If the Reinforcement Program is successful, what's next? And is that a good thing? (Discuss!)

TheRev709TheRev709 Join Date: 2013-07-23 Member: 186330Members, Reinforced - Shadow
Needless to say, I love Natural Selection. I've loved it since the very very very beginning, when the net code for the NS1 mod was so jacked everyone had 5000 ping. I've love NS since moving the comm chair as a Marine Commander into the vents in ns_nancy and go ultra turtle mode. I've loved NS since playing the alpha for NS2 on ns_rockdown.

But ... I must ask what could UW do for NS2 beyond Reinforced? From what I understand, if the Reinforcement Program does not raise enough dough, UW will move on to a new IP so they can keep the lights on. I don't presume this means no more support for the game, as I can't see any scenario baring total bankruptcy where they don't continue to patch bug fixes and make minor game play tweaks in the name of balance.

If UW is "reinforced" with more money and they continue to develop awesome free DLC and mega content updates what could they possibly add? And would it be a good thing? With reinforced we have a bunch of new stuff like grenades and webs which pretty much finish off just about everything NS1 had content wise that NS2 didn't.

But won't more guns/grenades/evolution abilities saturate the game with too much "stuff?"

A while back the devs behind Star Craft discussed RTS and the evolution of "e-sports." They recognized that most RTSs were crazy about their unit count and how man special units you could build. But it over-saturated, over-complicated, and horribly unbalanced online play. Blizzard narrowed down the selection to less units and polished game play into what is arguably the best RTS franchise online. You even see this with other games like Company of Heroes while he older RTS games that stuck their the old mantra have withered (Command and Conquer).

I'm worried that with more content NS2 would become over saturated and ultimately over complicated. To be honest there already needs to be a lot of work done on the current build to tweak the game play balance (not to mention the bugs galore).

I would love to see NS2 continue to evolve, but simultaneously I'm curious to see what Unknown Worlds can come up with next? Maybe a new IP? Maybe start work on NS3?

I want to see the Reinforcement Program be successful (I donated on day one), but I honestly want to see UW move on just a little bit more. There is no doubt they'll continue to support NS2, and we'll see new maps come from the community as well as new mods. NS2 is by far the most innovative indy shooter/RTS around, my favorite online team game, and despite what happens next none of that will change.

Here's to the future.


  • Cannon_FodderAUSCannon_FodderAUS Brisbane, AU Join Date: 2013-06-23 Member: 185664Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    Agree with you 100%. I actually hope their is no new major content update for a while as I would like to digest all the new changes that have been put in. And there is also the balance changes. I love the passion and dedication of the UWE devs, and I hope alot of this energy can go into polishing the core game (performance, stability, balance) instead of new content. So the artists can spend their time on maps and whatever new project Charlie is dreaming up. And Hugh can spend time uploading more awesome vids.

    Like you, I love the game, and it is the only game I play in my STEAM library now, even though I am getting ~30fps at map start.

  • zeqzeq Join Date: 2012-02-14 Member: 145493Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Discovery is the last of the planned maps that has yet to be made, I figure that and a mac release would be some of the major highlights of the next "dlc" patch if this gets funded. Gorge tunnels and some other features started out as fan ideas that gained a lot of support, maybe there will be a few new features like that. An hmg equivalent was supposedly added but not implemented, so maybe that would be worked into the next update as well. I get the feeling that this would be the last big patch though, as there are just a few last features hanging around to be implemented. There aren't many places left for improvement. I think the areas most able to fit new features are new structures or commander abilities. Just adding one or two on each side alongside a new map and new platform would be content enough for a large patch, and wouldn't necessarily make the game feel overburdened with frivolous content. Improvements and updates to the toolset would be great as well.
  • WispWisp Join Date: 2007-12-18 Member: 63211Members, Reinforced - Diamond
    Well, the game only has 8 or 9 officials map at the moment. That may be okay at the moment, but I promise you'll be bored of them in two years. I played a ton of Team Fortress 2 in the year following it's release, when it had the same number of maps. I got bored of them by the end. Now the game has like 18 official maps, plus tons of official community maps. I can play TF2 now and I'm never tired of the maps.

    Natural Selection 2 isn't just an RTS, so it's balance can't be modeled entirely after StarCraft. The vast majority of players experience the game as an FPS, so their desires need to be considered. I'd personally like to see new guns for the Marines. There are four primary weapons not counting Exos, one secondary weapon, a melee weapon and the welder. I think more variety would help. Especially since the grenade launcher and flamethrower seem like more specialized weaponry, leaving me playing with the shotgun and rifle most of the time. A big machine gun with a large clip and long reload time would be interesting, as well as a sub-machine gun with a small clip and high rate of fire. Perhaps also a revolver type weapon with a slow rate of fire and high damage output. Perhaps an alternative to the trip mines could be a mine with a remote detonator.

    A while ago, the developers talked about giving every weapon an alternative fire mode. They tossed around the idea of having the shotgun shoot flechette rounds like the flak cannon in Unreal Tournament. The flamethrower was also supposed to have a mode where it spit fire at a longer distance, but in a smaller cone.

    I'd also like to see infestation live up to it's original idea. Right now it feels very static, and often quite an eyesore.
  • Scorpion9908Scorpion9908 Australia Join Date: 2013-07-29 Member: 186445Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    @Wisp What was the original idea for infestation?
  • WispWisp Join Date: 2007-12-18 Member: 63211Members, Reinforced - Diamond
    @Wisp What was the original idea for infestation?

  • Scorpion9908Scorpion9908 Australia Join Date: 2013-07-29 Member: 186445Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    looks the same to me :/
  • WispWisp Join Date: 2007-12-18 Member: 63211Members, Reinforced - Diamond
    edited September 2013
    Captiva wrote: »
    Being new to the game, I would be disappointed if the Devs moved on now. I just found this game.

    I never even heard of this game until I saw it on FrankieonPC on Youtube a few weeks ago... then I saw the free weekend on Steam and out of boredom decided to give it a try.
    I will stress I haven't played any serious first person shooter multiplayer since Halo 1 LAN parties and Halo 2. I almost exclusively play RTS games. Or any kind of strategy game really. But this game is different then most First Person Shooters.

    Short story short... I love the game and have put 28 hours in since this weekend and am already imagining myself running around as an elite assault marine once I get the cash to donate more money to this wonderful game.

    I don't think NS2 needs any major overhauls, but at the very least another weapon or 2 and a few more maps would be nice.

    Welcome to the game! I've been following this game since 2007 back when it was just concept art and a podcast. Of course, there are the real hardcore guys who have been playing since NS1 in 2002, I think.
    looks the same to me :/

    The main difference is that it's more three-dimensional, and it spreads in random directions, and over walls seamlessly. Currently the infestation spreads in a circle around the cysts, and hardly ever takes over walls. It's very patchy looking. I think ideally a fully infested room should have no visible walls, just green goo everywhere.
  • BensonBenson Join Date: 2012-03-07 Member: 148303Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    Origninally it spreads on its own.

    The issue with that concept, was that there was no way to push back the infestation but flamethrowers.

    With cysts, a player may use any weapon to remove infestation from an area.

    It while it may sound bad for marines to need advanced weaponry to push back infestaion, imagine how much slower expantion would be as aliens since you would have to wait for the natural spread to reach the nearest resource point....

    theres just too many issues with the original infestaion concept, and cysts solve them
    (though I would love to see it back in if possible)
  • Soli Deo GloriaSoli Deo Gloria Join Date: 2009-06-25 Member: 67926Members
    edited September 2013
    Benson wrote: »
    Origninally it spreads on its own.

    The issue with that concept, was that there was no way to push back the infestation but flamethrowers.

    With cysts, a player may use any weapon to remove infestation from an area.

    It while it may sound bad for marines to need advanced weaponry to push back infestaion, imagine how much slower expantion would be as aliens since you would have to wait for the natural spread to reach the nearest resource point....

    theres just too many issues with the original infestaion concept, and cysts solve them
    (though I would love to see it back in if possible)

    What if you kept cysts, but made them able to be unconnected. So you just pop down a cysts next to a node and it infests the area around it. Meanwhile dynamic infestation naturally spreads from the hive. But this infestation stems from vines or tendrils (to be visually distinct and appear more "durable") and can only be removed with advanced weaponry. Also, the "natural" infestation is drawn toward areas with cysts. The numbers would have to be rebalanced on cysts (health, cost, growth rate, etc) but it could work.

    Of course, these kind of thoughts are nothing more that pipe dreams now, but I think there are viable creative options that could have made truly dynamic infestation work. Sadly, we are far beyond that point.
  • amoralamoral Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177250Members

    What if you kept cysts, but made them able to be unconnected. So you just pop down a cysts next to a node and it infests the area around it. Meanwhile dynamic infestation naturally spreads from the hive. But this infestation stems from vines or tendrils (to be visually distinct and appear more "durable") and can only be removed with advanced weaponry. Also, the "natural" infestation is drawn toward areas with cysts. The numbers would have to be rebalanced on cysts (health, cost, growth rate, etc) but it could work.

    Of course, these kind of thoughts are nothing more that pipe dreams now, but I think there are viable creative options that could have made truly dynamic infestation work. Sadly, we are far beyond that point.

    CPUs would cry
  • clankill3rclankill3r Join Date: 2007-09-03 Member: 62145Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    New maps.

    And a singleplayer would also be nice :) (one that supports co-op)
  • Scorpion9908Scorpion9908 Australia Join Date: 2013-07-29 Member: 186445Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited September 2013
    They cant make a single player just like that. It will take them like 3 years but they did say something about if they were to make a single player game mode it will be a survival/waves thing. But I doubt it will ever be made. I say to make one more big expansion for ns2 over the next six months then go work on the secret project. It is sooooooo going so be Zen of Sudoku 2. I JUST KNOW IT!
  • HughHugh Cameraman San Francisco, CA Join Date: 2010-04-18 Member: 71444NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts
    What would you guys like to see? If we were able to do more NS2 related stuff, what would you want? Keep in mind development teams have certain strengths and weaknesses. Single-player games are not UWE's strength, neither are story-driven games. But maybe it would be fun to be pushed in those directions. Maybe it would be fun to hone our strengths.

    Who knows. Isn't it fun, that there are such possibilities for the future!

  • NordicNordic Long term camping in Kodiak Join Date: 2012-05-13 Member: 151995Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited September 2013
    Hugh wrote: »
    What would you guys like to see? If we were able to do more NS2 related stuff, what would you want? Keep in mind development teams have certain strengths and weaknesses. Single-player games are not UWE's strength, neither are story-driven games. But maybe it would be fun to be pushed in those directions. Maybe it would be fun to hone our strengths.

    Who knows. Isn't it fun, that there are such possibilities for the future!

    @Hugh, I would like to see fun non game breaking things. Like an Onos mount. The idea has merit, although the thread went a tad ridiculous by partially my own doing.
  • NailoNailo Join Date: 2013-05-06 Member: 185138Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    lets see, starting off ^_^, maybe a 6 shot magnum revolver that can replace the pistol at a small price, maybe even a sword to replace the axe. Both would do more damage than the regular but have a slower rate of fire/attack.

    For aliens how about a few more pres sinks :) Like for example, if the khamm researches bilebomb, all alien lifeforms can pay 3 res to make themselves release a bilebomb explosion upon death damaging only armor and buildings of course. Or perhaps they can pay 2x the normal amount for a celerity upgrade and give up a shade or crag upgrade in order to double the effectiveness of cele/adren and use that principle on the others. Maybe perhaps we could even have more hive types so more options for abilities? Like a Psionic hive. Its 2 abilities could be something like, hmmmm... timeshift, creates a hallucination of the lifeform that the player is and can control and look through it for 5 to 10 secs. Or if you prefer all upgrades that require chambers to be passive, then how about mimicry, this ability once gotten causes your lifeform to sound different that what it is, example, instead of playing the normal skulk running sound when you have this as a skulk, it might randomly play a marine running or the sound of a lerk flapping and this ability remains active until they try to actively stealth.

    Just thought I'd throw a few ideas at ya ;) you can fiddle with them as you want I know they aren't perfect, but the mere possibilities about them just makes me giddy lol. Tell me want you guys want or what you guys would change about my ideas, be them the names or the traits of the abilities

  • CaptivaCaptiva Join Date: 2013-09-01 Member: 187588Members
    edited September 2013
    Besides another few maps I would like to see both commanders and the strategy side of the game get some tweaks.

    I have only commanded the Marines so far but adding a few more options to allow commanders to be more then just an ammo and med pack spammer late game would be nice. And I am sure the alien side could use a few tweaks as well.

    Just seems like there is a lot of room to add more to the strategy side of the game.

    Also more things to make a more immersive atmosphere would be neat. I like it when the power goes out and you have to run into a dark room or when the infestation is creeping up everywhere.
    Also think emergency power kicks in too soon to make flashlights or AV much use and that aliens should be able to take out power in rooms marines haven't built a generator in.

    You could also make emergency power dimmer Or take out it out all together, seems pointless with flashlights and AV for the most part anyways and could add a whole new layer of fun for marines fighting in the dark and aliens hiding in the dark.
  • eXeeleXeel Join Date: 2013-08-14 Member: 186838Members, Reinforced - Gold
    Mouse wrote: »
    If you were looking to minimize time spent on NS2 development:

    Good idea. Also if they keep working full time, this should be used. Maybe 1,5 months for balance, 3 for content, 6 for large content. But balance is important now.
    - Balance tweaks every 3 months.
    - Community map pack every 6 months.
    - Major update every 12 months.

    [EDIT] As for future development. UWE is a small, well respected developer with a loyal, proactive community. Any future development should try and capitalize on this fact.

  • Squirreli_Squirreli_ Join Date: 2012-04-25 Member: 151046Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited September 2013
    Hugh wrote: »
    What would you guys like to see? If we were able to do more NS2 related stuff, what would you want? Keep in mind development teams have certain strengths and weaknesses. Single-player games are not UWE's strength, neither are story-driven games. But maybe it would be fun to be pushed in those directions. Maybe it would be fun to hone our strengths.

    Who knows. Isn't it fun, that there are such possibilities for the future!

    I've wished for these things from beta onwards...

    -Better server browser. It is pretty, but I still miss the old menumod, and the server auto-retry/join doesn't seem to work nearly as well as the join via Steam friends.
    -Better bind system, multiple keys per command. For instance, have bound primary and secodary weapon keys in a different place -> now I can't use 1 or 2 for votes etc.

    Other than that, maybe if there are no strong main game features left to do just now (except maybe for a map or two), how about a community focused update with strong support for mod tools AND support for the most promising mod projects? Say, a mod needs a HMG so UWE lends a hand making one that is awesome or maybe someone wants to recreate the popular NS1 sieges but the ARCs don't cut it, so UWE makes pretty siege cannons for the mod team (both just examples, I'm sure there are mods with new ideas around there)? Haven't been following the mod scene closely, so for all I know this could already be happening. Just an idea ;)

  • sushifxsushifx Join Date: 2013-03-03 Member: 183637Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Wisp wrote: »
    [quote="Captiva;2147912" Of course, there are the real hardcore guys who have been playing since NS1 in 2002, I think.

    damn right, ns1 serveradmin and hardcore addicted player @ wurstselection server back in the days.

    what a game :)

  • JektJekt Join Date: 2012-02-05 Member: 143714Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited September 2013
    Squirreli_ wrote: »

    I've wished for these things from beta onwards...

    -Better server browser. It is pretty, but I still miss the old menumod, and the server auto-retry/join doesn't seem to work nearly as well as the join via Steam friends.
    -Better bind system, multiple keys per command. For instance, have bound primary and secodary weapon keys in a different place -> now I can't use 1 or 2 for votes etc.

    Other than that, maybe if there are no strong main game features left to do just now (except maybe for a map or two), how about a community focused update with strong support for mod tools AND support for the most promising mod projects? Say, a mod needs a HMG so UWE lends a hand making one that is awesome or maybe someone wants to recreate the popular NS1 sieges but the ARCs don't cut it, so UWE makes pretty siege cannons for the mod team (both just examples, I'm sure there are mods with new ideas around there)? Haven't been following the mod scene closely, so for all I know this could already be happening. Just an idea ;)

    That menumod was incredible and should of been integrated completely during the beta. Great server browser, great clean source style menus and dialogues. Numbers as well as sliders for important options like FoV and sensitivity, a chat you can scroll through and copy+paste support.

    I want this mod integrated into the game: Bindable voice orders commander keys and more!

    So much quality of life stuff that has been pushed back again and again.

    Any continued development for NS2 I want to go into polish type stuff like above, bug fixes (barcode infestation, weapon pickup lottery, gun jam, not being able to cyst, looking at the ground on live, spawning dead on live, spawning in cc on live, stupid AI units, AI unit collision, commander box selection .. the list goes on), networking interpolation improvements, performance for server and client improvements and continued gameplay / balance adjustments to make NS2 as tactically diverse and as enjoyable from an FPS perspective as possible.

    The meat of any actual new content should be maps. And a working demo system.

    HMG and Siege cannons could be awesome. There was a community effort into creating something like that, both done by the same person.
    HMG here.
    Sentry types (rail type could be used as siege cannon) here.
  • tarquinbbtarquinbb Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166314Members
    i believe that you need to be careful with new maps, because TOO MANY maps is definitely possible. if there are too many maps for 'regular' semi-casual players to familiarize themselves with, then any chance of a tactical and coordinated pub game goes out of the window. (Battlefield2 was awful for this, literally 3/4 of your team was always clueless running around useless area of map)

    i always look for changes that are highly likely to improve the game. for example the old welding doors shut idea. there's still (i think) an opportunity for a new defensive alien structure - maybe a structure that aliens can 'hide' inside away from marines to wait for their backup to arrive.
  • JektJekt Join Date: 2012-02-05 Member: 143714Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
    I know there's at least 2 official maps in the works, that would be enough. Gameplay additions like weldables, water, ARC factory model and a whip hive type are some of the things I'd love to have, but would be happier with a more polished and playable game.
  • WispWisp Join Date: 2007-12-18 Member: 63211Members, Reinforced - Diamond
    Jekt wrote: »
    I know there's at least 2 official maps in the works, that would be enough. Gameplay additions like weldables, water, ARC factory model and a whip hive type are some of the things I'd love to have, but would be happier with a more polished and playable game.

    What's the second map? I know of Discovery.

  • JektJekt Join Date: 2012-02-05 Member: 143714Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
  • SteveRockSteveRock Join Date: 2012-10-01 Member: 161215Members, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer
    Jekt wrote: »

    That menumod was incredible and should of been integrated completely during the beta. Great server browser, great clean source style menus and dialogues. Numbers as well as sliders for important options like FoV and sensitivity, a chat you can scroll through and copy+paste support.

    I want this mod integrated into the game: Bindable voice orders commander keys and more!

    So much quality of life stuff that has been pushed back again and again.

    Any continued development for NS2 I want to go into polish type stuff like above, bug fixes (barcode infestation, weapon pickup lottery, gun jam, not being able to cyst, looking at the ground on live, spawning dead on live, spawning in cc on live, stupid AI units, AI unit collision, commander box selection .. the list goes on), networking interpolation improvements, performance for server and client improvements and continued gameplay / balance adjustments to make NS2 as tactically diverse and as enjoyable from an FPS perspective as possible.

    The meat of any actual new content should be maps. And a working demo system.

    HMG and Siege cannons could be awesome. There was a community effort into creating something like that, both done by the same person.
    HMG here.
    Sentry types (rail type could be used as siege cannon) here.

    *blink* menumod is amazing.
  • amoralamoral Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177250Members
    Nailo wrote: »
    lets see, starting off ^_^, maybe a 6 shot magnum revolver that can replace the pistol at a small price, maybe even a sword to replace the axe. Both would do more damage than the regular but have a slower rate of fire/attack.

    For aliens how about a few more pres sinks :) Like for example, if the khamm researches bilebomb, all alien lifeforms can pay 3 res to make themselves release a bilebomb explosion upon death damaging only armor and buildings of course. Or perhaps they can pay 2x the normal amount for a celerity upgrade and give up a shade or crag upgrade in order to double the effectiveness of cele/adren and use that principle on the others. Maybe perhaps we could even have more hive types so more options for abilities? Like a Psionic hive. Its 2 abilities could be something like, hmmmm... timeshift, creates a hallucination of the lifeform that the player is and can control and look through it for 5 to 10 secs. Or if you prefer all upgrades that require chambers to be passive, then how about mimicry, this ability once gotten causes your lifeform to sound different that what it is, example, instead of playing the normal skulk running sound when you have this as a skulk, it might randomly play a marine running or the sound of a lerk flapping and this ability remains active until they try to actively stealth.

    Just thought I'd throw a few ideas at ya ;) you can fiddle with them as you want I know they aren't perfect, but the mere possibilities about them just makes me giddy lol. Tell me want you guys want or what you guys would change about my ideas, be them the names or the traits of the abilities

    ex shade upgrades, twice as silent
  • amoralamoral Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177250Members
    maybe some way to have the map quadrants actually uniform between maps nomenclature wise. like official shorthand for referring to map areas. so central would always be listed as something like 5- central drilling or 5- courtyard. one of Tue most annoying things about new maps and updated older maps, is getting the names ingrained of the smaller side corridors.
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