Your moment of glory
Join Date: 2012-11-09 Member: 168660Members, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Gold

On some pub server the other day, I was going something like 22-3 as marine, supporting a fairly inexperienced team and commander, basically being field comm. We were winning quite decisively against an equally skilled team. While going for the last hive push, I noticed it was getting fairly quiet and told our comm to scan the RTs next to our base. And there we had it; aliens popping out of a tunnel making their way to our base JUST as the scan hit. The scan saved the day, we cleared the push and the tunnel and proceeded to take down the last alien hive with ease.
After that round I got to thinking, and remembered a bunch of similar moments. NS2 is full of these adrenaline rushing and/or extremely rewarding situations, both in terms of collective and individual achievements: you're about to get an RT down and 2 skulks fly in full-speed to kill you just when you're reloading, your team is hunting down and trapping a lifeform and it's up to you to get that last 100 points of damage, you've killed the IPs in base and you're the last skulk alive versus two marines with their pistols out and no med support.
So I'm asking you: what was your most glorious NS2 moment? Something you achieved that made you feel all fuzzy and warm on the inside. Something that made you go "f*ck yeah, I'm the sh*t". Be it competitive or public play, a quadruple frag or just a great call you made that won/saved the round, let's hear your moment of glory.
After that round I got to thinking, and remembered a bunch of similar moments. NS2 is full of these adrenaline rushing and/or extremely rewarding situations, both in terms of collective and individual achievements: you're about to get an RT down and 2 skulks fly in full-speed to kill you just when you're reloading, your team is hunting down and trapping a lifeform and it's up to you to get that last 100 points of damage, you've killed the IPs in base and you're the last skulk alive versus two marines with their pistols out and no med support.
So I'm asking you: what was your most glorious NS2 moment? Something you achieved that made you feel all fuzzy and warm on the inside. Something that made you go "f*ck yeah, I'm the sh*t". Be it competitive or public play, a quadruple frag or just a great call you made that won/saved the round, let's hear your moment of glory.
1/Have a voice comander guide team , and not yelling at public players
2/ Good Sport-manship , no swearing
3/ Being callled a cheater , aimbotter and get vote kicked by a rage kid with his noob Call of Duty clan tag
Glourious >>
Srsly though. Usually those 'im the shit' moments come from soloing good players' lerks with low/no upgrades rifle, or those times when you consciously single-handedly bait, trap and kill a fade with uberpositioning.
His first comment was 'I'm not medding that, sorry Roo'
I jumped over one fade from one of the raised lumps, putting the second meat shot in from directly overhead, then took that fade down as I landed. The next fade took a meatshot and managed to escape. The gorge then put itself in the way of the 3rd fade and took a full meatshot, dying on the next shot.
I started reloading. Prom started medding (I believe it went along with the phrase 'holy sh1t! Okay now you can have a medpack')
The 3rd fade then took 2 meatshots and a couple of pistol rounds on fleeing and died, and the second fade (who had come back in by this point) took a further meatshot, escaping on 11 HP (if I recall correctly).
I died to that surviving fade a minute or so later, but boy taking down 2 fades and a gorge in that scenario felt EPIC.
+ agree but I have this horrible thing where every time I start recording, my brain turns to mush and I forget how to play :P *sigh*
But as I scanned atrium for my marines to push in, I noticed a little gorge icon traveling across the map to computer lab.
So I scanned computer lab and saw 9 aliens, including gorges and lerks, jump out of the tunnel and rush for sub.
Naturally I had plenty of time to react so I first dropped 2 safety chairs and then waited till they were about to enter our main before I beaconed and crushed the entire push before they could leave a scratch.
Australian tourney. Comp match. A ton of specs watching. May have been finals *strokes whiskers* damn my memory...
Tough match. We've relocated to the other side of the map at a key juncture, our strategy. We're winning. Aliens pushed back, all their higher lifeforms dead. One hive left to go. It's in the bag. We've got this. *drawls on fat cigar, blows smoke in your face*
Then it goes pear-shaped. While our guys are pushing the hive, they rush our relocate, dodging the defenses. I can't get out at that chair there to defend, I'm at marine start, and the IPs go down while the rest of my boys are picked off.
In the space of about 20 seconds everyone's dead. It's just me left in the chair back at marine start.
Fuck! Did we just lose the game? How did we let this happen?
A third of the spectators actually leave the server, they just witnessed end game afterall.
While I'm sitting there stunned like a mullet, one of my team is screaming 'BUILD AN IP!'.
I snap out of my shock, grab my junk in my hands and give it a good tug. Right boys. Now or never.
Place an IP and jump out to build.
Come on...
I hear the first skulk approaching. I keep building.
IP finishes, first marine spawns in as the skulk leaps.
Flashes of light, skulk dead!
*strokes stubble, looks distantly into the campfire*
Drop another IP. We both start building. They thought they had time, just the comm left to go. Now they know they need to rush.
Second marine spawns as three skulks round the corner, I get back in to the chair to med while they shoot. Three skulks down!
Ammo dropped. Arms lab dropped. Build it boys, build!
Rest of team spawns in while the aliens attempt a full-team rush.
But we're not there. We've moved out, heading to our relocate -- everything is there except for the IPs and arms, it's a comp game that's all the aliens focused on to take us out quickly.
They rush me at marine start, decimating the comm chair as I med the team on the way to the relocate, once they realised what was happening and tried to intercept. I die in a blaze of glory (ok, may be some embellishment) and you can *hear* through the interwebs the aliens cheering in victory. Now they just have to pick off the stragglers right? No ips. Comm down. It's got to be in the bag for them....
The team arrives at the relocate where I've already placed IPs to build. They power build. I spawn in, jump into the relocate chair. Knowing they're going to hit us again I drop turrets, and as the wave hits us we send them all back to the spawn queue. Between turrets and marines they didn't have a chance as skulks. And now we've got our AA back, our obs, our phase.
Maybe it was decimating their morale. Maybe it was my kick-ass stubble. But after that as we approached their last hive with HMGs and GLs in hand they fought like it was already over.
Because it was. And we won.
That or SNB rage quitting over a vote map.... sorry dude, miss you x
3 skulks and lerk in reactor core - managed to chip them and kite to glass hallway...
and tane comes from the back and ruins my 5k
baddie down but I had glory for just a moment
what no one knows is that one lerk was missing and decided not to rush
That reminded me of our 3 onos rush on snails in tram warehouse.
Veil, game starts, I'm a marine. I can tell marines have a significant advantage just because of two players in particular. At around the 20 min. mark, the game has unfolded as I and some aliens had predicted. Both teams have two tech points, but aliens are losing hope as pipe hive is just being built, while the marines have secured nanogrid and subsector, have jetpacks, are winning more engagements, and are getting ready to take down cargo hive with ARCs.
Up to this point, I used none of my pres, which is now up to 78. I decide to switch to aliens because I like a challenge, and I admired the determined aliens for lasting as long as they did. I didn't expect this, but I got to carry my 78 res over to the alien team. I thought that switching teams reduces your res to 20 (maybe it's a server mod, still not sure). So naturally I go Onos, team up with the other Onos who valiantly kept the aliens in the game for the past few minutes. We defend the unbuilt hive in pipe against JPs, destroy ARCs attacking cargo, retake nano, then subsector. Aliens win 25 mins. after I switched.
I love comebacks. When I switched, I could hear how desperate the aliens were on the mics. Helping them to victory was so satisfying for me. A bonus was seeing the two highly skilled players on rines (who stomped me the game before) lose.
(please note that its from february 2012, so posting there might be considered an act of necromancy by the mods
Also forgote the magic video of someone bellysliding in XR like a pro time linked youtube
I'm glad I added that slide
Around B180, the GL was an attachment to the rifle (single shot grenade with alt fire) and whips knocked grenades back at the shooter (at crazy angles sometimes)
6 of us ran into Cave hive on Mineshaft from the upper area (crusher side).
We all launched our grenades at once over the lip and at the hive, we stayed back to keep the grenades a surprise.
They all got knocked back at us. We didn't see the whip farm.
All 6 of us died at once.