Alterra Science Update Released! - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Crashed on an alien world? Surrounded by ocean predators and hostile environments? Fear not, brave traveller: For you now have new means of crafting at your disposal. The Workbench and...
Models are done, rigging is done, animation of them is in-progress, then on to programming. They are moving through the pipeline
The only thing thats missing for me now is more fish/animals. It would be so awesome if deep sea would feature loads of glowing fish swarms, as well as big fish having tentacles or something like octopusses and making scary sounds! Would be such an awesome experience!
It seems that not only in NS2, but maybe (sorry Gabe) in Half-Life universe to...
Disappointing, but understandable. Still can't wait to get home from work and try out the patch, though.
Yes, but some things will not be updated. It will tell you when the warning screen popups when you load an old save.
Personally, I find it best to just make a new game every stable build
Yeah, but hard to tell whether that was just a little joke at the similarities between the propulsion cannon and the gravity gun or something more.
Definitely a joke towards the HL grav-gun-- Subnautica takes place in the Natural Selection universe as Alterra Corporation is present in Subnautica (just look at the fire hydrant in the pod
But more problems with spawn out from Cyclops when leave steering. Very often, I spawn high above the sea. Sometimes in the Aurora. Pleas fix it so fast as you can !!!
I love this game ....
Have a great weekend, you guys deserve it!
Or did the devs forget about that little issue? I didn't spend money on the game just to watch it sit in my games Library.
Now, if you guys could work on the framerate for people with non-gaming computers....
I don't quite understand people like this. You are playing a modern computer game. Go buy a proper computer. If these guys have to dumb it down for crappy computers, then it'll be a crappy game. Not their fault, people need to get with the times.