Hold Space to Queue Jumps
New York, NY Join Date: 2010-07-02 Member: 72228Members, Constellation

I'm sick of tired of this mechanic. There has to be a better way.
Rather than queued jumps, how about an embedded 2-3 jump script?
How do you feel about this? I liked queued jumps at first but it's kind of crazy op
edit: Cleared language a bit to avoid more confusion
Rather than queued jumps, how about an embedded 2-3 jump script?
How do you feel about this? I liked queued jumps at first but it's kind of crazy op
edit: Cleared language a bit to avoid more confusion
All jokes aside, if you fuck up a hop, you will lose your speed. Lets not make the fade mind-numbing(ly) boring please.
Yea that's my point. I think you should lose your speed if you miss a hop timing. How would that change the fade or the necessity of pressing keyboard buttons?
But it would be nice if maintaining fade momentum was a bit more difficult and less forgiving. =]
Apologies on my language. But I was agreeing with you in my original post.
He got me too current1y
Queued jumping is fine for skulks but fades should have it removed. I would almost go as far to say that the time window to hit the hop should be reduced as well.
When you are playing as a skulk or fade, you should feel like you are achieving something when you are moving quickly and agilely. The game needs more fun and rewarding mechanics, not frustrating mechanics. Besides, some people would abuse it anyway by binding the mousewheel or by making some macros and whatnot.
Also, if sewlek wanted to make the alien gameplay more difficult, interesting and deep, he wouldn't have instantly deleted the skulk butthopping and fade downward blinking from the game instead of trying to balance them and refining them to even better mechanics.
The very first skulk speed jumping used timed jumps; you had to press the button about 200-300ms AFTER landing to maintain perfect momentum. Too early or too late and you lost out...
Was replaced by "spamming as fast as possible" in a later version, which caused destroyed keyboards and aching wrists. The current version is a wrist/keyboard saver.
The next logical progression would be to press the jump key once and hold it down until you want to stop jumping.
I miss this
Or make it 0-200ms BEFORE landing
This current system just sucks. Why people prefer this over buttjumping is a mystery.
Personally, I say that the system needs to be changed to either how it was initially with having 200-300ms to press the button after you landed or maybe what mattji said and have it before. That actually adds an element of skill and timing.
If you want it to just be straight easy-mode, just have it so you can hold space and it will jump as soon as you land on a jumpable surface.
I suppose holding space bar would make it even easier, but would disconnect from the jump mechanics already established by the other alien classes (spacebar = 1 jump). It really makes no difference, somebody will ALWAYS complain no matter what's implemented.
Oh, don't have any problem with fade since it's just a simple jump when hitting the ground or jump spam when going upwards, was talking about skulk and jumping when on the wall but not actually on the wall ... yeah.
This was suggested many times, but it was deemed that pressing spacebar to queue your jump was more skillful.
While it may be more skillful than holding space all the time, it is definitely not more skillful than what it was before. Why was it changed?
That said, if it became a difficult timed thing that only the really good players can do, I wouldn't mind much (wouldn't affect me very much).
Right now it's in a sweet zone where it's not at all hard and is just annoying.
Could be jump toggle, holding a key all the time requires too much skill...
It took me ages to get used to the queued jumping system, it was just so odd holding jump before landing when you've been used to timing jumps for the past 13 years or so. I like it now though, and as I said it helps out in the late game when my fps starts to dip.
I've only played a few warsow games but I'd be ok with how it deals with jumping, just holding spacebar.
I don't mind if a hold space to continue jumping is implemented - I time my jumps out of habit and probably won't get away from that. No problem letting others hold space to achieve the same effect, even if a selfish little part of me would prefer it if perfectly timed jumps gave a better boost than auto jumps (kinda like turning the assists off in a racing game).
I've preached since the onset that there is a direct contradiction and conflict of interests in the following two principles:
1.) Implementing Skill Based Movement.
2.) Implementing A Non-Skill Based Method to Maximizing the Gain of that Mechanic in such a way as to render it utterly Non-Skill.
In the context of 'Skill' being repeated, methodical timing with pinpoint precision with a sloping gain/loss based on your ability to maintain such effective timing through various situations (obviously you'd see a skill ceiling generated from the ability to maintain effective timing during both frantic fights, near deaths, non-combat transit, etc).
Of course one could always dream of requiring or encouraging mouse synchronization with movement to maximize speed gains, decaying gains based on various other possible mechanics etc...
But for now, let's just admit that it's a mechanic that is thoroughly unintuitive for brand new players, but once someone's been fed the baby-spoon of knowledge that is "Hold down spacebar, release spacebar, hold it down again with 1-2.5s windows to do so", it's a no-challenge, no-skill automatic 'Bunnyhop' (this isn't actually a bunnyhop at all).
Dead Horses. Let's Kick Them.
Because the entire group of changes this was introduced with had contradictory goals, and as a result failed to meet many of them.
Warsow is different, there are other things for movement that you need to focus on besides jumping
Also I wasn't aware this game even had a que, I was manually pressing spacebar everytime I felt like I was about to touch the floor, only time where I'd hit it less or more was going up/down slopes
Allowing us to just hold space.. will just make current fades even better, because that's one less thing they need to focus/do so it gives them more to think about aiming aka makes it easier for an already good fade