Someone played a dirty trick on me. (and key bindings)
Join Date: 2013-08-04 Member: 186563Members

This was at the start of the round. I started playing marine com. I was doing everything fine, till someone said that I was recycling structures, and everyone started ejecting me. I did not try to go recycle every building on the map. After I was ejected from the com chair, the person who said It typed this in chat: Muahahaaha. Sucker! I couldn't remember what it was.
Have you been a victim of this?
EDIT: This topic is now about prefered key bindings.
Have you been a victim of this?
EDIT: This topic is now about prefered key bindings.
You can just roll your being trolled on everyone who voted for ejecting. I hope you clarified you didn't recycle anything.
As for the troll, ...who cares.
A Logitech G600 is a very good mouse of you want this.
It happens to me twice a day
hahaha yea me too. in older builds I couldnt even alt tab back into the game without making it crash xD
Not NS2 related but I've had a similar issue with Diablo 2. When you hold ALT you check for any loot on the ground whilst TAB is used to bring up the map. Yeah, you can guess what happens. Especially deadly when there's a large mob coming your way and you're stuck looking at the Windows background screen. FML.
And of course, theres the console as well...
I noticed yesterday how automatic this is. I started questioning why I jump every time I check the scoreboard as a marine, turns out it was because sprinting with shift and checking the scoreboard with tab brings the steam overlay up, but I had no idea I did this before I started thinking about it. I also have my push-to-talk in left Alt, but I haven't accidentally windowsed myself in months. My brain's just wired not to talk and and check the scoreboards at the same time, and I don't have to think about it. It would just feel wrong even without the punishment of minimizing the game.
Some might say that changing the bindings would be more effective, but I like to live on the edge.
And 90% of the time it's some AFK guy.
Also: You can see what the commander buys and recycles because it shows up on your GUI as marine player.
@Therius: An auto-voice option would be nice.
Pretty often I had to decide wether I pass info to my team or use my fingers to jump and evade the first jump. Especially in Nanogrid on Veil...
If the microphone would activate itself each time I speak, I would have one less anatomically impossible thing to worry about.
So you are a pro player, and we are not. Congratulations.
Uuuhh, we have badass over here.
I'm pretty sure pro players would just change the binding. I'm pretty sure everyone just changes the binding.
Mine is the home key. It seemed at home there.
Every game every now uses shift for sprint and tab for score. Doesn't make any sense to not just rebind Steam overlay. Recently changed ingame talk from alt to v, I learnt the hard way to not check the score and talk at the same time too.
-fully able to build, move, etc.
-not on the mouse, doesn't mess with your aim
-doesn't mess with WASD or any keys above, fully able to combat while talking
(crouch in shift and special movement in that funny key between shift and z.)
You so punny sir
Alt is a really nice voice key if you dont have spare mouse buttons, just a shame about the alt + tab combination being minimize, and also a frequent killer of NS2 lol.
With regards to OP, sounds like you got unlucky with trolls and silly voters. Dont let that stop you commanding though! Its a very rare thing to have someone troll like that in my experience.
Hm. I think space may be even better.
Yes, I'm looking at you @F0rdPrefect
Imma let you finish, but I NEVER got into that myself. Just feel WEIRD. Maybe I'll try it in quake today. I KNOW space is clunky compared to m2, but... Anyhow, I'll try it. ^#(^
I thought that people used the scroll wheel for jumping (a la counterstrike). It might not be a bad idea, since it's not used very much anyways (unless you really hate pressing the number keys above WASD for weapon switching).