Game Breaking Oculus Glitches
Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members

I have been recently playing in Subnautica VR and have come across game breaking glitches. I can not take anything from lockers of any kind and cannot put any items into any locker of any kind. I have also come across two more bugs. I cannot drop any eggs or anything for that matter and I cannot use the MVB (Mobile Vehicle Bay).
For the MVB, you have to switch to non-VR mode temporarily. You have to save and exit the game, close Oculus Home, stop ovrservice, and then run the game. If you bought it through Oculus, you can find the executable in the Oculus software folder.
-- Controller cannot be used to transfer items or really any right clicking functionality involving the UI (luckily if the controller is off I seem able to play mouse/keyboard which i prefer anyways) (still working if not in any UI element)
-- Graphical glitches when things are far in the distance (polygons exploding all over the place)
-- Cannot use mobile vehicle bay (seems related to the fact that all animations are removed in the VR version.. which I would prefer they actually re-add them)
-- Docking the seamoth in the moonpool results in you falling out of the seamoth and needing to walk around the bottom of the ocean to "enter" (read: exit) the base so you can enter it again. (This is also, it seems, related to the missing animation)
-- The slow walk of tedium when in a base (or outside of a base if you fall out of the seamoth when docking.) that seems exclusive to VR.
-- A frequent crash which locks up the game completely, it then cannot be launched until you cycle the Oculus runtime service.
-- I don't know if this is just VR but koosh plants you have growing are invisible until you stick your nose in them.. until they are fully grown.
When the Seamoth undocks from the Cyclops, it is teleported to the position (world position) it was in when it docked.
We've been improving the controller in general, not just for VR (which is why you dont see it on the trello boards).
Experimental Steam version should have a lot of these updates and fixes in for testing.
The right click controller inventory was fixed in Experimental last time I checked (thanks
--> Due to the removal (or lack of addition of) cutscenes in VR, the mobile vehicle bay, docking the seamoth, entering the seamoth from the moonpool.. are all broken in various ways. (Appearing above the moonpool, falling out of the base and having to walk on the ocean floor as if in the base, in imnability to use the vehicle bay at all for building subs)
--> The slow walking in base is tedious and extra annoying since bars drain just as fast, making navigating large bases an effort in tedium as you lose hunger and hydration walking down long corridors.
--> Graphical glitches when some objects are far away making polygons explode everywhere.
--> Hard crash that results in the game being unable to launch until you cycle the oculus runtime.
--> Unable to launch in non-VR mode unless you turn off oculus runtime.
These are all unrelated to the controller issues and it'd be nice to hear that you are aware of and working on these issues. This is, after all, for sale on the oculus store front despite being far from playable.
Yes, we're aware of all of these. We just need time to address them.
What are your computer specs? Everyone I've seen, including people with 980ti's have lag in this game (in VR). You may not notice it if because of Anti Time Warp, but I monitor the apps FPS and can tell when it gets sluggish.
And again, tell me your PC specs, because mine is pretty high end...
And removing the editable terrain is different than just editing it a lot to see if it slows you down. Devs state it will render in a completely different way, and that is why it will increase performance.
Anything else to say @entropical
->The walking speed! Oh the humanity please fix the walking speed in VR it’s SO painfully slow it makes doing anything inside/on land pointlessly tedious. The floating island...oh man sooo slow...
->With the new controller update the right thumbstick seems to stop working randomly, going into the control menus and back seems to unstick it.
->Thanks for fixing the mobile vehicle bay, but the subs are still mostly broken.
The spawning bug when docking the Seamoth to the Cyclops is still there. (spawning miles away back at first launch position)
->Docking the Seamoth to the Moonpool still causes you to fall to the seafloor and walk underwater.
(Side note if you drive the Seamoth really fast into the Moonpool you mostly end up in the water like normal)
->Entering the Seamoth your head is not on your shoulders, this happens 100% of the time. Guess you could do the reset, but it never seems to work for me.
->There are still graphical tearing bugs with the schools of fish, although much better now.
->The Seaglide is way too close to your face it makes you go cross-eyed.
->You can’t really see the reload charging menu very well or base integrity etc.
->Now when you go into submit bug mode you can see the menus, but you can’t use them.
->Lots of performance related issues, but I have seen most of these on the Trello boards already (Seamoth performance when going fast, bases causing slowdown issues etc.)
Did I mention the walking speed?