NS2 Patch 276 signed off - Release Thursday!
Subnautica Animator & Generalist, NS2 Person Join Date: 2004-07-24 Member: 30071Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Silver, WC 2013 - Supporter, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts

Hi everyone!
Patch 276 is finally ready for release. The Changelog is below this text & will be posted on the main site tomorrow.
We're shooting for around 10-11am PDT // 1-2pm EDT // 6-7pm UK // 7-8pm (19:00-20:00) CET // 4am AEST (Friday morning).
Thank you all for bearing with us and continuing to run your NS2 servers!
Co-Lead NS2CDT
276 ChangeLog
Loading Times
With these changes load times should be much improved.
Reworked Network Protocol
Mandatory Tutorial
Marine Bots
Ingame - UI fully scales now
Sneaky Skulks
Smarter Evolving
Dynamic DNS
Map Editor
Cinematic Editor
Known Issues:
Patch 276 is finally ready for release. The Changelog is below this text & will be posted on the main site tomorrow.
We're shooting for around 10-11am PDT // 1-2pm EDT // 6-7pm UK // 7-8pm (19:00-20:00) CET // 4am AEST (Friday morning).
Thank you all for bearing with us and continuing to run your NS2 servers!

Co-Lead NS2CDT
276 ChangeLog
Loading Times
- Added fastload archive file injection (which allow us to ship certain files as archives which are loaded faster than the single files).
- Added the low quality textures as fastload archive.
- Added precomputed shader files as fastload archive.
- Added precomputed map’s nav meshes as fastload files.
- Improved the LUA script loading routine.
- Removed fsb files from the default consistency check.
With these changes load times should be much improved.
Reworked Network Protocol
- Packet loss handled gracefully
- Improved reliability & responsiveness
- Users can reconnect to servers now almost immediately
- Fixed issues that caused the server and client to fall into a infinity loop under certain circumstances (commonly known as the “half crash”)
- The ping values are now correct and updated with every packet
- net_stats now shows the ping, packet loss rates and Out of Order amounts.
- Reworked the way net_log works to be able to fully debug all kind of network issues.
- Fixed an issue that negatively impacted the performance for users of the Intel Core-i CPU series
- Improved the overall thread handling (updated the Intel TBB library etc.)
- Now using the VC 12 toolsets, which increases stability.
- Replaced Spark’s own shared pointer class with the C++11 shared pointers, which improves memory management.
Mandatory Tutorial
- New players now have to play the 5 minutes long tutorial before being able to join a server.
- This doesn’t apply on any of the training mode’s servers (Tutorial, Sandbox and vs. Bots)
Marine Bots
- Marine Bots now trace targets with human reaction times.
- Marine Bots now detect enemies based on sight and sound.
Ingame - UI fully scales now
- All in-game UI elements (excluding the console, r_stats, net_stats, etc) will scale now accordingly to your screen’s resolution.
- Scale all used fonts so they are always easy to read.
Sneaky Skulks
- While holding shift you can now peek around corners without exposing your complete body as skulks. Basically what the enemy sees fits now to what you see.
Smarter Evolving
- Instead of moving the egg before evolving has finished if there is not enough room for the evolving lifeform, you now move after evolving
- Egg placement logic has been made more fail safe
- Added extra bindings for voiceover options: “Weld me”, “Follow me”, etc.
- Updated the bot names list.
- You can now access the badge manage page of hive directly from the Customize Player menu
- Eggs killed by an exo will now show up correctly in the killfeed.
- Dropped weapon expire times now are displayed for the commander.
- Added the derelict concept art as loading screens
- Added an unstuck command
- Added experimental Local Voice Chat, a new voice chat channel which will only be played locally to teammates and has a 3D effect applied on it. By default the local voice chat key is unbound.
- Bots now use random skins
- Bloom is now disabled by default (as it caused various issues for multiple GPU models).
- The server update rate on auto-join is now 100 ms which is equally to the steam server browser used one.
- Added an atmospheric density option to change its density.
- Adjusted the default options. Sensitivity is now 2.5 by default and raw input is now on by default
- Added “Frontiersmen” as a menu music option
- Adding tagging of map to screenshots. Now when you take screenshots and upload them to Steam, it will show which map the screenshot was taken on.
- Added collision geo behind the spectator join in the ready room
- Increased los blocking grate in geothermal to obscure more of the tp
- Adjusted cover for the rt in geothermal to stop it from being sniped from the window
- Added glass above door in offices (was missing)
- Added collision to most glass windows in the office area linking to turbines
- Fixed that the regeneration animation and sound was played when an alien structure got dropped.
- Fixed nameplates showing up under the Insight name/HP bar while zoomed in Overhead spectator.
- Fixed vote keys being blocked for the first press if there’s no active vote.
- Unknown keys (like ö ä é etc.) can now be used in keybindings
- Don’t apply the afk check on the local host. That will stop local servers from shutting down all the time.
- Fixed that some tip video’s subtitles did not get clipped correctly
- Fixed that in overview spectator both kind of nameplates did show up when you zoomed in close enough
- Fixed that it was possible to reset the to hive reported playtime
- [Linux] You can now select sound devices properly.
- Fixed some minor compiler issues.
- Fixed standing on a gorge tunnel when the exit gets closed will cause the tunnel mouth to stay open instead of closing
Dynamic DNS
- You can now use the a DNS for your server. This is pretty helpful if you don’t have a static ip. Numerous free dynamic DNS services can be found in the internet.
- To enable this feature you can just use sv_dyndns <dns>
- After a vote kick the kicked player now get banned for the amount of votekickbantime minutes (default: 30)
- You can disable the consistency check now with the consistency_enabled option
- Banned client’s connections get now rejected directly before they even count to the connecting clients queue
Map Editor
- Made window sizes for model and sound browser bigger by default so you don't have to resize everything to see anything
- Fixed tools not being able to find the executable directory for resources
Cinematic Editor
- You can now vertically resize the "Play Animation/Cinematic" windows
- Pathing layer is no longer ported over when loading levels
- Optimized rendering a little
- OverviewInvisible and InvisibleGeometry groups in the editor are no longer rendered
- You can now open files like levels directly with the Spark tools via “Open with”
- Locations now support rotation in game
- Added no_evolve which prevents a player from evolving on top of it
- Added SetFontAndSize(fontFamily, fontSize) function for text elements to choose a properly scaled version of the font family chosen to avoid blurry fonts when scaling.
- Added GUIMakeFontScale(guiItem) function that checks the current guiItem scale and font choice and automatically chooses the appropriate scale and font to avoid blurriness. Make sure you apply both scale and font size before using this function.
- New ModLoader API: Read more details here
- luajit: Changed debug.set(local|upvalue) to flush all traces when it's used on immutable upvalues so it doesn't crash anymore.
Known Issues:
- Marine bots do not move their weapon correctly in the tutorial.
- The Editor currently does not assign textures to geometry when there are too many entities visible
server optional of course.
People already think our community is toxic. Do you think that would help that impression?
in the client settings have "hear enemy directional voice" defaulted to off.
*kggzt* Now there's something you don't see every day... Thank god... *kggzt*
not enuf taunt for ya?
Imagine certain ppl using this... you must know who I'm referring to. If he didnt make noobs quit before, something like that would seal the deal lol
+1 0/10 patch no Fade pants
No. That's what taunting is for, there's already salt in the wound, no need to pour lemon on it
@Hugh I request orange fade pants for him
@Obraxis is the no_evolve thing a group/layer?
Most likely it's a mod that's not been updated, Thirsty Onos runs other mods which we did not test.
All mods but NS2+ and Shine admin have been disabled now. Let me know if it happens again on TTO.
The lads need those server logs, could be something as simple as mods spewing out errors to something nasty as a memory leak...
And how many other servers did you experience this one? Wooza's does NOT count lol
Fixes for both major issues of build 276 were already checked in and are waiting to be approved by the QA team. We will try to get a hot fix out asap and are really sorry for the circumstances.
Haven't tested it myself, but I heard from various people from my friends list experiencing similar problems who were playing on servers like Thirsty Onos Bar or MCG.
But that could partially be due to the lower vanilla bwlimit.
And I had some weird errors in server logs I send over.
Ah well. glad its found and fixed.
Feel free to see if it still redplugs.
You do NOT need to change anything in your client, just connect as normal.
[4241.639] Main : [Server]: Ack 255 utside sequence window 96 - 224
then another person
[4252.628] Main : [Server]: Ack 255 utside sequence window 73 - 201
[4264.944] Main : [Server]: Ack 255 utside sequence window 74 - 202
[4264.944] Main : [Server]: ### Received connection attempt inside an already setup connection from!
ntity 368 both deleted and created on the same snapshot write (class 134->10)!
entity 1068 both deleted and created on the same snapshot write (class 7->10)!
entity 3550 both deleted and created on the same snapshot write (class 138->10)!
entity 507 both deleted and created on the same snapshot write (class 99->6)!
entity 1109 both deleted and created on the same snapshot write (class 6->93)!
[4418.937] Main : Error: Exceeded maximum number of snapshots
entity 2272 both deleted and created on the same snapshot write (class 134->8)!
entity 2786 both deleted and created on the same snapshot write (class 135->8)!
entity 3426 both deleted and created on the same snapshot write (class 182->10)!
entity 3670 both deleted and created on the same snapshot write (class 173->10)!
entity 3401 both deleted and created on the same snapshot write (class 112->10)!
Client disconnected ( Timeout
Followed by massive timeouts, lost many people.
Decided to drop server count to 18 from 24. I did a test to see if 24 was working, nope nope nope.
I also noticed this, yet not with every server. Its result seems completely random in terms of if its double or not.
Out of 8 servers, I only have 1 double.