Ingame map how to.
UK Join Date: 2016-01-01 Member: 210749Members
EDIT see bellow link.
My Steam Guide
First of all I cant take credit for the loot locations those were gathered by some one else and I apologize but their name eludes me as I got the map from google via a post some one else was sharing, so to the original Author nice work and thanks, What I'v done is improve its format and layout and add my own tweaks so that the bellow is not only possible but will look good.

How to
Hope this helps.
[Edit: did some more googling and found the original]
Credit for the Loot locations to dep7777777
His Original Guide ( Here )
[EDIT 2 :: I have removed all of dep7777777's markers and made a fresh map, this will allow you to add your own markers to the map and given how fluid the devs are with changes to the map and the position of thins within it, it just makes sense since a lot of the markers placed by dep were out of date for me. ]
Also the downloadable version of the map is in my dropbox folder so it will change often as I tweak it here and there.
My Steam Guide
First of all I cant take credit for the loot locations those were gathered by some one else and I apologize but their name eludes me as I got the map from google via a post some one else was sharing, so to the original Author nice work and thanks, What I'v done is improve its format and layout and add my own tweaks so that the bellow is not only possible but will look good.

How to
- Open Subnautica Saved Game Files.
For me it's\games\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\SNAppData\SavedGames\slot0000\screenshots
- Pick a Screenshot that you don't need and replace it with the map bellow
- Load game, Build a Picture Frame and Set the map as the image.
Hope this helps.
[Edit: did some more googling and found the original]
Credit for the Loot locations to dep7777777
His Original Guide ( Here )
[EDIT 2 :: I have removed all of dep7777777's markers and made a fresh map, this will allow you to add your own markers to the map and given how fluid the devs are with changes to the map and the position of thins within it, it just makes sense since a lot of the markers placed by dep were out of date for me. ]
Also the downloadable version of the map is in my dropbox folder so it will change often as I tweak it here and there.
I'm still tweaking it tho, A map like this with in game functionality would be even better tho.
I Literally forgot the unused computers aboard cyclops.
- But in stands about game development this is a huge suggestion about a map layout for the game. Hopefully the devs see this and like it.
If they ever did implement it they could do it like world of warcrafts dungeon maps, biome map on the surface and then allow us to toggle it to subterranean mode which would show all the caves in flat form no depth.
And if the dev's don't add an in game map then at least we can do the above, and it would not be long before some one wrote as I explained some third part tool to add the functionality that we would like.
How do we access that?
Dev info on this would be brilliant.
Looks like the Devs *might* be working on their own implementation of a real in-game map, so I'd expect them to remain quiet on the subject for now (don't want to give us all the secrets I guess?). That said, if you actually freecam to many of the areas on the map according to the OP, you'll find that the biomes don't match up (i.e. there is currently no Koosh zone to the west at all).
I might be wrong tho.
As for the dev's working on an in game map I hope they do, the vision of the map their working on looks a lot like a drone command center to me, two drone pilots to the left and right and an overview map in the center showing where the drones are.
cant wait to try it out either way.
(had to check around on my game and at least on experimental original authors map is still more accurate, though it lacks proper tweaks to be actually usable ingame
if anyone knows 100% which biome map is being used in experimental then let me know please I will be happy to adjust the image.
same, what am I doing wrong?
the link leads to nowhere
and i don't mean the "Original"
but there are newer versions literally everywhere on the net, just go to google images you'll see what i mean. Theres also this
one that isnt too bad, its newer too:
Same image, but bigger: Map2_EarlyJune2016
To DL the image just right-click it and ''Save as'' to your hard drive.
As of right now tho, there seems to be a bug in Experimental mode that prevents us from seeing the pictures ingame, thus preventing us from adding images to the Frame sadly =/
If there is a broken link in the guide be sure to let me know, the link above is probably just out of date because the file names changed and the images were updated and in all honesty I totally forgot about this post. sorry!.
just to show how well made your map was that im still using it