Your opinion on a release date?
ThatOnePlanetInSubnautica Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218320Members

What do you guys think if sub officially released in the next update? Do you think it would have enough content if they added MP to be a complete game? Or do you think it would a lot more bug fixes and content added before a release was to happen? I'm interested on what people think. I personally think the game needs a few more bug fixes and a bit more content to be released.
Has it been confirmed whether or not you'll be able to escape/be rescued from the island once the game is done? I've been playing the game pretty much since it came out. I just don't keep up with the updates. I like to play the updates in batches so i get a ton of new stuff at once.
Has it been confirmed whether or not you'll be able to escape/be rescued from the island once the game is done? I've been playing the game pretty much since it came out. I just don't keep up with the updates. I like to play the updates in batches so i get a ton of new stuff at once.
I think there's far more than "a few" multiplayer lovers ;P
However, no matter how large the demand for it is, they're extremely unlikely to implement any sort of MP functionality prior to a final release. They seem to have said that there's just too much to change to get MP to work properly - and not just "patch it in so another person can join" - but balancing and so forth. I doubt that MP will be just a switch to toggle on and let another person or two join in once it is added. They might scale up the map to accommodate that, so I could see "Subnautica: Multiplayer Edition" being a separate title entirely, while the "Classic Subnautica" is a solo experience, rather than just an option you enable when starting a new game.
We'll have to wait and see, but it almost certainly won't happen before the existing game is polished up and released.
I'm all for being able to play with a friend, but it's not going to happen any time soon.
As from that last point can be gathered, the addition of multiplayer changed a thing or two about the community at the cost of singleplayer fans. A second DS expansion was left semi-finished because Klei overestimated their ability to handle DST. I hope UW, if they'll follow the DST model, will also learn from its mistakes.
I was thinking something of the same thing. Don't add MP until the game is released. I want them to put it to it's full potential then release MP
#include std_heavy_sarcasm.h
Buy Subnautica, they said.
Enjoy the single-player, they said--which was half-arsed.
BUT, they said, the mainstay of the game is online-triple-factor-authenticated-PAY-to-get-TEH-GUNZ-and-WIN-microtransactions...
Let's not forget the clogged up, lagged up servers... full of cheating, swearing pwning idiots...
Or the fact that you can only install it three times before you have to buy a new copy.
And that each time you have to install it you need to phone up not only Microsoft, but also Obraxis to reactivate.
#drop std_heavy_sarcasm.h
I just... there's all this CRAP to do with gaming and Windows-Computing that I HATE. Just needed to vent.
Totally agree with coranth. There are lots of mp games, even games that don't work well solo. I for one am glad that the devs aren't doing more of the same. If they do mp as a stand alone after the solo is finished that is in my opinion absolutely the right way to approach mp in SN.
As for releasing, it's not happening in the next update. Release is supposed to be sometime in August which could be the last day of August. Personally I hope they push it back so it's not close to the delayed release of No Man's Sky...or perhaps NMS will get pushed back again in which case that poor dev will likely have to go into federal witness protection...
You own your server and you can rent one if you need.
Sub is a game you can play solo but you can have very fun moment in game with few friends in private server.
With MP you can build hudge base, do silly thing, etc...
Try some race, red line project, etc...
Mp add moments, solo is more contenplative imo [I like both but i will clearly play more in MP than in solo
Seriously? Subnautica would be worth 5 whole dollars? Yeah. Ok.
This game has made me appreciate what it takes to craft something like this. I am ashamed that I got it on sale and only paid $12. I have since gifted copies to others at full price. Personally I have ALREADY gotten many times my money's worth of enjoyment.
Couldn't agree more! Been playing this game for a year now and its been going to the right direction with every update. Gifting copies is a good idea! I think I'll gift some for my friends on their upcoming birthdays.
Spread the love!
What does it matter to us when the official release happen? We still get to play the game as the devs updates it (roughly monthly for stable version, couple times daily for exp version)
I play the Experimental version and the game gets updated/fixed roughly twice daily! If it stay in EA for another year it wouldnt impact me much, if at all.
Sure, we all want to play Subnautica free of bugs ASAP but keeping in mind that its a small team of Devs that works on it i (and tons of others as well) definitely want them to take all the time in the world they need to make it good as well as much Bug-free as possible before official release.
If someone could enlighten me with knowledge as for why its a big issue, id be happy to know
So the way i play now is in experimental, just to spawn in the new toys, relax, do a little swimming around...I'm holding back because I don't want to see too much before the release, which I am eagerly awaiting. Having said that I would of course be disappointed if they pushed it back...HOWEVER I would get over it, especially if it meant more fantastic new things in a game that has ALREADY blown me away! Getting over life's little disappointments is one of those sucky real life adult things...
Besides, it's not like I don't have 294 other things in my Steam library to play...actually right now I put my toe in the water of sn then go play Salt...
i do get what youre saying. I really dont mind restarting from scratch after a big update but i can understand how someone would be pissed to start all over after ... lets say, building a humongous Base, because the savegame is too old and needs upgrading.
About this specific issue however, theres somewhat of a workaround to keep your preffered savegame AND still beneficiate from newly added terrain/features in a new update. This workaround is described in great details by IGP in his video that one can find right HERE
Also, im not 100% sure on this, but im pretty sure that even after official release, they'll continue to release some updates cuz if you look at the Trello Roadmap they still got stuff planned for after the official release. So, even after official release theres good possibilities we'll still have more to come i.e either small updates or even whole expansions. Granted, theyll come more sporadicly than in Early Access probably tho