Girlfriend from picture for male personage
Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members

Why we all think that only ONE lifepod can escape? (idea for developers) Why we can't imagine that even AFTER Aurora' crash someone can leave fallen ship on some sort of explorer vehicle (before Aurora' explosion - there a lot of time)? Aurora before that disaster allways got some mission - so some kind of tolls, machines must be onbard! Let it be that girl from picture on locker door! What her role in solo game - you asking? She can live on base and "replace" that mechanical voice of AI - and comms with us for telling some news (like a "darling, we loosing drinkwater - can find some ingridients? bio-reactor spended fuel - can you replace components?" hehehe) When we build Cyclopus (ok - we need hangar for 2 seamoths!) we can please her to bring on board some tools or food on seamoth from main base (why we can't create 2 of them) and using some sort of map interface mark for her the rendezvous points? She can help for tech service on base (fix the breaches, collect harvest, refuel of bio/nuke-reactors).
I think about necessary that girlfriend - because live on planet with only one goal - to survive - is not correct reason for life. I think caring about someone is more powerful reason to live...
I think about necessary that girlfriend - because live on planet with only one goal - to survive - is not correct reason for life. I think caring about someone is more powerful reason to live...
what "what"? about reason for life? Imaging a similar situation in real. You One survivor on alien planet, no chance to evac - NEVER. You realy start to explore and build something? I don't think so... You find some "big badaboom" and stop your torment. But if you live with hope to find someone else - this hope will give you some energy and goal. IMHO
And any normal people at first trying to find survivors for help em, and ONLY after all bigin build and explore - if we talking here about "Imaging a similar situation in real."
but i'm talking about replacement of "soulless voice of AI" to voice of some live character. Remember all that messages about "Critical state of reactor core in Aurora". What if we find her first and after all Aurora make a BOOM? and all that message can be comms with her? I say again - thats all IMHO
hehe.. that question "WHAT?" remind me that old joke:
when little son asked his father: "why if you bite an Apple it turns brown over time?"
Father bigin to explain: "Son, as you know apple contains a lot of iron and it oxidizes in air, and iron oxide has a brown color..."
son with fright looks at his father and asks: "Dady.. with whom you have just now talked here?"
Heheh settle down, I was just jerking your chain a bit
better tell me what do YOU think about it..
I wouldn't know, I'm afraid. I'm more of a shootgun guy, building guy or I break stuff by accident. NPC's usually aren't exactly safe in my presence
As i see one of variant of storyline is the next sequence of events: ejecting Lifepod ->awakening->receiving fragmented signal with radio interfernces from survivng girl-crew member->at starting we have posibility to creat only knife, oxygen cylinder, fins, item-scaner, radio direction finder for her searching (in hurry - she told us that her suply of oxigen depleting and she stuck in sunked debris fragment) [that's we've got a goal now - save another life]->search an area, success her resque [as a variant after all search for some items to healing her ]->bring her to our lifepod->exploding Aurora->while she restore her health - build base (when we find her we find also first blueprints of base compartments-tubes, room, foundation)->searching areas for new technologies->after all receiving broken anoher signal from automated transmitter on floating island-> and so on....
Also see my Troll from a different thread that would apply here:
redminds me so much the third (i suppose) book of foundation..
I've got idea -> i tell about it.
Seems like for now: As I see "how to fit" team-mate for solo game (girl) in existing game mechanic without making general rebuilding of everything.
For example...
Initial Radio trasmittion with her destress call - not a problem after adding in game wall's Comm device in Lifepod - just recording an actor's voice.
Detecting of her location - maybe looking like as a SIGNAL marker which we already have in game when using marked [X] boxes. Or Devs can add biper to scaner device (at right direction sound more loud, in wrong direction its completly less its strengh) also add to scaner monitor posibility to display a distance to the object.
Oops - why we can use scanner for downloding those SIGNAL-object in it in future?
Her appearance in game can looking like a adding inside of some wreck simple 3D object (I think 3D model of girl already created by Devs).
We see her, swim to her and interact with her like with other items (USE function), but in place of opening inventory window must appear dialogue window. After pushing button - (for example) "Bring her onbard" - replace player (with her) to lifepod (as in the case when player died and game respawn him inside lifepod).
From this moment "our" girl can be present in life pod as an 3D object (like in her previous "initial" location, but without helmet). She not walking (for example - because she injured) but only move by head and hands - sit or lay. from this moment must appear another (from right side) "her" life bar (oxigene, health, food, water,...) looking like ours, and we already will to know about her condition. We already have a medikit box on wall of lifepod - now we can use it (as an initial 2 medikit supply in it for example).
After first aiding we MUST to create another first aid kits supplies (a lot) to "heal" her from time to time. We also must to feed her (food and water supplying). Processes of "healing", "feeding", "give her a water" must be via that new dialogue/interact window with HER body-scheme for replace on it (drag-and-drop with disappearing) from our inventory food, water, medikits, antirad suit (she can OR can't has of her own item window - better NO).
After all we can "sticking" her as a 3D object to Cyclop at right (for example) conrol panel on the bridge, or to command console (work table) on base. Before we get necessary "research" of Cyclop or work table she can live in lifepod
Remove her from one location to another (from base to cyclop and back) can initiate by using dialogue (with her) interface window or via pushing on right Cyclop's panel/work table on Base button "Bring/assign HER here". She can has an animated motion to removement from current location to airlock and disappearing and "teleporting" to a new location (or in backward sequence - from airlock to console), or she can just disappear from one location and appearing in anoter without animation with some time delay (for "bringing" necessary location). She also must to need antiradiation suit for example and so on.
In game she can give us some advises or warning about incoming a dangerous creature or riching dangerous depth - so she can "show her care" about us. So she will not to be lookng like an "eating doll". So she should benefit.
The game would lose a lot of its value.
Maybe, but I think that SO DEEP loneliness (as itself) kills the will to live. From this point - survive and live - for what? No hope, no reason. Nobody needs you, and you don't need yourself at last. All "Robinsons" on islands survive cause they have a hope to rescue, they try to find someone (or somewhat - remember voleyball ball named "Wilson" in that movie). Human is social subject. Without socium loosing life's goal and necessary to live. Sooner or later LONELY man on alien planet start to think about killing himself. Who rescue you from this planet? Nobody. So if you don't have caring about someone - you allways don't live. IMHO
And THIS game not about lonely. This game about researching a reason - WHY Aurora fall and that ship before. But the desire to explore could not be without the will to live. And will to live - .. see below...
I think the game is about surviving on an alien planet with water (along with the rest of the story of the game which is to be added). Yes, being very lonely can kill the will to live, but if you were on an alien planet and you knew you had what it takes to survive... why would you kill yourself? Sure, it's lonely, but there's still the chance you can make it out. You can build a spaceship, or somehow gain the attention of people to save you. Maybe the Aurora is already sending out a distress beacon before the game even starts.
Also, a large portion of the game's atmosphere requires loneliness. If you had someone with you, the game would be a lot less terrifying, and that's one of the bigger parts of the game. Being terrified, and alone, and fearful of what's just around the corner, or down in the depths.
Yes you right - but why all around want multiplayer? Because nobody want to be alone. I agree with you - if in game appear some moving character which start to do something what you don't want - I kill em myself! My game - my rules! right! But if you see my idea HOW to add girl in game - you understad that she don't disturb your loneliness too much. She just add a little more colours and possibilities to you and to this story about - WHY Aurora fall down and who initiate hull damage on orbit.
Also, this is an expensive ship that has been sent to this planet to start a mining operation, surely this mission has a communication schedule with the homebase/planet. And if that message cycle is broken, there must be protocols to send out a scout ship or a rescue ship. So my guess is that hope bit, is still there right? Would be a rather silly space faring species that has no contingency plans in place... But yeah it could be fun if this game get's multiplayer it's built around survival with each other and not the usual Zombie PvP nonsense
In my variant this girl can add to us some necessary knowledge - who knows which post on ship she has? Scientist? Engineer? She add a posibilities to us.
I thought you would be eventually adding a selection to be male or female. If not then why create the female model that I saw on sketchfab. Am I just misunderstanding the not adding another player thing you say here?
NPC is a non player character. The female model would be a PC, player character
So, you mean when the game starts in survival/hardcore mode, the player is given the choice of the gender of his/her character?
Similar to most games with a character selection. Before starting a new game, you choose which character you want. (MMO)RPG's do it in a bit more elaborate way with customization. And I think there is an "unofficial official" post somewhere, which states that this option will eventually be available. No date has been set yet, but I assume it is a "Gold Version 1.0" thing...
Right dev type people?
In my opinion - game a little 'empty' at present phase/stage. What we have in game now? - crafting various devices, build base, build Seamoth/Cyclop, swiming around to search a new tech. Thats all. After crafting Cyclop we finished our mission as it is. What to do after? Build friendly relationship with Reefback? NO - they even don't know that we are exist. Try to investigate whats happen with Aurora or that previous ship? NO - we have no any data for this task or we just don't know - from which point bigin to do it. We just have no another abilities, knowledges... we just have no goal at last. Patches, addons just add to game new 'sweets' like a H2O patch, or add or remove some game' items. All that changes take effect on 'make up' aspect of game or in-game's list of items. NO MORE. We stuck. If Devs told us that they "Not going to comment on story stuff" - what they mean? No story-line as it is? Or they just have no time for some 'scenario'?
I talking here from myself. When I build Cyclop - game over for me. I put this beautiful game in 'freezer' (postpone the game on the shelf) while Devs releasing some new addons. When I see that some addons released - I'll start a new game, again going through that 'tech-chain-sequence', build after all a Cyclop and leave this game again. ..Cause its too empty without story-line
I like the 'soulless' AI though, it helps with the atmosphere of Subnautica, it's a little reminder to say "You're doomed" whether you play long enough to see it or not.
Surely she can feed/heal herself? Otherwise she'd be little more than a "pet" that sends you out to get supplies every so often. I could see that becoming tedious very quickly.
As for the survivor's lack of social interaction because everyone else is dead...well, maybe he does spiral into depression and/or insanity. Or maybe he prefers being on his own. Not every story has a happy ending.