R.I.P Competitive NS2 2012-2016
Join Date: 2012-12-11 Member: 174770Members, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Shadow

GG's guys. http://www.ensl.org/articles/980
Lets remember the good times.

UWE Gave, and UWE Hath Taken Away.
Lets remember the good times.

UWE Gave, and UWE Hath Taken Away.
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Man that was fun. Can't we do that again?
Good times.
Lets see if UWE gets their arses in gear and give us a comp scene now.
Either way, now that the "high skilled" players are gone, the skill gap in pubs will be much lower, player retention achieved.
rofl you mean pub stomping all day boiissss, rip all the servers
Yeah you're right, UWE is going to give you a comp scene
Just skip to the French Cheese at the end
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Damn, curse you. I shoulda go to bed but just couldn't stop watching this fantastic video.
Saunamen Vs Titus ... Breathtaking. I'm keeping the rest for tomorrow .
If you have an issue with a moderator you know what to do about it -Iron
Haha then you shall have to wait a looong time!
But R.I.P ENSL! Was fun while it lasted! Now i've got a perfect excuse to stop playing this game and return back to the mortal realm
Thank you, all gentlemen I've been playing with and against, all who have organized and casted matches (it's been a blast watching a stream of a match I've played, every time...) and all of you who have done invisible work behind the scenes that everyone needed, but few were aware of and most took for granted - like NSL mod & compmod, all the paperwork to get a season started and running, and the countless drama about chickenshit that staff had to deal with on a day to day basis. It's been a pleasure & an honour.
I can't deny I'm sad, but also excited. When something you're dedicated to goes away, you - very suddenly - end up having a lot of free time on your hands. I'm looking forward to spending it on some neglected hobbies while waiting for NS3.
As deluded as this statement is, I just wanted to point out that you're are also talking about the people behind the scenes. People that put in thousands of hours of their own time, and their own money to organise a competitive platform; the only long running competitive platform NS2 has had.
The webmasters and server hosts, who ran the website for several years, and setup NS2 servers for anyone to use freely.
The admins and referees who organised the seasons, put teams into divisions and resolved disputes.
The modders and coders who made NS2 playable at a competitive level when the dev team couldn't.
The casters over the years who took the time to broadcast NS2 games to the broader community.
These experienced and dedicated people are out, or on the way out too.
We should have seen it coming.
Edit: Fixed image url
Simple men will rejoice!
It is a shame that the Comp scene has died. It has been a pretty incredible 3 1/2 years for me and I have learnt a lot from my experiences as well as having a lot of fun.
I will be sad but I see new opportunities to help the game now I have a little more free time.
To those that say the comp scene deserves to die because no one stepped in to fill the hole left by the unfortunate events of the mod, I ask you to think about the time, effort, and skill required to do such a thing and thank dragon, mendasp, and everyone involved in the meaningful balance changes they contributed to.
Am sorry i cant not disagree with you more, the Comp side of NS2 is what some may say kept it "Chugging" Along for awhile, if a few years ago when the Devs abandoned the game, if the Comp Scene called it quits then also, then i really think that that we would not even be here as the game would have dried out with only a few die hard players remaining.
So for what its worth i say thank you to all that have been involved from the start to the end.
You died just like you lived. Hasta la vista, baby.
The new (more casual-ish) population of NS2 players will be happy with what they see, and won't know or care about the past NS2 experience. Those of this new population who are interested in more competitive games and leagues etc will gradually form their own competitive community.
So when people write that "comp is dead" (or words to that effect), what they really mean is that the comp scene that existed from NS1 up to now is dead. Comp will always be there, but the "scene" will be different.
The game experience has been changed. The comp players who grew up on the old experience will leave. A new comp community will form, and a new comp scene will develop.
It isn't a sad thing or a bad thing. It's just "change." Change is inherent in humanity, and the universe. Why would NS2 be any different?
With all due respect, allow me to point out a tiny contradiction in your train of thoughts.
Comp scenes don't just appear out of thin air. They are slowly built over years of hard work and competition. Simply saying that "new people will form a new scene" is delusional. This game won't live long enough for that to happen.
Good luck with that.
I disagree with that assertion. There can be hardcore comp players (those now exiting) and there can be more casual-minded people who would like to play competitive matches/leagues under the current NS2 experience (enemy health bars et al.).
The game was hard to get good at and had terrible performance. Which is why soon after release the player base shrunk down to average a few hundred players per day. But this basically remained stable for a few years. The game then became stale and boring. Which is why the game started to lose even those players and die, and why the gather scene was pretty much dead too. The game needs more players, which is what the recent changes were intended to achieve. Whether it will work or not is a different matter.
All I'm saying is that just because the current comp players leave, it isn't the end of the world. In recent months, the current comp scene served no purpose in terms of getting new players into the game or generating revenue for UWE. Specifically: Comp streams/casts get about 20-30 viewers at most, so comp matches aren't driving people to enter the game, unlike CSGO/SC2 etc; and comp matches aren't getting UWE big bucks from hardware manufacturers as Valve does from their various tournaments.
There was a small group of people who enjoyed playing competitive games together. After the changes, they got unhappy because of the effects on the compmods etc. They then said their competitive league was cancelled. They then came onto the forums and said they were all leaving.
So you guys who were playing together decided it was not worth playing together anymore. You guys then left. But that isn't going to make Wooza's servers suddenly become empty.
I am saying that you can be replaced by a new competitive community. However, whether or not you are replaced is completely irrelevant to the game (as the comp scene hasn't brought in new players in recent months/years) and completely irrelevant to the developer (who doesn't get any revenue from the comp scene). If the game dies soon as you suggest, it will be a death independent of the existence or non-existence of the comp scene.
I really hope that a new comp community forms, because it adds some color to the NS2 game environment, but I don't think the end of the current comp scene will be the end of the game. In NS2 the comp scene and the pub scene exist independently of each other, unlike in CSGO where the comp scene drives new players to the csgo pub and MM scene.
Again, I really do hope that the comp scene with the current comp players can continue, or that a new one can form with new players. But there is pretty much no connection between the comp scene of NS2 and the vitality of NS2. The only losers here are you guys from the comp scene, who won't get to play matches together anymore, since you all (or most of you) are leaving.