Please, please! Add more facilities/modules!
USA Join Date: 2015-05-17 Member: 204601Members
Anything beyond simple corridors and windows would be great. Perhaps an observation room? Airlocks? Or how about text/decals to decorate the exterior? Anything! You can only get so creative using horizontal tubes (oh, what if they could be placed vertically
In particular, I think a better design for ladders/ladderwells is much needed, cuz this mess is a nightmare to use.

I'm sure y'all have plans for this stuff in the long run. Nonetheless, GREAT job so far! One of the best games I've played in a while.

In particular, I think a better design for ladders/ladderwells is much needed, cuz this mess is a nightmare to use.

I'm sure y'all have plans for this stuff in the long run. Nonetheless, GREAT job so far! One of the best games I've played in a while.
Moon base:
Glass hallway sections:
Damn shame we can't just scoop up a few handfuls of sand, pop it in the Fabricator and make a sheet of glass...
Aw, hell no.
Time for a Happy Dance.
In the old versions it was used sand to make glass ... I do not know why they changed
I would imagine in the future there will be another device to do that.
So much potential with this game, and running sooo smooth i forget its a WIP !!!
Awesome work Dev's , keep it up.
1. Vertical corridors. Oh god, do we need these. I'm so tired of have to put a bunch of corridors on top of each other in order to go up or down any kind of significant distance. It just looks sooo ugly.
2. A standard room. Make it roughly the size of the X corridor, but obviously the corners would be filled out to make it more of a box. Then if you put to such standard rooms next to each other, the wall in between them could vanish (just like corridor connections already do) allowing the player to create a wide variety of rooms. Also, maybe later, the floor/ceiling in between 2 rooms placed one on top of the other could similarly be removed or the option to remove portions of the floor could be allowed with the builder tool, allowing for higher ceilings and balconies.
If you want specific rooms to have specific uses, put the appropriate equipment/furniture inside. Want a science lab? Place the fragment and specimen analyzers. A workshop? Fabricator and workbench. Cargo hold? Boxes and lockers. Since these objects can also be placed on subs as well, once we have a standard room adding a wider variety of such objects will improve both base building options and sub equipment options at the same time.
Also being worked on are generic rooms that are quite a bit larger then the corridors, and which can be vertically stacked to be as many stories high as the player wants. An all glass dome ceiling observatory style room is also in the works.
We have quite a few additional base related plans, as well, so seabases, will be getting fleshed out quite a bit in the near future.
Okay so, to relax from a hard days swimming around in the ocean, we will take a recreational swim.
(1) Bedroom. (with your own bed that does time cycles from day to night)
(2) Mancave. (with awesome upcoming weather LCD screens)
(3) Radar. (so you can see if anything big is swiming by your base)
(4) Workbench area. (swimsuit upgrades, tool upgrades)
(5) Doors! (if a section of your base is about to get flooded you can seal off that part until you go out and repair, Also would be cool to open and close at will)
(6) Living wild life aquatic pen. (you can keep all your fish you catch for supply, maybe something like an attatched titanium fence)
(7) Docking station or airlock / like your Moon Pool. (but to dock medium subs to your base)
If this game ever gets weather effects like storms? Outside lights! For night time cycles and stormy/overcast weather?
If this ever goes to multiplayer. Base alarms (you can trigger an alarm on/off for a warning)
Best. Community. Ever.
Also, I'm SO hyped for glass corridors and of course the rooms Squeal' said about... Such a gorgeous world, so of course I want to gaze out into it.
Sounds like a lot of glass. Quartz will be in high demand as always, so I hope it will become somehow renewable or otherwise more plentiful.
Bases are where I hope to stock up and resupply while I decide what section of the sea to explore next. As I hopefully imput signals and sea what areas I have explored and which signals I have yet to check out. Or even as I stock up on supplies or examine the tech I unlocked with the fragment analyzer as I was out on my last expedition.
Bases might not be important to you. But for me, it's a nice change of pace to have to walk around in the building I created and purposed for my needs. Heck, I put in an observation deck just to be able to walk around and see...well not much being on the seabed biome. But it's still cool to see a Reefback swim by my base with my Cyclops floating off to starboard.
According to your trello database the moon pool room is in the "done" section?
Besides, if they ever implement some sort of decompression mechanism, bases will become critical as pit-stops when you want to ascend from depths...
"Done" in trello doesn't mean those features are implemented. They might need tweaking, fixing, bug testing and other stuff. Also, the moon pool leaflet that is done is labeled 'Art', so it might mean that just the 3D-model and textures of it are ready. Check Moon pool animations to follow developement progress.