NS2 aka 'Project Blueballs'
Join Date: 2003-05-15 Member: 16331Members, Reinforced - Shadow

Not sure about anyone else but I'm fucking sick of getting blue balls after every round. It's a rare occurrence now to actually fully finish a game before it is conceded.
99.99999999% of every round, i end up with blue balls because when a round is just about to get interesting as the winning team WAMMM it's all over.
On the other side of the coin, damn looks like we lost oneof our hives....better concede this up so we can start again and maybe win the next one.......only to have the opposing team concede.
You have made it far to easy for players to give up and before some of you throw the whole "they could always F4" argument around. It's a lot easier for a player to concede with a simple popup rather than convince the whole team to isolate themselves from the game in the ready room. Concede was never required in the original NS1, and it is changing the attitude for the game. Both teams now have tools at their disposal to end turtles if people see that as another reason such as whip rushing with contaminate, ARC and exo train.
Concede.....the biggest fucking mistake to ever grace NS2.
p.s Below is a picture I believe to be more appropriate to display every time a round ends with a concede.
Thank you.
99.99999999% of every round, i end up with blue balls because when a round is just about to get interesting as the winning team WAMMM it's all over.
On the other side of the coin, damn looks like we lost oneof our hives....better concede this up so we can start again and maybe win the next one.......only to have the opposing team concede.
You have made it far to easy for players to give up and before some of you throw the whole "they could always F4" argument around. It's a lot easier for a player to concede with a simple popup rather than convince the whole team to isolate themselves from the game in the ready room. Concede was never required in the original NS1, and it is changing the attitude for the game. Both teams now have tools at their disposal to end turtles if people see that as another reason such as whip rushing with contaminate, ARC and exo train.
Concede.....the biggest fucking mistake to ever grace NS2.
p.s Below is a picture I believe to be more appropriate to display every time a round ends with a concede.

Thank you.
The same sort of thing can be applied to team imbalance, instead of making players on the bigger team wait a while to spawn which causes nothing but annoyance, increase spawn times for the smaller team and slightly decrease weapon damage of the bigger one, this way everyone still gets to play but things a bit more balanced, sooner or later someone will join and things will be back to normal.
The rounds do still end "normally" as many times as they did before, everyone just forgets that having all but one person f4 and then the other team killing the hive/cc was pretty much the same as concede now.
Concede is a good thing, if people use it so much, it doesn't mean the people are stupid because you don't like the said feature.
Yep, I'm still gonna say it: people could always f4.
Can someone explain what he means?
However, people don't want 2 hour games esp. when teams are pretty unbalanced or stacked. Deal with it.
Also, F4'ing in NS1 is basically concede, just less effective.
Waiting for 10min until you can concede.
I've seen so many games where one team is getting absolutely demolished, but because you have to wait for 10min, people get frustrated/bored, f4, then quit the server.
So yeah, people conceding too early is annoying, but it at least keeps people on the server and playing, whereas f4ing does not.
You can complain about NS2's design being prone to one sided games (well, every team multiplayer game is), but that's a problem with the game's design, not with the concede function which is alleviating that issue. Removing it would not help (just think of those people from the winning team who start a "randomize ready room" vote once people from the losing team go F4 instead of concede).
Exactly. 5 minutes would make more sense.
I can to some extent understand the disappointment of seeing an anti-climactic "you win" message pop up out of nowhere and not being able to blast down the last remaining hive. But you're exaggerating the issue. 99.999999% of the fun I have playing NS2 derives from the actual battle for attaining a dominant position, and not from finishing it off.
Sure, every once in a while, a team might give up and use the concede vote a bit too early, but it's a rare occurence. Most of the times when a team concedes, it's really because the game is pretty much over and they don't want to drag the game on for any longer.
That was because an alien could redrop a hive after you lost your last one.
And spending 5 minutes looking for a gorge hiding in a vent with 5 DCs gets a little boring.
People complain about concede too much but don't seem to consider the cause - unbalanced games. People should spend less time complaing about concede and more time complaining about game balance and team balance.
concede is necessary because the surrendering team will just refuse to play out the ending anyway - ergo it's a waste of time unless you have fun with NO challenge.
personally, i'd rather start a new round than waste time.
Virtually every professional chess match ends in a surrender, does that mean it's a game of "blue balls?" No.
Some servers run a mod where after a team concedes the winning team is given a minute to go kill all their stuff. Maybe this is the solution? It allows games that are already over to end, and the handful of people who won't be happy unless they see something big explode will still get to enjoy that satisfaction.
Kinda said my NS2Porn youtube comment got editted
It's like Starcraft, there is a certain etiquette to playing the game. If you're in a losing situation, and your team can't get its shit together then concede and GG. You were outplayed, gg, and start a new match instead of wasting everybody's time.
If the only satisfaction you derive from this game comes from killing the opponent CC/Hive then you can go play League of Shit. Noone wants to spend 3-5 minutes loading just to be forced to play a completely lost game for 15 minutes.
Strange, I seem to be getting some déjà vu... Oh yes! You've already posted about this, except now you just gave it an idiotic name.
In that case, I'll just say exactly what I said before.
Happens when bad players concede; there are cases where you still have enough of a chance. Still doesn't outweight the pros of conede.
All marine structures and players EXPLODE, meaning the marines try to make a final push into a hive to try and blow up aliens with them
aliens would get "massive overgrowth", where, after a 60 sec timer, all alien structures and players boil over with acid spores that destroy all marine players and structures they touch.
The conceding team still loses, but gets the satisfaction of a chance to take an enemy with them, and the winning team get that last moment to try and survive the ending explosion.
Not to mention that it lets losing teams go out with a bang! (hur hurr)
Or you could attach some kind of story to it... e.g. If marines vote concede, it takes 15 - 30 seconds and then they are all beaconed out, to their mothership or something (with a distinct noise, of course, so you don't mess it up with the normal beacon).
Doesn't mean you really have to create that ships; just when you concede, you get the proper feeling of "15 more seconds and I'm outta here!" and after that time the marines just vanish like when beaconing (Or they beacon to the RR?).
I'm sure you could make something similar up for aliens. Maybe their last hive could go in self-destruct-mode, releasing spores.
The freedom of speech has its disadvantages, really...
This would actually be pretty neat.
Also, the escape idea is great. Have set points on the map, away from techpoints, that players (both marine and alien) have to get to, after all of their buildings explode dramatically, of course (maybe even with FF on to enhance the idea of running away!).
Much more interesting than concede!!
Exactly. Having a 1 minute last stand or escape idea would make the abrupt end much more enjoyable for both teams.
I agree concede is needed and is totally required for some games, but I still think it needs tweaking as mentioned in my last thread which @CD121 so graciously found. After giving it several months of use, I still stand by my opinion in April that it needs to be tweaked. Even adding the above mentioned idea would make the wrap up of a round seem like it was finished.
Silly me, for a second there I actually thought all those rep points actually meant something...
Something like the proposed 1 minute last stand/escape isn't such a bad idea because it doesn't further feed the aggressive behavior associated with stomping scenarios, and effectively "gamifies" a negative aspect of the game.
Those who don't get out ALIVE! should be in the, "In memory of" list in the credits after the match. I am imagining it almost like the way a Left 4 Dead game ends, with credits listing player's stats. Would be really cool if UWE did that!