Why is NS2 requiring 11GB of hard drive space? (Used to 2GB at launch)
Join Date: 2010-12-02 Member: 75414Members, Constellation, NS2 Map Tester

Why is NS2 requiring 11GB of hard drive space? (Used to 2GB at launch)
I remember this game was under 2GB, now its over five times larger... what gives? Some of us don't have the luxury to afford high speed internet connections or massive storage hard drives. :[
Can anything be done?
I remember this game was under 2GB, now its over five times larger... what gives? Some of us don't have the luxury to afford high speed internet connections or massive storage hard drives. :[
Can anything be done?
In short. no.
The bulk of that is used for props for maps like refinery, biodome, descent.
Basicly the new stuff which got added.
This I assume will slowly grow as community maps are 'added' with workshop mods and the workshop folder is also quite big already.
Keep a backup in case you lose your installation somehow in the future. You should do this with all your steam games.
@PersianImm0rtal You could even be really cool and use something like filetreesize (google it, nice little windows application) to identify which folders are taking up the most space.
The folder is located in your appdata/roaming folder, it is hidden so make sure you have in control panel with folder options "show hidden files and folders" selected,
quick way of getting there, click start type in %appdata% that should open up the folder/roaming, once in roaming folder its located in Natural Selection 2, workshop, you can delete the whole folder, and then only mods you are subscribed to will download on next Ns2 launch
See the amounts of different textures, colours, plants, and other props in biodome? Summit is mostly boxes and grey.
There is a zip "modelsrc" at 182mb and a 1.17GB directory with the same name and same number of containing files.
The game doesn't load .MAX models does it?
No, those are (some of) the source models that are provided as a courtesy to the modding community.
I thought the #nextlevelbusinessstrategy was to make the loading times intentionally half a millennium long to force people to buy SSDs?
Get a new hard drive
Not sure how this has to do with high speed internet, except for initial download =P.
As for hard drive: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148840&cm_re=seagate-_-22-148-840-_-Product
1 TB hdd for $70.
What kind of benefits are we looking at here?
1/3 - 1/2 the time. We've had people load a map in around 10-15 second on an ssd.
Those are not final or promised speeds but a representation of improvements done
Incorrect. While the source files do posses a large number, the biggest count is still by actual ingame models. Just grab the treesize program and check yourself.
BF4 is topping 40GB and still has two more DLC packs to go by the end of the year. I shudder to even imagine what WoW is going to be up to when WoD comes out.