Natural Selection 2 World Championship - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

As a game developer, our primary business concern must always be to create great games. The emotion generated by our bond with the Natural Selection 2 player community must always be kept in check: If we aren’t careful, we will end up happily spending all our money – and more importantly, time – doing fun stuff like making Gorge plushies, throwing tournaments, and partying with fans at shows. The end result of such behaviour? We can’t create games to our full potential, and you all receive sub-par games. But what do you do when players present you with a plan that is so stunningly ambitious, it reminds you of why you create games in the first place? A plan …
This comment is amazing
Let's get back into it and support the NS2WC team!
I'd be all for it though if UWE actually knew how to make changes to the game that retained new players, then there would actually be a large enough player base to support trying to get $30k in donations.
But no..... all UWE knows how to do is to cater to the veteran players and make their player base dwindle.
I fully expect this post to be deleted as the last 2 things I called them out on (and I turned out to be right as well), were deleted.
No, I just use common sense to realize what is going to happen, which many people around here, including UWE are missing. So far, I haven't been wrong using mere common sense.
( Please stop making me LOLLing) Great Beta Game that is ns2 mmmm feels like beta release once again 10 steps forward 50 steps backwards what happen to ns2 luajit i remember that big update your company released not only did it see a peak of players rise but it had almost every player in the community once again active.
2. If we aren’t careful, we will end up happily spending all our money – and more importantly, time – doing fun stuff like making Gorge plushies, throwing tournaments, and partying with fans at shows. The end result of such behaviour? We can’t create games to our full potential, and you all receive sub-par games.
( FML another LOLLING statement by UWE) YAY let's make gorge plushies with $170k Wooohooo great idea I just heard UWE just won 2014 nobel prize with this statement well done guy's.
And now letting community member such as WasabiOne who has no share's or stock in your company shift prime focus on setting up a tournament funding program that is purely to keep umm mmm mmm lets say active 300 players who are in clans around the world. WE just donated over $170k towards one program and you guys are getting greedy so quickly to fund another $30k.
Yes i know what UWE will say hey but look this is community funding program incorrect it's a funding that was passed by the gaming company to let other people outside the company create a funding program so UWE your signing away all your paper work away taking ns2 to this next level.
Not smart idea but then again i guess i'm waiting for UWe to burn they own bridge.
Like i said I will always love ns but i'v always hated the people who are behind closed door coming up with idea's such like this one.
Just hope uwe quickly make's a huge mistake in the gaming industry so they can get down to the last tier only to figure out what went wrong until then I will not donate a cent towards any programs that are listed by UWE or UWE letting pig's brains run programs.
NS2 the greatest Unfinished Game to be viewed by less then 1000 viewers the day ns2 gets over 1000 viewers that will be the day i say right uwe is a great company but until then i might as well go watch 2 guys playing lego war's rather then watch a game that can't even get 1000 viewers!!!
With all respect I loved ns1 and still do but out of over 500 game's i'v played and over 10+ years invested towards this company i'm saying your company is going the wrong track.
But hey GoodLuck!!!!!
LOLing hard. So true.
People tend to go all extreme in unstable times. Extreme Left or Right. Black and white, never grey.
Or like it is the case here, overly negative or blindly positive. But what's really important is to realize that something is wrong. Worst would be just to ignore. The anger, so many pissed off people born from frustration. Loving something but seeing it go down and beeing unable to do something against it (and just after you thought you were actually helping more and more bad news come in). Hence Hugh disappointment.
its community driven, community focussed and uwe is only 'helping'.
People complain about uwe's games.. Ok fair nuff.. I disagree, but everyone his/her voice.
But I dont see the reasoning for complaining uwe is helping with this. Its not as big surprise now is it folk?
I mean, its been on the about page for eons:
Unite the world through play is what you try to do with tournaments.
What exactly would go wrong? You have PR budget and coding budget. Its stated ns2 development wont go down due to this. They are working on bugfixed, performance and (gasp) ideas for new games.
The ones who confirmed HAVE been busy with this are Charlie & Hugh.. hmm.. the boss & the PR guy. That doesnt sound weird in my ears at all.
In chronological order:
You're welcome.
SAY IT! Uwe is a great company! SAY IT ! Say it gawddammit!
What the hell happened back then?
"Look we got so many visitors to our website that it crashed!!!"
"So how many people actually signed up?"
"Oh.... a hundred or so."
I forgive you though - as well as respect your opinions. However, instead of just bashing left and right - how about some constructive feedback as to how to help the situation? You may be thinking that 'that's what you have been doing'; but it sure isn't coming across that way. Here's a hint: the way things are said is just as important as the subject itself. You can keep the $20 for that one.
Do you wish UWE to fail or something? Did the person you tried to ask out make fun of a receding hairline and that's a touchy subject?
I kid, I kid! In all seriousness though - do you even like UWE?
I have many times. I'll reiterate though.
If NS2 is going to grow (although it may already been too late), then certain features of NS2 need to be added, changed or completely removed in order to retain new players that enter the game. Whether those changes are by implementing a 'carrot on a stick' or by changing the learning curve or whatever, THEN NS2 will actually be able to grow as it will be able to finally retain players.
NS2 will never grow by UWE constantly only supporting and throwing money at the esports side of things.
I use to like UWE before Hugh and company came up with the fact that esports was what was going to make NS2 grow, when it clearly won't.
However, they are starting to realize that NS2 is not going to grow, as referenced by their statement that they are not going to work on NS2 full time anymore, I doubt they have put 2 + 2 together to realize why though.