Vehicle Ideas
Great Britain, Hextable Join Date: 2016-05-25 Member: 217496Members

Got some vehicle ideas for you developers. I put them in order of biggest to smallest, including Seaglide, exosuit, Seamoth, Lifepod-5 and the Cyclops
-Seafly, a small, speedy pod that, at high speeds, can skim above the water. It can also jump above the water like a dolphin.
-Hoverraft, a small raft that can hover on terrain and seabases and fly in the ocean. Quite slow but comes with 60 storage slots.
-Chamelion, Little boat, like a bigger seamoth but slimmer and longer. Can land and 'cloak' itself-cannot be spotted by predators.
-Hoverboat, a bigger version of the Hoverraft. Can be customized with seabase objects and still has the 60 storage slots.
-Tourist, a smaller version of the Cyclops with more observatory posts (1 front, 2 left, 2 right, 1 bottom, 1 back
-Leviathan, Bigger and better than the Cyclops with a controllable torpedo launcher mounted underneath.
-Whale, absolutely HUGE, comes with 200 storage slots (4 large storage containers each containing 50) and has 6 built-in moon pools for seamoths, seaflys, exosuits and hoverrafts.
If you have any ideas, feel free to post them in the comments.
-Seafly, a small, speedy pod that, at high speeds, can skim above the water. It can also jump above the water like a dolphin.
-Hoverraft, a small raft that can hover on terrain and seabases and fly in the ocean. Quite slow but comes with 60 storage slots.
-Chamelion, Little boat, like a bigger seamoth but slimmer and longer. Can land and 'cloak' itself-cannot be spotted by predators.
-Hoverboat, a bigger version of the Hoverraft. Can be customized with seabase objects and still has the 60 storage slots.
-Tourist, a smaller version of the Cyclops with more observatory posts (1 front, 2 left, 2 right, 1 bottom, 1 back
-Leviathan, Bigger and better than the Cyclops with a controllable torpedo launcher mounted underneath.
-Whale, absolutely HUGE, comes with 200 storage slots (4 large storage containers each containing 50) and has 6 built-in moon pools for seamoths, seaflys, exosuits and hoverrafts.
If you have any ideas, feel free to post them in the comments.
You pump up the tyres and try to stay upright on the surface.
Alrighty then.
Wolf: Same size, if bigger, than the seamoth. Two large claws on the sides can be used to grab fish and small predators. Other than that, uses the same upgrades as the seamoth (Apart from torpedoes)
Sky-Slicer: This is a vehicle that is not for under water, but for the sky above(cannot at all be used underwater). Other than this, it acts similar to the seamoth, excusing the fact that it is slightly larger and has to two aircraft-carrier like wings, one on each side. It is mostly for quick transportation, but is more of an late-game vehicle, as one of the components to craft it could be in the lava zone, or possibly the lost river, depending on how difficult it is to get there. Whenever near the water, it auto-deploys some buoys, similar to the ones keeping the escape pod floating, and floats atop the water. There may also be an area added in the Aurora only accessible from the top, giving the Sky-Slicer another use. What keeps you from flying off the planet is another idea I've created, explained here:, titled the "Moon Crawler". When you are flying too high, you will be warned that you are approaching the screech zone. If you ignore the warning and continue ascending, you will here a loud screech coming from the moon crawler due to it seeing you near the planet. This will cause the vehicle to beep and begin spiraling out of control. If you do not eject, you will likely be thrown out automatically due to the spinning, and if you don't use the grav-Decreaser(from post) you will fall and likely take quite a bit of damage, if not die on impact with the water, due to fall damage(from post). The Skyslicer will continue to spin around for a bit, then turn off and fall to the water. It will deploy the buoys and land on the water, but will be unusable until repaired with a welder. It is powered using power cells and can hold two at a time.
I don't think that we have the mapsize nor dephts for a submarine the size of your Leviathan to be honest. Where would your use a huge sub like that? You would need open sea biomes and keep a fair distance to all other biomes for it to work. Not that it would be impossible to add but the map we currently have seems to small for a sub like that.
Nonetheless thumbs up for some cool vehicle ideas @Dehpc
The leviathan could be used for a major plot in the lore, for example it being the only thing able to kill the sea emperor/sea dragon leviathan/reaper leviathan. It could also just be used to go on a mass-murdering spree to clear out an area for exploration, for example the Active Lava Zone (because sea dragon leviathans aren't exactly going to leave you alone)
Latcher: A very small vehicle, slightly smaller than the exosuit. This vehicle has a spider-like hull and it's only waty of movement is boosters (from exosuit jumpjet upgrade), jumping or walking. The Latcher is able to climb walls and even latch onto large fauna (hence the name) such as Reaper Leviathans. This could also be a very good way to effectively get through the Sea Treader's Path, Simply latching onto a treader and going to get some toast.
And it can also go under the water be pressing U, and maybe fun scenery of the propeller moving to the back of the vehicle, that would be fun! (Imaginative mind, don't hate it)
This vehicle can be called Mirror Leviathan, lol.
Plus: It's a good thing to get your ideas out, helps you make room for more!