[TSF]::MEMO:14246::priority:low [RESPONSE REQUIRED] - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

!!–ATTENTION TSF SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN–!! [START][MEMO:14246::priority:low] Due to an unexpected error in manufacturing our latest deployment of [TSF::COMBAT:ARMOR::batch:9934] we are unable to import the standard issue TSF template. One of...
And on a more serious note, These are the new skin ideas if anyone is confused. We got so much mixed feedback that there was no clear favorite so we're expanding on that with a poll to help us decide which ones people like the most! I'll repost a bit of a comment I made on the other thread further explaining the idea behind them:
The first 5 were supposed to look pretty crazy. All of the previous marine skins have been extremely "safe", almost to the point of being too homogeneous with each other and hard to differentiate. We also have the unique opportunity of not having to care if a skin stands out too much, because in this game you have AlienVision that nullifies any would-be advantages or disadvantages for marine skins
So, in the first five I wanted to explore the crazier side of the spectrum for skins with a lot more color and art/decals integrated in them. And of course not everyone is a fan of this, so I also made the next five, which reigned it in a bit and brought it back down closer to cannon. But I wanted all of them to be distinctly different than anything we have now, I very much wanted to avoid another dull grey/green combo skin (especially since we didn't have the option to make a new model for them, so the difference is purely the coloring).
Anyway, I'm done making mockups for now but I could always use feedback
I was wondering if you could use something like male_eliteassault instead? shouldn't be too much to offer it on more then one base model
They're using the deluxe edition model aren't they?
Yes they are, someone suggested using the elite assault skin
Still nice. ^^
My favorite is 7.
Exactly what I was thinking. I hope UWE isn't going back on their word.
Maybe I'm still unconsiously pissed that the patches before Reinforced there was the most fun in NS2. I can't shake the feeling that the changes introduced then killed a major part of NS2. In addition ever since Reinforced / Eclipse I'm down to playing at around 12 fps at times.
The Special Ops Marine will forever stay special and unique and wont be offered again. It must be iterated that it is not just a skin. That is a unique model and skin.
However, if people want a skin on a marine model that happens to have black on it in that vote, the people can decide.
On top of that, "Special all black marine armor whenever you play online" being limited to one skin after the fact was an annoying bait and switch on the matter.
It's unfortunate that it's pretty much set in stone that we're getting sold texture swaps instead of being able to customize armor configurations and buy color/camo like Warframe does instead.
It's not skins having black that concerns me. It's the ones that are mostly black. For example, although skin #4 has a lot of black in it, it's also got a lot of colour in it so I don't mind. On the other hand, skin #8 is basically black armour with red highlights which is less acceptable.
Who says? at the moment the game/menu etc dont support that type of system, but that doesnt mean we arent looking at changing that. It just takes time
There's a good reason I didn't include changing visor, eye, chest colors, and it's due to how the models are done, and I've been aware and wanting to do that for a long time. It still requires the new skin system and texture changes because the emmisive properties are blended into the diffuse textures. I don't know if the PDT have people who know enough about 3DS max to do such thing. It would be a significant amount of work, more than creating a few new skins.
(I own black armor)
Will each of these marine skins include a short backstory with them?
They take their name in honor of their fallen comrades who succumb to this agonizing death!