. I havent met Reapers or Reefbacks at all. Not where they should be. And I have been to the grand reef, floater islands, the big floating island, grassy plateu, by the Aurora wreck etc. Nothing. I do have encountered ampeels, bone and sand sharks.
Cant speak for the really deep sea creatures like crabsnakes though.
I will try to redownload a bit later. For now its kinda tempting to exploit the fact that no Reapers hamper my resource gathering But that kinda dents the immersion, fear and experience a bit..
Hmm. I havent met Reapers or Reefbacks at all. Not where they should be. And I have been to the grand reef, floater islands, the big floating island, grassy plateu, by the Aurora wreck etc. Nothing. I do have encountered ampeels, bone and sand sharks.
Cant speak for the really deep sea creatures like crabsnakes though.
I will try to redownload a bit later. For now its kinda tempting to exploit the fact that no Reapers hamper my resource gathering But that kinda dents the immersion, fear and experience a bit..
I've run into a reaper near the Aurora. Scared the hell out of me. :P
The Reapers are definitely there. I run into them fairly consistently near the aurora. Right near where the aurora zone ends and the mushroom starts (towards the front of the aurora). I ran into two at once as well. I have videos on my xbox but I don't know how to share them here.
They are also extremely dangerous and sneak up on you, be glad you don't run into too many yet!
I can confirm Reapers at least are out there! I just my first run in with a natural spawned reaper and it popped me out of my seamoth in two attacks. Barely make it to the seafloor for some cover with %20 health remaining. Luckily I had large air storage on hand and was able to sneak away only loosing my seamoth. If you like to find one take a trip from the safe shallows to the nose of the Aurora and back at night in a seamoth.
Last time I played the game was a couple of days ago. I had not uninstalled/reinstalled the game, but here are my observations anyway. I have definitely seen the crabsquids, no doupt about that. The reapers and sea treaders, I couldn't find them. I didn't see any crabsnakes either, but that's mostly because I didn't see any jellyshrooms (well I have, but not very much, all quite small, and also close to the abandoned base). There is also no bloodvines at all, no giant floaters under the floating island(s) except the ones in the 2nd blood kelp zone, and no floating stones in the normal grand reef.
These are just my observations from two days ago, and I won't be able to get back to the game for another 2 weeks as I'm on holiday. Hope this helped anyway.
Have you guys tried deleting the game and reinstalling (NOT deleting your save file, just the game itself).
I am hardly having sound issues after doing this, the only thing that's still bad is the blueprint glitch, and the frame rate inside of the cyclops. Other than that things are going fairly well for me now, all these monsters are there, the jelly shroom biome is there, as is the blood kelp zone, in fact there's a new blood kelp zone now too.
I've deleted and reinstalled my game 7 times in the span of 3 days due to bugs, the only aggressive creatures that spawn naturally in the game anymore for me since the hotfix are Stalkers, Bone Sharks and Sand Sharks. I can confirm the Reaper was in my game before the hotfix because I purposefully went in search of him so I can confirm reinstalling my game won't fix the creatures spawning naturally for me at this point.
Seems to me that we need to start sharing screen shots and clips. Being able to confirm that the creatures are spawning for everyone or not will help the Devs narrow this bug down. Personally i dont think ive seen anything new yet but im not going out and looking either, just playing at my own pace. I havent seen a reaper yet though but i dont know if they appear in the areas ive been to or at what depth. ive been to the under water islands and mushroom tree biomes. Ive circled the Aurora once and didnt see any but i wasnt deep either if that makes a difference. If they really arent bugged at all then they prolly arent loading in with any sort of quickness. I noticed a few times stufff loading in right in front of me after a few seconds like nodes and small fish. Heck ive seen sand sharks vanish in mid air. Mid water i mean.
I just want to clarify that I'm not calling anyone here a liar or being hostile, for all we know there could be a glitch resulting in creatures not spawning, I have no idea. I more so posted those to show that they are definitely spawning for me.
Also that Crab Squid scared the hell out of me, I was just looking around not causing trouble haha
Im not calling anyone a liar either. We cleary had a issue of knowing if these creatures spawned naturaly or not. I didnt know but was starting to think not because i never saw a reaper even when i went to the Aurora and circled the entire ship. But thanks to you we now they do in fact spawn and that im not ready for that fps lol. Anyways this tells us one of 2 things:
1) The creatures are bugged for some people (which at this point after they've unistalled and reinstalled multiple times and i assume deleted all other data associated with Subnautica to get fresh installs i just cant understand. data shouldnt get corruped over and over again for specific people.)
2) The spawns need to be turned up/sped up
Oh and if you havent already, stop playing on creative and freedom after a fresh install. just dont do it, please.
Im playing on Survival
Have reinstalled at least twice. Not deleted the SN and profile saves (I did do that after the hotfix before starting a new game)
No reapers, no reefback and I guess no crabsquids or crabsnakes, the two last I havent checked if are there yet.
BUT. What I have noticed are whitish spike objects that looks like the power transmitters just narrower (which can also be detected by sonar) around the Aurora. My guess its the spawn points for the Reaper Leviathans at least.
Also still considerable lagging and FPS drop when moving around in the Cyclops, Im sure it because I have quite a few things going on in my base as well, like 4 bioreactors, water filtration system and so on. I removed the spotlights and solar panels to see if the FPS got better. But not much difference at all.
Oh.... well i have been thinking about it. I will lose alot of progress, but if it has to be done, so be it. Or I could wait for the next update, if that dosent fix it then I will do it.
Oh.... well i have been thinking about it. I will lose alot of progress, but if it has to be done, so be it. Or I could wait for the next update, if that dosent fix it then I will do it.
Im in the same dilemma, I've put well over 72 hours in on my old save, upgraded it with the update and now getting all usual bugs but no reapers, seen a crab squid tho, so don't really want to start again unless I really have to.
So I'm thinking just put up with bugs and wait and see if the next update fixed it.
Oh.... well i have been thinking about it. I will lose alot of progress, but if it has to be done, so be it. Or I could wait for the next update, if that dosent fix it then I will do it.
I didn't have to, I'm using my original survival save game...Though it seems that it's another random issue with the patch some people get the spawns, some don't. I would wait for a dev answer before deleting your save though. Or if you do, use the dev cheats to get back to where you were before erasing it. It will speed things up considerably.
Just wanted to add my observations of my experience so far on missing fauna,
I have been playing subnautica (xbox only) since about a week before it had its first update. Before the update I had not ventured very far or deep, but since then I have seen all biomes (I think) and can confirm I have some fauna that is definitely not spawning correctly (at all) including reapers, crabsquids, sea treaders, crabsnakes even reefbacks. I still here reefbacks but can't ever see them, but definitely did see them prior to update. Everything else seems perfect in my opinion (all bar the brain coral bubbling sound and my modification station at 100% but can't build).
I have deleted my local save data, uninstalled/reinstalled the game, tried on all game modes but still the same minor problems, hope this helps in some way. Thanks
Can you try uninstalling Subnautica and re-installing? It seems sometimes the update procedure may cause some issues with some files.
so if i do that and reload up my save i have will they spawn
did you redownload the game when you got the hot fix as i have a save with everything but no beasts if i undownload and then download the game again will they then spawn into my save i have
Cant speak for the really deep sea creatures like crabsnakes though.
I will try to redownload a bit later. For now its kinda tempting to exploit the fact that no Reapers hamper my resource gathering
I've run into a reaper near the Aurora. Scared the hell out of me. :P
They are also extremely dangerous and sneak up on you, be glad you don't run into too many yet!
These are just my observations from two days ago, and I won't be able to get back to the game for another 2 weeks as I'm on holiday. Hope this helped anyway.
I am hardly having sound issues after doing this, the only thing that's still bad is the blueprint glitch, and the frame rate inside of the cyclops. Other than that things are going fairly well for me now, all these monsters are there, the jelly shroom biome is there, as is the blood kelp zone, in fact there's a new blood kelp zone now too. Guardian/video/19566196
and Crabsquid: Guardian/video/19566237
Also that Crab Squid scared the hell out of me, I was just looking around not causing trouble haha
1) The creatures are bugged for some people (which at this point after they've unistalled and reinstalled multiple times and i assume deleted all other data associated with Subnautica to get fresh installs i just cant understand. data shouldnt get corruped over and over again for specific people.)
2) The spawns need to be turned up/sped up
Oh and if you havent already, stop playing on creative and freedom after a fresh install. just dont do it, please.
Have reinstalled at least twice. Not deleted the SN and profile saves (I did do that after the hotfix before starting a new game)
No reapers, no reefback and I guess no crabsquids or crabsnakes, the two last I havent checked if are there yet.
BUT. What I have noticed are whitish spike objects that looks like the power transmitters just narrower (which can also be detected by sonar) around the Aurora. My guess its the spawn points for the Reaper Leviathans at least.
Also still considerable lagging and FPS drop when moving around in the Cyclops, Im sure it because I have quite a few things going on in my base as well, like 4 bioreactors, water filtration system and so on. I removed the spotlights and solar panels to see if the FPS got better. But not much difference at all.
Im in the same dilemma, I've put well over 72 hours in on my old save, upgraded it with the update and now getting all usual bugs but no reapers, seen a crab squid tho, so don't really want to start again unless I really have to.
So I'm thinking just put up with bugs and wait and see if the next update fixed it.
I didn't have to, I'm using my original survival save game...Though it seems that it's another random issue with the patch some people get the spawns, some don't. I would wait for a dev answer before deleting your save though. Or if you do, use the dev cheats to get back to where you were before erasing it. It will speed things up considerably.
Why do you say that? is freedom mode more bugged or something?
I have been playing subnautica (xbox only) since about a week before it had its first update. Before the update I had not ventured very far or deep, but since then I have seen all biomes (I think) and can confirm I have some fauna that is definitely not spawning correctly (at all) including reapers, crabsquids, sea treaders, crabsnakes even reefbacks. I still here reefbacks but can't ever see them, but definitely did see them prior to update. Everything else seems perfect in my opinion (all bar the brain coral bubbling sound and my modification station at 100% but can't build).
I have deleted my local save data, uninstalled/reinstalled the game, tried on all game modes but still the same minor problems, hope this helps in some way. Thanks