Aim To Please Update (279) Released! - Natural Selection 2
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As the mighty Santa Gorge returned back to his shop and found that his elvish fades and lerks were still working feverishly. Santa Gorge asked himself, what they could possibly...
But at 50,000 bytes/sec for the 40 players servers means 2 MB/sec, how much is that increase from before?
I hope one day I read you code
With the official cap of 24 players that'd only be 1.14 MBytes, which is fine for any server not at home. (A lot of home connections can do that now anyways)
Well, there could be like 3 or 4 'invisible' people per server waiting to join those servers. If they use the play-now button they could fill up a server with a playable amount of people.
I gave it a go and was put into a nearly full server half way through a game (played the round to the end). The Play Now seemed to have worked fine.
I reckon it may be used by new players mainly, as once you have been playing for a while, you tend to select severs you play more often
But the marine has a shotgun, the shotgun shoots like a rifle, developers please?
Also, one of the successes, it spit me on a server that wouldn't let me play because I had too many hours.
I think "Play now" will be fundamentally flawed due to the moddable nature of NS2. What happens if I am banned from the server it tries to put me on?
I've heard this "puts me on an empty server" from a couple of people now, and it sounds like a bug. It shouldn't do that if there are any plausible servers. Looking into it.
Do you use ns2+? Because that's currently not compatible with "Play Now".
We could randomize it a little so that if there is more than one candidate server you won't get the same one every time. Ultimately though, we'd like to have this be the default sorting of the server browser which would get you what you want I think.
It's probably putting me on an empty server because all other "good" servers are full. This happens a lot in NA. I don't know if that's broken. The problem is I'd rather spam refresh or manually join a 200+ ping server than wait for 20 other ppl to join the server I started seeding.
I do. Me and the rest of the ns2 community... ? This is kind of my point. It's VERY hard to implement features that will be broken due to the incredibly moddable nature of NS2. If it doesn't work with a mod that is incredibly popular, then it's not going to work. Unless the mod is official or every feature is made with mod support, which will quickly lead to an unmanageable mess.
shhhhhh, they will never listen.
I updated NS2+ early today to fix this. Kind of surprised there was no followup post saying that it had already been addressed, so here I am confirming this was fixed at around 3pm CET.