Coming Next: Habitat - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Sea bases have been one of Subnautica’s most loved features. Since their release in February 2015, many of us at Unknown Worlds have wanted to improve upon them. Moon pools...
Disagree. As stated I would rather they work on a Cyclops dock for the big one two
I understand you're more experienced than I am in these things, don't think I didn't read the post
Am I the only one thinking the moon pool is TO EFFECTIVE?
Its like, park inside.. wait 5 seconds.. full. Im all for not making only batteries in your subnautica life, but the recharging is so fast its overdoing it.
Battery replacement (if you have them crafted earlier obviously) should be the FAST way.
Moonpool recharging should be the SLOW but cheaper way.
Right now its fast vs even faster. Which removes one task from the game entirely, making batteries/power cells. (Yes the cyclops still needs them, but if you travel mainly in your in your cyclops in most cases well.. use the seamoth already? :P )
I think dev may rework the sas of the base, because they are totally unreallistic. But if they are like that for not bothering the player by waiting the flooding/draining of the room so I won't complain ^^
Also, is there a rule on where and how I can place solar panels? Sometimes the games let me on a component and sometimes not.
Yes, but you are ignoring a crucial aspect in balancing: Making a moonpool right now is actually pretty expensive (4-5 titanium ingots, 4 lubricants, advanced wiring kit) vs new battery/power-cell (2x(3xmushroom+1copper)+1silicon). So in terms of actual resources exhausted, the moon pool is the more expensive option and one that also requires a seabase. New power cells or batteries do not.
That and because resources do not respawn and due to the game's theme, I heavily favor a renewable resource. Plus there is the fact that we can make rechargeable batteries now, why shouldn't the future batteries be also rechargeable? I am actually hoping that one of the future updates will have an item charger.
There's a flipper upgrade for that atm actually XD
You call that expensive? xD I don't
Power cells I always have in stock, (copper is easy to find, as are acid mushrooms, so is quartz and titanium ingots are really easy to find because of the scrap metal everywhere
Again, so are lubricants
Scratch all that, everything n the game is easy to find as long as you know where to look for it, so since I know where everything is it really is of no consequence how much I need to get since it just takes a few trips in a seamoth xD
Umm I don't think I disagreed about the rechargeable batteries btw... I would actually like to see those
Nope! Probably just stalkers moving them for ya!
I know, but it doesn't work well (constant start and stop) with the Seaglide which is the most battery-consuming thing.
One is more expensive than the other. It takes less resources and time to build a Seamoth than to build a Moonpool right now. The only thing more expensive is a Cyclops.
My point was I could get all that stuff in 10-15 minutes lol
Cyclops maybe 20
Most things in the game (that have to do with crafting) just don't really serve as a barrier, which I LIKE
And you are still missing mine: building a power cell costs less resources than building a new moon pool + base. Even if it takes little time it still takes more resources (and thus time). That you find it still easy doesn't change the fact that the sheer amount of resources for one is much bigger than for the other.
Why build only a moon pool if you plan on deep dive or long range expiditions?
theres a good place for both. repairing/recharging the seamoth in the open sea will always have risks asscoiated that rewards the low cost of a handful of cells, Whereas the moon pools potential upgrading ability, renewable charge, and safety offset it's own rathy hefty cost.
If that's true we'll really need renewable energies eventually, I think I've mined 80% of the map copper already for cells.
But that's irrelevant ... If something has great benefit and is easy to do the person will build that something, ie the moon pool lol
Oh to have the Blizzard luxury of over a million users across your lineup and millions of dollars sitting in the bank to spend on the next project. To then reply "when it's done" and not worry about momentum or fallout.
I'd agree with Luitjens though, we're already up to our necks in the moon pool and have been a good bit now..seems ridiculous not to include it especially for the stated reason that this is intended to be a big base update. This update is as cool as the Cyclops was, and even more (to me) if you like a slower and more customize-able adventuring process. But from the outside looking in, I can feel the pain of Jonas and the pressure of a very large project in a small house. Make no mistake, this game will have a ton of working and moving parts when released.
My hope would be that this update is a major draw for the creative builder types, to enjoy that experience in such a beautiful and unique setting which is just waiting outside of your observatory to explore. Afterwards maybe scope and number of working parts per update can be thought about in terms of momentum. My suggestion moving forward would be to subtly keep drawing the base builder fans back in to the game. Every future update they (devs) might want to add one or two new decorative pieces that you scan in to an accessories tab on the builder... after discovering them when you wander back through the dangerous and spooky wreckage of the Aurora and the crash site.
1 - It is an sci-fi exploration game, so I hope the other elements, fish research, dna etc, are also major focuses and enjoyments.
2 - My entire game dev career consists of my previous ns2 building mod GorgeCraft, and hopefully future success of my in development standalone sequel. The last thing I want in the building games genre is competition from UWE, lol.