AiorosJoin Date: 2003-03-24Member: 14850Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
edited November 2013
Grissi had made a 20 pages statement in the beta on how to adjust the balance and the gameplay.
A lot of people even made a mod of some of the changes, they could add with a mod.
I think only 5% of these stuff got into the game, after sewlek took over.
Still 7000 $ is still a long way to go.
edit: sorry he made a 44 page essay about NS2 and balance.
He even had mod servers running some of theses changes and testing it with pugs playing each other.
A lot of players tryed to help grissi with his ideas. like fana and others.
The thing I love about this community is that they are always striving to make the game better, but sometimes I just wish that people would realize theory crafting is just that theory. If you want real change you need to show examples of said changes and backup your thoughts
and Grissi got ignored - the only person taking feedback into account is sewlek. hes the first ns2 developer who was asking comp gamers as well as casual players and even rookies about their ideas and stuff. But the sad think is, this process happened to late. Ns2 already lost a big amount of players (casual and competitive) and even the support is now reduced.
One more think. Its not the big thinks people are asking for .... its the little thinks like bug fixes even if they are rly rly small. Dont get how some bugs are still in this game after 2 years. Or little thinks like commander hotkeys and stuff, there are mods for it. But after 1 years still not into vanilla game.
We got a fast load menu mod, but there is no option in vanilla game menu for something such simple like that.
Or the low details mod. Even mendasp lowlights maps could have been added into the game as an option in the menu.
But working on Badges is more important !!!
Back to the topic:
If this Cup would happen, it would be awesome. At least you would get some teams to start playing again, myb you find a pcw (scrim for our US friends) to play again
And this is what happens to the people that tryed to help NS2... They speak the truth and get banned.... Hugh sir, you need to see that there has been lots of help and idea's. But you guy look past them. The peopel that helped keep a active community during the beta with servers and mods and tons of other stuff. UWE has just pushed them aside. And now many of them have left the game. Those should be the people you hold the closest.. They are Tempest ( if it was not for that man. There would have been very few NA servers during the beta. Plus he gave tons of insight on idea's. Fana do i need to say much here. Grissi/Dragon combo they helped with mods and testing new blance. And i know there are tons more that did big stuff for this game. But it was all over looked. WHY? I hope to see a reply, if there is not one then it shows why imo.
IronHorseDeveloper, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributorJoin Date: 2010-05-08Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
edited November 2013
.. has nothing to do with "speaking the truth".
It has to do with a thread that is getting waayyy off topic and a user who was personally attacking other members of the community.
Continue that topic over there, please, (a great thread, btw, TY @roobubba) where Hugh is currently addressing those speaking the truth..
And keep this thread on topic.
I understand it is getting off topic. But the people that are speaking very blunt truely do care. They are in this thread because they want to support this game but cant due to there reasons stated many times. There would be far many more top level and mid/low level teams if UWE would listen to some people more. This game would could be closer to a more solid esport's game. And for any of the "pub" players who say we want teh game our way.... Stop that, most of us play pubs also. There is no dif between players minus the skill/understanding of the game. We are/where all pub playes. We should all support each other to get this to grwo. But the biggest thing is UWE needs to understand what makes a Esports game, not just the bling bling and fancy events like this. If the game is broken people wont stay. Enjoy my poop grammer and spelling
This will be my last message on this post IronHorse.
If this doesn't reach the goal on it's own merits, I really hope UWE doesn't pay the remainder; that would defeat the purpose of a community organised event.
I know UWE is already paying $30 000, and I'm not bothered by that.
Getting $8000 from intel and $8000 from Nvidia counts as "on it's own merits" in my opinion, so I also have no problems from that and think it's great.
I personally don't care for this event though and would rather UWE spent zero dollars and zero hours thinking about it, but hey; I'm just a grumpy beta backer who's disappointed how the game turned out so far.
I just think UWE is riding too high on this event and hyping it too much to let it die because the community can't hit the 30k goal in time. The added publicity of nvidia and Intel getting involved only increases their desire for it to happen. They've already pledged $30k to the project should the fundraiser succeed, I could certainly see them making up the difference if the community can't get there in time.
1. Spend a relatively small sum of money for marketing and to create customer goodwill.
2. Get money back because the funding goal is not reached [unless UWE or some other sponsor (has UWE asked AMD?) jumps in, I don't see the community raising the rest in just 4 days]
3. Free marketing!
Great job and I'm always grateful for UWE and for this community!
That being said, I never understood why you had to go so grand for this one. Previously it has been only two (mostly EU) teams when we had full UWE support. Now that you need help paying bills you got for four teams from all around the world. The 30k will still be too high for this community to pay. Shame, with 20k you could have bring two teams all around the world or bring at least four EU teams. No offence against rest of the world, but if you don't make fixed qualification three of those four tickets are going for EU teams anyway. And even the fourth place could go easily for Quaxy. So this thing will not cost 30k anyway, when you don't even need to buy flight for those baguette eaters.
While all the criticism is understandable... Seeing the counter at nearly 25K now, it would be pretty damn awesome if it were to succeed. So close to getting that sweet sweet badge. Gonna be exclusive as hell yo! And the tournament might be fun to watch as well.
Well I'm happy to put my money where my mouth is. I have just donated again (at 4x my original donation) because I think this is a fantastic opportunity. I hope that @Hugh and everyone else at UWE agrees with me about how cool an opportunity this is, and we can work together to make NS2 even better than it currently is to absolutely maximise the benefit that UWE and the NS2 community (both public and competitive!) gets from this event.
Ive no idea what to fill in under 'routing number'.
It's the routing number of your bank.
But there's a problem with it. I wanted to donate, but it says routing numbers have to be 9 digits. This is news to me, since in Europe, or at least here in Germany, routing numbers only have 8 digits...
Thus I can't contribute, same as with Ironhorses GoFundMe-Campaign. And I guess I'm not the only person that doesn't own a credit card. That's way more common in Europe than in the US.
It's the routing number of your bank.
But there's a problem with it. I wanted to donate, but it says routing numbers have to be 9 digits. This is news to me, since in Europe, or at least here in Germany, routing numbers only have 8 digits...
Thus I can't contribute, same as with Ironhorses GoFundMe-Campaign. And I guess I'm not the only person that doesn't own a credit card. That's way more common in Europe than in the US.
Imho the price tag is a little too high... If all 4 teams came from Australia, South America or the Moon I could understand. But how much is a flight from Finland, France or *gasp* Germany if you plan well ahead? Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see this succeed, but if the sum was lower, there could be more events + more often.
Edit: Reopen Onos badges - if only for that purpose.
You can't really plan ahead, because you dont know who will win..
In theory, we don't know who will win, but anyone who has followed competitive NS2 knows that there are 4-5 teams that are much more talented than the others, and that those teams will most definitely be the ones playing in the finals
AsranielJoin Date: 2002-06-03Member: 724Members, Playtest Lead, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, Retired Community Developer
thats not the point. if you want to save money you have to book the plane tickets in advance. do you want to book the plane tickets of those teams in advance and take the risk that they dont win?
A lot of people even made a mod of some of the changes, they could add with a mod.
I think only 5% of these stuff got into the game, after sewlek took over.
Still 7000 $ is still a long way to go.
edit: sorry he made a 44 page essay about NS2 and balance.
He even had mod servers running some of theses changes and testing it with pugs playing each other.
A lot of players tryed to help grissi with his ideas. like fana and others.
sry @WasabiOne i cant resist.
and Grissi got ignored - the only person taking feedback into account is sewlek. hes the first ns2 developer who was asking comp gamers as well as casual players and even rookies about their ideas and stuff. But the sad think is, this process happened to late. Ns2 already lost a big amount of players (casual and competitive) and even the support is now reduced.
One more think. Its not the big thinks people are asking for .... its the little thinks like bug fixes even if they are rly rly small. Dont get how some bugs are still in this game after 2 years. Or little thinks like commander hotkeys and stuff, there are mods for it. But after 1 years still not into vanilla game.
We got a fast load menu mod, but there is no option in vanilla game menu for something such simple like that.
Or the low details mod. Even mendasp lowlights maps could have been added into the game as an option in the menu.
But working on Badges is more important
Back to the topic:
If this Cup would happen, it would be awesome. At least you would get some teams to start playing again, myb you find a pcw (scrim for our US friends) to play again
.. has nothing to do with "speaking the truth".
It has to do with a thread that is getting waayyy off topic and a user who was personally attacking other members of the community.
Case in point, and so that everyone can stay on topic (you know, the topic where we are celebrating two of the largest PC hardware manufacturers financially contributing to a small indie game competition that is community led just because they want to?) here is the thread that is attempting to spill over into this one:
Continue that topic over there, please, (a great thread, btw, TY @roobubba) where Hugh is currently addressing those speaking the truth..
And keep this thread on topic.
/off-topic explanation
This will be my last message on this post IronHorse.
I know UWE is already paying $30 000, and I'm not bothered by that.
Getting $8000 from intel and $8000 from Nvidia counts as "on it's own merits" in my opinion, so I also have no problems from that and think it's great.
I personally don't care for this event though and would rather UWE spent zero dollars and zero hours thinking about it, but hey; I'm just a grumpy beta backer who's disappointed how the game turned out so far.
1. Spend a relatively small sum of money for marketing and to create customer goodwill.
2. Get money back because the funding goal is not reached [unless UWE or some other sponsor (has UWE asked AMD?) jumps in, I don't see the community raising the rest in just 4 days]
3. Free marketing!
SCNR 8->
That being said, I never understood why you had to go so grand for this one. Previously it has been only two (mostly EU) teams when we had full UWE support. Now that you need help paying bills you got for four teams from all around the world. The 30k will still be too high for this community to pay. Shame, with 20k you could have bring two teams all around the world or bring at least four EU teams. No offence against rest of the world, but if you don't make fixed qualification three of those four tickets are going for EU teams anyway. And even the fourth place could go easily for Quaxy. So this thing will not cost 30k anyway, when you don't even need to buy flight for those baguette eaters.
All the more prize money for the Finnish master race.
I thought the Snails were French :P
Let's do this!
We're gonna make this, it's going to be awesome!
Spread about it to all your friends.
But there's a problem with it. I wanted to donate, but it says routing numbers have to be 9 digits. This is news to me, since in Europe, or at least here in Germany, routing numbers only have 8 digits...
Thus I can't contribute, same as with Ironhorses GoFundMe-Campaign. And I guess I'm not the only person that doesn't own a credit card. That's way more common in Europe than in the US.
I am very sure your bank or any convenience stores offer any of these(gift / virtual) fast and easy:
Edit: Reopen Onos badges - if only for that purpose.
In theory, we don't know who will win, but anyone who has followed competitive NS2 knows that there are 4-5 teams that are much more talented than the others, and that those teams will most definitely be the ones playing in the finals