Let's try something new - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Unknown Worlds is getting back in to Natural Selection development. We have hired a small group of community members to reform an in-house development team. We are going to try...
PS: Subnautica is getting awesome.
edit. i'll say more. it's so f**ing nice that the game is made by gamers now, with help of the community, and that even before you always listened to our ideas and requests. But that at the end has been the worst problem at all. it's a game made by gamers, not FOR gamers. Only for a really little circle of them.
Nothing concrete yet because there just isn't anything decided, but the team definitely shares both your viewpoints.
+1 first post.
I sense a F2P coming?
Over my dead body. That's like the nuclear option. We'll exhaust all other options first.
I realize running stats is difficult.
After this, we need to have play zones online for new players, where they can play with similarly skilled players at least for the first couple hundred hours (free of skilled players who ultimately rape the inexperienced to feel better about themselves).
Think RTS or MOBA online matchmaking.
Now, if we can develop models for the two above requirements, we then have to saturate the player base.
Since we've gone through at least 5 waves of new players (alpha ~= 179, beta, release, sales, humble bundles, etc), it will be hard to draw in a sizable new body of players.
So that will be hard, but do-able.
So it's nice that you guys most likely hired a few people that I'm assuming are elitist competitive players, who are most likely arrogantly detached from pub play, but you are most likely going to make the same mistakes again.
The gameplay does not need to be tweaked to the ideal of some competitive player's wet dream, the issue is the conditioning and experience of new players to the community.
Coming from someone who was in the competitive scene, but grew detached because of dev behaviour and relations with the community workers.
The game is great, and unique, and is not the hit it should be, there are so many reasons for this, all ignored.
This game forgot his RTS part a long time ago and i really hope you can bring it back. I think this is the main reason of why low slot server are unpopular : the current meta is rigid, and games are heavly dictacted by individual skill . In the mean time the skill gap between com is close to inexistant (very few build orders).
As for making this game easier or more "casual" it may be a risk worth taking, whith a player base that low, but then I don't understand why you made it harder with the balancemod (wich made a LOT of player i know leave the game)
And by the way @Kalabalana the people they hired are not "elitist competitive players", at all.
There are games that have lasted for a decade without doing those major rewrites. Don't break what works just to spend months to get it back up to speed again.
I laughed so much at this I snorted a little.
magic cookies
Someone explain me; what does that mean?
It could mean good things, or bad things. But definitely ask permission before trying it on someone
Hmm, with the risk of you having some pervy things in mind... Can I throttle you?
That's why you shouldn't hire PR people to be a direct contact between you and your consumers, you should be contacting your consumers directly. Use your PR for advertising, marketing, blog posts, news posts etc. Especially when there was an already existing community that had 10 years under its belt to throw that all away for people that had no vision of the past is something that can't be changed.
On that thought
It's like watching a leader and members of the playtest team doing there PR because they're not actually doing anything other then being told to test specific things for free in-game badges and a groupie mentality which always had existed from NS>NS2, but less meaningful in NS2. You ever seen someone who was friendly before turn into a real asshole because they think it's there duty to mimic an opinion of a group which doesn't have the communities best interests at hand? They're like a flock of birds you even see it on these forums in regards to agree/disagree/awesome, they do it for the fear they'll lose imaginary points that no one other then them and there groupie friends care about. If you disagree with a point or genuinely prove them wrong or point out future projects that are already underway by CDT/UWE they get passive aggressive in a manor which you feel like you've done something wrong by sharing information they don't have or do have but think they're the only ones who have it.
It goes through all the levels Lamb, it's hilarious to think that all arguments that happen on forums never make way to actual servers, most of the people arguing on the forums for features and complaining about things hardly even play the game on there main accounts, or hardly play on public servers. That's why it's so screwed because UWE doesn't directly interact with people anymore, that was the golden time of gaming.
Long live NS.
Someones angry they didnt get their groupie badge
Damn... some people are more angry than me.
That's supposed to be me, dammit.
Well, then rebuild it in a better gaming engine, make more content, make it better looking and performing, and finally, don't tell us until it's almost done.