Build 273 Live on Steam - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Hot off the heals of Build 272, we are happy to bring you our first update of 2015. We closed out 2014 with a bang, two months of sales bringing...
Notice that this is a c-wrapped version of the python one (modified version so server params get stored into a json config file)
Yeah it was shipped with the client packet only. (Damn you build machine) Just copy paste it to the server
When can I play Siege mode again? I miss my Siege friends
If you're having FPS issues, please verify your Steam NS2 Cache. If that doesn't work, please run techsupport.exe in your NS2 folder and upload the file it create online and provide us with the link in this thread. Thanks!
You beat me to it.. Meh, guess ill sub to yours then.
I like this patch so far.
* No issues whatsoever on mods or other weird update stuff. (not even comp mod)
* No lua errors.
* Received the server admin mail well on time.
After patching all our 16 servers (half are backups), I have only experienced one mod download timeout, and that took a mere reload.
fastest patch since a while.
I will 'soon' look into the workshop backup server, but that will require some internal communication. For now, I havent looked at that yet.
Keep up the good work folk.
To those few users who are experiencing an FPS decrease (which is odd as the rest of us have had an increase) : We need more data to help you out!
Assuming you haven't installed new drivers, be sure that you aren't running any mods through the in game mod menu, and ensure you aren't running in DX11 mode or windowed mode or something weird like that. Do a fresh restart of your computer with nothing running in the background - and if you are still having the same issues, we need a plog from you to determine why you would have poor FPS.
then you can p_endlog /or just wait for the round to end/ or map to change/ or just quit the game and it will end automatically.
Then navigate to your hidden folder
c:/users/YOU/appdata/roaming/natural selection 2/
And you will find your file, something *.plog
Zip it/ compress it.
Upload it to somewhere on the internet
Link it to me here
This will give me a frame by frame analysis of what is going on, so try to pick a time when you can best reproduce your lowest performance like the 40 fps you said you get.
Dont record for longer than 30 minutes, and don't record for shorter than 5.
Include your file with this compressed plog.
Nudge Nudge
Those that have messed up my minimap and score menu? )
-1 shot a skulk with full armor and 2 biomass
-2 shot gorges
-3 shot fades
-fighting onos is even more ridiculous
20 res for a GL that is useless within 10 meters is a bit much. Hand grenade spam with LMG seems like a better choice now.
Besides, it's a damn support weapon. it's designed to destroy structures and give AOE BOOM BOOM BOOM to round skulks biting your buddies bum's.
Because the law of nanites says "i cannot hurt a friend, even with HUGEMUNGOOUUS EXPLOSHUNS"
If you were ever able to fight an onos, 1v1, with an GL. I applaud you. Or maybe not so, that onos was probably new.
Having a support siege weapon 2shot gorges and 3 shot fades is terrible gameplay wise.
though maybe it could lose some of it's cost.
That's the point. The GL is intended to be primarily an anti-structure weapon.
As a skulk, I have no qualms about being one shotted by a direct hit of a 40mm explosive. It's a bloody rock full of C4 that is somewhat aerodynamic! It's the high risk, high reward weapon that can be powerful in skilled hands. Now it's just a high risk, mediumish reward weapon.
I feel like this weapon should be like a demoman's sticky bombs in TF2. Primarily anti-structure or trap, but very useful at mid to long-ish ranges.
Try consistently 3 shotting a fade who has a clue what they're doing. Especially if they start getting close to you. A gorge 2 shot becomes 3 shot if they heal spray anyways. The reload cycle is already long enough. If it was back to 15 res, I wouldn't be writing this.
That's the point, you SHOULDN'T Be.
And not many people would agree with your "i don't mind getting oneshotted as a skulk" thing, either. It's bad enough they get oneshotted at CLOSE RANGE (shotgun), but at long range? No, not happening. At least with the shotgun onehit you also have a chance to kill.
Though i already pointed out, i agree on the 15 res thing. it would be done, if not for the fact... it's a poweful weapon en masse. And cycling it back to 15 would mean.. you guessed it.. pub spam GL LAUNCH MODE.
It'll probably get shoved into compmod though.
Edit:: Oh one other minor thing I noticed that someone else said happened to them too was the blue stuff (squares) that comes on your screen as marine when you spawn kept popping up when I pressed tab to look at the scoreboard. Might have only been during pregame since it eventually went away.