Development Updates

HughHugh CameramanSan Francisco, CA Join Date: 2010-04-18 Member: 71444NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts
It sucks when you buy an Early Access game and then hear nothing from the developer. When's the next update? What's included? What are you working on? At Unknown World we are trying to make sure you can get answers whenever you want.

This guide explains how to get information about what the Subnautica development team is working on right now, how updates are delivered, how often they come, and what's changing in the game from day to day:

Some key links copied here for convenience:

Chat live with the devs
Update Mailing List
Production Trello Board
Checkin and Changes List


  • MechriorMechrior UK Join Date: 2015-02-19 Member: 201433Members
    Hi, I am just wondering why the checkin and changes list has not been updated in almost a week please?
  • The_Big_Bad_W8lfThe_Big_Bad_W8lf England Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202178Members
    Mechrior wrote: »
    Hi, I am just wondering why the checkin and changes list has not been updated in almost a week please?
    Its been updating quite often from what I see, but remember they have allot to do :)

  • MechriorMechrior UK Join Date: 2015-02-19 Member: 201433Members
    Its been updating quite often from what I see, but remember they have allot to do :)

    it does seem to be updating again, there was a gap of around 4 or 5 days where there were no updates but there were still patches.
  • The_Big_Bad_W8lfThe_Big_Bad_W8lf England Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202178Members
    Mechrior wrote: »

    it does seem to be updating again, there was a gap of around 4 or 5 days where there were no updates but there were still patches.
    Ah I see :), Hmmm...

  • neamerjellneamerjell Cincinnati, OH Join Date: 2015-03-25 Member: 202560Members
    I care more about what was done than when it will be done.

    I was fine with Kerbal Space Program's developers never setting deadlines for patches and stating "it will be done when it is done". Their reasoning behind this is that they never have to worry about rushing to meet a deadline and then having to release a half a dozen patches to fix it to the point where it should have been to begin with.

    This way, there is always quality work being done, not rush jobs just to meet deadlines, and every patch is a surprise when it comes out. :)
  • MechriorMechrior UK Join Date: 2015-02-19 Member: 201433Members
    neamerjell wrote: »
    I care more about what was done than when it will be done.

    I was fine with Kerbal Space Program's developers never setting deadlines for patches and stating "it will be done when it is done". Their reasoning behind this is that they never have to worry about rushing to meet a deadline and then having to release a half a dozen patches to fix it to the point where it should have been to begin with.

    This way, there is always quality work being done, not rush jobs just to meet deadlines, and every patch is a surprise when it comes out. :)

    I think you misunderstand my meaning, I am not pushing for updates or timelines, I was concerned that several patches happenned on steam but I had no idea what they changed as the checkin didnt update.

    And UI know ALL about KSP, I was one of the original 10 people who helped to put content together for the official streaming groups called KSPTV. I had to drop out early into the shows beginnings but I still play quite a bit, even stream it sometimes!
  • Racer1Racer1 Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9615Members
    There is a dev comment somewhere indicating that the auto-checkin system was acting up...
  • MechriorMechrior UK Join Date: 2015-02-19 Member: 201433Members
    Racer1 wrote: »
    There is a dev comment somewhere indicating that the auto-checkin system was acting up...

    AH! ok, then that would explain it. gotte love it when you are hyped for updates to a game, that you bug the devs when they dont tell you what went into it XD
  • AviatorNicBoy28AviatorNicBoy28 Join Date: 2015-03-27 Member: 202640Members
    Chest-like container called the "Supply crate" It keeps spawning things like terraformers and seaglides. I Found the thing while getting REALLY close to the ship (I turned off radiation) and FOUND IT. NOT To mention, The island looks like it had a building on it, but was weathered away by water. It is really cool
  • ab579601ab579601 Stockholm Join Date: 2015-03-25 Member: 202565Members
    Can the add like houses and small Islands like there and here. And the sound effect of this game is awsome when u here the big animals scream. Can they add in very big monster like from the trailer in the end so it be more exading plz.
  • ArbhallArbhall The Earth Join Date: 2015-04-03 Member: 202874Members
    ab579601 wrote: »
    Can the add like houses and small Islands like there and here. And the sound effect of this game is awsome when u here the big animals scream. Can they add in very big monster like from the trailer in the end so it be more exading plz.

    exploration is exciting.
  • ab579601ab579601 Stockholm Join Date: 2015-03-25 Member: 202565Members
    I soundet if they gonne add in a wepon armory or like bed to sleep on. Maybe new subs or like an big island there u can use some cars or somthing.
  • willejernwillejern Sweden Join Date: 2015-04-13 Member: 203404Members
    Is there gona be co op or multiplayer and when is it gona be added if u might know
  • AliBAliB Join Date: 2015-04-21 Member: 203699Members
    This really is about bug Reports even if it doesn't sound like it at first:
    What really would be a good thing was an option to get back to menu or loading soon. Kinda annoying to always have to go to Desktop and restart the game when there is a really bad Bug (experimental ;) ). With a loading option it would be more comfortable to try to recreate the Bug so you can give a better Bug Report.
  • Kr0nosKr0nos USA Join Date: 2015-04-27 Member: 203889Members
    edited May 2015
    willejern wrote: »
    Is there gona be co op or multiplayer and when is it gona be added if u might know
    I think the devs said that right now their focus is to make the game a solid single player experience, but that multiplayer was definitely on the radar for the future
  • ComicalSkateComicalSkate Canada, ON Join Date: 2015-05-28 Member: 204993Members
    Hey Dev Team, I was wondering if in future implementations into the game you plan on adding weather systems and ocean movement, as in waves. As it is you are always in your sunny, un-wavy world as playing the game. I think you already have plans for this but i was just wondering.
  • sharvysharvy North Carolina Join Date: 2015-04-28 Member: 203902Members
    The checkin list doesn't let me scroll to the side to see the whole thing on my 5c. How can I see all they have checked in?
  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    edited July 2015

    Hi Dev Team !

    Here's just a list of feedback ideas for the next update (Those in bold should be given maximum priority) :

    • create the possibility to build bases on the backs of reefbacks
    • create swimming beacons
    • create beacons that can attach on solid surfaces
    • make creatures of a same species differ in size because they all just seem like clones
    • create land-living animals, or animals that live both on land and in the sea
    • create flying animals just like in the trailer
    • create the possibility to actually see the map of the Subautica world in the game, so that you know where you're going
    • name the planet you're on
    • name each different biome on the map
    • whenever you enter a new biome, make it obvious that you're doing so, like say so or play a different music for each different biome
    • create actual deep-sea animals
    • create the existence of certain diseases and antidotes (do not make these diseases aggressive, though)
    • create the possibility to have more than just one saved game in the menu
    • create a sort of jet ski
    • make the weather vary, because it's just so boring that the sea stays steady as a rock and the sun keeps coming up and down with no clouds
    • add a clock so as to keep track of time passing by
    • create a sort of encyclopaedia of all tha marine life which is consultable, BUT if the player wants to see an entry on a marine life form, he/she MUST have encountered it first

    I might add more ideas to this comment, so please consult it regularly.

  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    edited July 2015
    Second bunch of ideas :
    • to me, there seems to be too many living animals; I think it would be amazing if somewhere, the skeleton of a really massive ancient animal could be found and used to find various raw materials found nowhere else
    • make the weather vary, because it's just so boring that the sea stays steady as a rock and the sun keeps coming up and down with no clouds at all
    • add a clock so as to keep track of time passing by
    • create a sort of encyclopaedia of all tha marine life which is consultable in the game, BUT if the player wants to see an entry on a marine life form, he/she MUST have encountered it first
    • make the terraformer work at any depth (for jacksepticeye : )
    • the swim charge fins should also be able to charge the sea glide (again, for jacksepticeye : )
  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    edited June 2015
    Third bunch of ideas :
    • I think it'd be cool if the player could create with the builder a sort of a shark cage which just stays in mid-water and in which the player can enter to escape and observe a hostile life form. The cage isn't transportable, and can therefore be left at a biome where a dangerous animal is found (stalkers are found in some creepvine forests, sand sharks are found in the grassy plateaus, bone sharks are found in some mushroom forests...). For air to be accessible in the cage, the player can simply install some tubes from the surface.
    • I can't remember who asked this, but someone wanted these wierd things to be in the game : 3g2sdqmenbbl.jpg I don't know where they originally come from or what their name is, but they do seem cool, and wierd enough to look alien. I rather feel that they could be some sort of scavenger swarming around the sunken skeleton of a really ancient and massive animal (see my second bunch of ideas)
    • Many people didn't like my idea that the map of the Subnautica world should be seen by the player, stating that this will make travelling too easy. Well, I've had an idea : this is the same principle of my idea of a consultable encyclopaedia (see my second bunch of ideas), meaning that if the player wants to know the directions to some area, he/she must've already been there (the undiscovered areas on the map are blurred out)
  • kreepdaboomkreepdaboom not telling Join Date: 2015-06-14 Member: 205480Members
    I had an idea for special sliding doors for the seamoth. It would open when the player is both: in a seamoth, AND at least 3 meters from the door. This is useful if u add multiplayer, but also just to keep ur vehicle safe from anything that will bump into it.
  • LuxuriousLuxurious WA State Join Date: 2015-06-24 Member: 205747Members
    edited June 2015
    This is useful if u add multiplayer, but also just to keep ur vehicle safe from anything that will bump into it.

    Speaking of multiplayer, is the 4-person co op referenced by a dev back in January still a possibility? I've been rooting around online to find info on it, and all I see are people pining for it, but I can't find any recent follow up on the subject from the devs. Does that mean it's off the table, or does the idea still have legs under it? Thank you in advance for any response.

    Edit: I just found this sticky on the steam page, my bad:

  • phoenixofdoomphoenixofdoom france Join Date: 2015-06-23 Member: 205703Members
    i think a coop with 4 person is good to the game
  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    edited July 2015
    Fourth bunch of ideas :
    • Naming the cyclops is really cool; why not do the same with the life pod and the seamoth ?
    • The map needs a sort of polar biome with ice caves, creatures and resources only found near ice
    • Whenever the seamoth, cyclops, escape pod or a base is almost out of power, white light all around could be replaced by dark red light to add more drama (for Awesomecrunch :
    • Depending on which biome a creature can be found, different creatures should see only certain colours of light (so for instance, creatures living in the kelp biome are very sensitive to green light, creatures living on the grassy plateaus have a sense of sight similar to ours, creatures living deep can't see red light...)
    • Following the last idea, the flashlight and headlight on the seaglide could be upgraded using the workbench so that they produce a certain colour, depending on where the player is planning to go
    • I've heard that the developers are working on a sort of plantation that can be grown on reefbacks. That is an EXCELLENT idea, but remember that reefbacks move, so it'd be difficult to find the plantation again. The only way to easily find an area is to place a beacon close by, but beacons don't move; they just float in mid-water. So here's my idea : beacons can be upgraded using the workbench so that they actually stick to the belly of a reefback or other large animal. That way the player would never loose his/her plantations.
  • solar71solar71 usa Join Date: 2015-06-06 Member: 205276Members
    We need a new cooler use for those sticky floaty balls that are always attached to rocks.
    Take two sticky floaty balls and one beacon. Put them in the fabricator to create a sticky beacon.
  • RazakielRazakiel USA Join Date: 2015-07-02 Member: 205960Members
    solar71 wrote: »
    We need a new cooler use for those sticky floaty balls that are always attached to rocks.
    Take two sticky floaty balls and one beacon. Put them in the fabricator to create a sticky beacon.

    I assume so you can have a beacon that would move with whatever you stuck it to, such as a Reefback or, if one were to survive, a Reaper.
  • subnautica4lifesubnautica4life united states Join Date: 2015-07-11 Member: 206106Members
    edited July 2015
    Soul_Rider wrote: »

    I take it you have never heard of Unknown Worlds previous game Natural Selection 2? That is the alien hive, where alien creatures spawn from at the beginning of the game. If does look quite good floating in water though. With some adjustments might make a good shrimp-like creature..

    they come from ns2 so i doubt the devs will add them in the game its suppose to be something they made for fun so yeah sorry to dissapoint
  • subnautica4lifesubnautica4life united states Join Date: 2015-07-11 Member: 206106Members
    edited March 2016
    Razakiel wrote: »

    I assume so you can have a beacon that would move with whatever you stuck it to, such as a Reefback or, if one were to survive, a Reaper.
    So a tracker if you put them on animals.
  • TechMasterAllenTechMasterAllen Join Date: 2015-06-28 Member: 205844Members
    Or a beacon that doesn't drift away. Can you use beacons inside?
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