Bunny Hop SPAM non-stop

MrRayChalesMrRayChales Join Date: 2013-07-21 Member: 186255Members
edited July 2013 in NS2 General Discussion
So, as players get better, the more they abuse constant and massive bunny hop. They might as well just have a macro that hits spacebar for the entire game.

Jumping should not give you speed and extra agility. Marines, skulks, all life forms, simply bounce bounce bounce bounce. Marines can back peddle bounce, skulks fly all over the place, lerks spaz out.

It not only makes for an absolutely dumb visual experience, but a frustrating balance between needing to switch from low to high mouse sensitivity.


Well, it looks pretty stupid when a marine backpeddles, then jumps and takes off and twice the speed 3-4 feet into the air, and it can be repeated over and over

of course lerks fly... the point is how jerky and ridiculous they move

beyond that, Onos, skulks, and marines just bunny hopping with impunity is very off compared to most games in... well the last 10 years
-typically its is a detriment to bunny hop, not a bonus


Bunny hop does not = skill. It turns it into a spam and chance fest. The more a game is centralized around jerky random spaz, the less actual player skill means. You can try to say otherwise, but it reduces calculated decisions and turns it into a reflex and "hip fire" game (dont forget cone of fire already there).

This isnt a precise, calculated movement, headshot kind of game. Its a spam spacebar and fling your character around as much as possible and hope you get the first kill.... if you think that bunny hopping and spraying cone of fire/melee weapons = skill over calculated headshots and accuracy, you have a skewed view (biased!).


  • DraptorDraptor Join Date: 2013-03-05 Member: 183721Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    You realize that Lerks fly not jump, and that Fades and Skulks are literally built around hopping and wall jumping right? That it maintains momentum? I mean really dude?

    As for the Marine jump that's already discussed quite a bit. I'm of the stance that it's a valuable skill that could buy you an extra second to reload against a skulk instead of being condemned to death when they're within 5 feet of you.

    They're all skills that are easily learned and can be countered with good enough reflexes and mouse control. Don't hold better players back. Catch up!
  • MrRayChalesMrRayChales Join Date: 2013-07-21 Member: 186255Members
    Well, it looks pretty stupid when a marine backpeddles, then jumps and takes off and twice the speed 3-4 feet into the air, and it can be repeated over and over

    of course lerks fly... the point is how jerky and ridiculous they move

    beyond that, Onos, skulks, and marines just bunny hopping with impunity is very off compared to most games in... well the last 10 years
    -typically its is a detriment to bunny hop, not a bonus
  • AurOn2AurOn2 COOKIES! FREEDOM, AND BISCUITS! Australia Join Date: 2012-01-13 Member: 140224Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Forum staff
    Theres a sort of marine hop you can only do in some maps at certain locations.
    It's very dificult to get going and it drops down very fast
  • Kenshir0Kenshir0 Join Date: 2013-02-25 Member: 183347Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited July 2013
    Guise he is right, let's sign a petition to make UWE disable jumping maybe also while we are at it make them disable wallclimbing and also flying for lerks becuz OP, and not to forget bunnyhop for fades and also belly slide for gorges and lets not forget move forward and back maybe even also strafe left and right but also duck and sneak and most important bite and shoot cuz It only makes for an absolutely dumb visual experience.
  • male_fatalitiesmale_fatalities ausns2.org Join Date: 2004-03-06 Member: 27185Members, Constellation
    2013 account - check
    new to the game - check
    Asked for bhop to be removed, one of the most iconic and memorable parts of NS1 - check
  • NeokenNeoken Bruges, Belgium Join Date: 2004-03-20 Member: 27447Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver, Subnautica Playtester

    It's not bunnyhop, and it's not abusing anything. It's how the game is designed. If you don't like jumping skulks/fades, agile lerks, and dodging marines, you're playing the wrong game.
  • delta78delta78 Join Date: 2013-01-08 Member: 178131Members
    edited July 2013
    So let me get this straight. You want to remove skulk's fast movement and dodging abilities because they look too ugly? Maybe we should make the animations better. About the fade: imagine it to be a space kangaroo with two nasty blades. Do you see what I see? Yeah, Profit!

    Next the Lerks, well they are supposed to be super agile feathers from hell, so lets cut their wings and make them into cute turrets. In that way they'll move with the pace of a snail but we will buff their damage ( whispers: by 5 % ).

    Next is my little human: white dudes can't jump! So they need another ability and that is to roll forward and to the sides. That way we can make them look super bad-ass and quite effective at dodging alien bites. Imagine a room full with bad aliens, who have captured our hot babes. Then someone knocks on the door. The TurretLerk with the gangster hat goes to check, who it is and then BAAM! The door smashes him and our good guys roll forward with explosions everywhere and start shooting their God-like rifles that never miss. The kangaroo hides behind a barrel and lifts a sign that says: "I'm a protected species!" but it gets shot to bits. The Bossnos charges their positions but then from the smoke rolls out a marine with a deadly mustache and kills the Bossnos with his epic shotgun of DOOM (tm). Oh and in meantime, the mother gorge with her cute little baby faints from the destruction. The skulk is like meh... and waves the white flag.

    Then our hot babes get rescued and they hug the manly men that rolled in the room to save them! And of course 'MERICA behind them!

    The end! ;)

    See, he sees the future! I like!
  • OkxydOkxyd Join Date: 2012-02-06 Member: 143981Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Delta78 President !
  • soccerguy243soccerguy243 Join Date: 2012-12-22 Member: 175920Members, WC 2013 - Supporter
    Well, it looks pretty stupid when a marine backpeddles, then jumps and takes off and twice the speed 3-4 feet into the air, and it can be repeated over and over

    of course lerks fly... the point is how jerky and ridiculous they move

    beyond that, Onos, skulks, and marines just bunny hopping with impunity is very off compared to most games in... well the last 10 years
    -typically its is a detriment to bunny hop, not a bonus

    A lerk is jerky and ridiculous? They are dodging bullets; what do you want them to do? How do you think F-16s and other real fighters fly... not a smooth and level flight. They dodge and jink and accelerate, climb, dive, etc etc.

    I've never seen an Onos bunny hop.

    Lastly, just because majority of games, in the last 10 years, has made games less and less competitive and more about "progression" doesn't mean NS2 must follow that "benchmark". Not to mention none of those games are aliens vs marines.
  • dePARAdePARA Join Date: 2011-04-29 Member: 96321Members, Squad Five Blue
    With an "jumping-script" the marine couldnt move anymore. With every jump marines getting slower and the jumps losing height.
    But there some ramps on the maps where marines get some extra speed.
    This should removed for sure, as it feels buggy. Like the downward blink bug.

    Skilled marines try to dodge the alien attacks.
    Rookie marines only jumps like idiots and they are easy targets as they lose all the movement abilitys cause that.
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    "nanites" and "don't call it bunnyhopping" ;)
  • FrozenFrozen New York, NY Join Date: 2010-07-02 Member: 72228Members, Constellation
    Draptor wrote: »
    You realize that Lerks fly not jump, and that Fades and Skulks are literally built around hopping and wall jumping right? That it maintains momentum? I mean really dude?

    As for the Marine jump that's already discussed quite a bit. I'm of the stance that it's a valuable skill that could buy you an extra second to reload against a skulk instead of being condemned to death when they're within 5 feet of you.

    They're all skills that are easily learned and can be countered with good enough reflexes and mouse control. Don't hold better players back. Catch up!

    Marine jumps. In a pub it buys you a reload. In competitive the game is unplayable without it. Or atleast it wouldnt be the game I know and love.
  • amoralamoral Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177250Members
    in the game, against bad players, i've juked on the ground. jumping not necessary. just gotta get the timing right... Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge!
  • frantixfrantix Join Date: 2013-03-18 Member: 184063Members, WC 2013 - Supporter
    Please remove everything I'm not able to. Because I don't want to learn to play a game... I just want to play it... and be good... with no skill involved at all...
  • amoralamoral Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177250Members
    I know that at my level of play at least we'll timed jumps make for a challenge as a skulk, if they we're removed without any compensation, I'd have far less trouble from experienced marines than I do now, which would not be good. also, correct me if im wrong, but isn't jumping back slower than jumping to the side?
  • 1dominator11dominator1 Join Date: 2010-11-19 Member: 75011Members
    edited July 2013
    Jumping is if not the only card, then it is by far the most universal and prevalent card up NS2's sleeve. But imo that is not so bad, game's movement would be quite dull and completely skill less without jumping imo the far bigger and more annoying problem is that collision is pretty much nonexistant during jumps (and less so during motion).
    God help you should you have a latency above 5 when colliding in mid air.
    frantix wrote: »
    Please remove everything I'm not able to. Because I don't want to learn to play a game... I just want to play it... and be good... with no skill involved at all...
    Get off your high horse. Effective jumping does not very much much skill, which is perhaps the issue. It gives much advantage for little skill. Pressing space bar at more or less the right time and sailing over their heads will throw most pub skulks into confusion and make you bloody difficult to track for a trite investment on your part.
    Dont get me wrong though, some skilled players can pull off crazy shit with jumps.

    Also in case the devs take up reading QQ threads. FIX THE DAMN COLLISION! Not ghosting through your enemies is like the single most important feature of all non-crap melee games.
  • MrRayChalesMrRayChales Join Date: 2013-07-21 Member: 186255Members
    Bunny hop does not = skill. It turns it into a spam and chance fest. The more a game is centralized around jerky random spaz, the less actual player skill means. You can try to say otherwise, but it reduces calculated decisions and turns it into a reflex and "hip fire" game (dont forget cone of fire already there).

    This isnt a precise, calculated movement, headshot kind of game. Its a spam spacebar and fling your character around as much as possible and hope you get the first kill.... if you think that bunny hopping and spraying cone of fire/melee weapons = skill over calculated headshots and accuracy, you have a skewed view (biased!).
  • amoralamoral Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177250Members
    Bunny hop does not = skill. It turns it into a spam and chance fest. The more a game is centralized around jerky random spaz, the less actual player skill means. You can try to say otherwise, but it reduces calculated decisions and turns it into a reflex and "hip fire" game (dont forget cone of fire already there).

    This isnt a precise, calculated movement, headshot kind of game. Its a spam spacebar and fling your character around as much as possible and hope you get the first kill.... if you think that bunny hopping and spraying cone of fire/melee weapons = skill over calculated headshots and accuracy, you have a skewed view (biased!).
    honing twitch is also a skill, also if you're spamming jump, you're doing it wrong. I've survived long periods of my aim failing me miserably against mediocre skulks, because they we're predictable and they failed to track my juke. knowing when to jump is valuable. knowing when not to jump too soon is also pretty valuable.
  • StarstriderStarstrider Join Date: 2013-07-22 Member: 186286Members
    Bunny hop does not = skill. It turns it into a spam and chance fest. The more a game is centralized around jerky random spaz, the less actual player skill means. You can try to say otherwise, but it reduces calculated decisions and turns it into a reflex and "hip fire" game (dont forget cone of fire already there).

    This isnt a precise, calculated movement, headshot kind of game. Its a spam spacebar and fling your character around as much as possible and hope you get the first kill.... if you think that bunny hopping and spraying cone of fire/melee weapons = skill over calculated headshots and accuracy, you have a skewed view (biased!).

    I can see how a player who can't aim and can't play skulk would think these things.

    Keep practicing. One day, it will all click for you. Hopefully.

  • 2cough2cough Rocky Mountain High Join Date: 2013-03-14 Member: 183952Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    I almost feel bad for ya Ray... almost!

    Strafe jumping and bouncing around in a non linear manner is essential to skulky's survival. Backpedaling and bouncing around can be essential to a marine's survival. A game mechanic skilled players on both sides can and should utilise.
  • DaveodethDaveodeth Join Date: 2012-11-21 Member: 172717Members
    Also in case the devs take up reading QQ threads. FIX THE DAMN COLLISION! Not ghosting through your enemies is like the single most important feature of all non-crap melee games.

    This, so much this! it's still a damn joke. Surface transition for skulks working better would be nice to.
  • The_Flying_FishThe_Flying_Fish Join Date: 2003-11-30 Member: 23757Members
    This isnt a precise, calculated movement, headshot kind of game. Its a spam spacebar and fling your character around as much as possible and hope you get the first kill.... if you think that bunny hopping and spraying cone of fire/melee weapons = skill over calculated headshots and accuracy, you have a skewed view (biased!).

    try playing quake sometime
  • amoralamoral Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177250Members

    try playing quake sometime

    twitch railshots are so satisfying. q3 wasn't a fps, it was a first person jet fighter simulator.
  • male_fatalitiesmale_fatalities ausns2.org Join Date: 2004-03-06 Member: 27185Members, Constellation
    edited August 2013
    Bunny hop does not = skill. It turns it into a spam and chance fest. The more a game is centralized around jerky random spaz, the less actual player skill means. You can try to say otherwise, but it reduces calculated decisions and turns it into a reflex and "hip fire" game (dont forget cone of fire already there).

    This isnt a precise, calculated movement, headshot kind of game. Its a spam spacebar and fling your character around as much as possible and hope you get the first kill.... if you think that bunny hopping and spraying cone of fire/melee weapons = skill over calculated headshots and accuracy, you have a skewed view (biased!).

    You sir have no idea. I've been following your posts lately and notice that everything you say is met with massive disagree's so I'm guessing your UWE's latest troll. 27 & 22 disagree's on both threads you have opened.

    Lets run off a checklist:
    - Twitch Aim required while controlling your own movement
    - Tracking aim required while controlling your own movement
    - Positioning awareness
    - Map awareness
    - Counting bullets
    - X and Y axis shooting, compared to shooting on 1 axis
    - Meta game
    - Multiple movement systems to learn; marine, skulk, lerk, fade

    NS1 has very calculated decisions in everything you do. Do not even compare NS skillset to counter strike. It just makes you sound like an idiot. CS is a hard game, but it is hard for very different reasons and to compare a game with a different skillset and say its less calculated, spammy and random is just... no words to describe you.

    FYI; go youtube some warsow 1v1 duels. It's Quake 3 & NS1 skulk bhop physics + walljump 1v1 duels on the quake 2 engine. After watching that you might have some sort of clue
  • joederpjoederp Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 165992Members
    I see where the OP is going with this.. but I think if UWE fixed collision and animations, people would not complain about this stuff. Fast moving skulks / lerks do look pretty stupid and are incredibly unpredictable due to poor animations, they are moving too fast for the animation to keep up so they look twitchy. It takes the top tier of twitch shooters to hit them consistently due to the poor predictability of alien movements. It can be frustrating and annoying but removing the movement mechanics is not the answer. We just need the animations to actually match what the player is actually doing.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    While I agree, and consider the animation transition side of ns2 to have been negatively impacting gameplay since alpha days...

    What's required is a complete revamp of how the animation system works /transitions, to possibly include procedurally generated walking animations. This would be a monumental undertaking, so i wouldn't hold my breath for it, unfortunately. :-\
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