Keybinds need some serious work...
Join Date: 2004-07-29 Member: 30229Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold

There is no option to clear keys, or to have secondary keys, or to change commander keys, or to cancel assigning keys.
Also having mousewheel up and down as separate keys wouldn't hurt. Or the previous weapon function.
Binding things on console seems wonky - if the key is already taken in the bindings menu, a whole variety of things can happen, usually nothing. Q bound to Weapon1 in menu? Type bind E Weapon1 in console and nothing happens. Trying to bind keys in the keybind file (\Steam\userdata\<STEAM ID>\4920\remote\options.xml, thanks Camron.) results in all sorts of fubar, like sprint turning into a toggleable and Esc turning into a menu+jump key.
That's all I can think of right now. It's mostly quality of life stuff, but depending on your setup, can be pretty annoying to deal with.
*bellyslides aweh*
There is no option to clear keys, or to have secondary keys, or to change commander keys, or to cancel assigning keys.
Also having mousewheel up and down as separate keys wouldn't hurt. Or the previous weapon function.
Binding things on console seems wonky - if the key is already taken in the bindings menu, a whole variety of things can happen, usually nothing. Q bound to Weapon1 in menu? Type bind E Weapon1 in console and nothing happens. Trying to bind keys in the keybind file (\Steam\userdata\<STEAM ID>\4920\remote\options.xml, thanks Camron.) results in all sorts of fubar, like sprint turning into a toggleable and Esc turning into a menu+jump key.
That's all I can think of right now. It's mostly quality of life stuff, but depending on your setup, can be pretty annoying to deal with.
*bellyslides aweh*
And while you're at it, can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE detect (or give us a way to specify) our keyboard layout (qwerty, qwertz, azerty, dvorak, klingon, ...) so the commander hotkey "block" is actually a block? I saw a mod for that, but for some reason it has to be activated server-side for consistency or so. You just released a nice infor graphic showing how may of your layers come from France (AZERTY), Germany (QWERTZ), etc....
Different buttons for aliens and marines would be really nice (like different mousespeed also).
I dont know if pro players can do these things editing files or with pro-mouse/keyboard, but these should be in game options.
Edit: We should have configurable buttons for every lifeform, gun setup, spectator mode, and commanding. Then i would be happy.
Marine, Alien, Commander and Spectator specific bindings with the options of alternate bindings for one command would be totally AWESOME and is much needed.
Its an underlying issue with the engine that's a pain to fix and is the reason why we don't have lastinv, custom binds for commander, and secondary binds.
And also, it is a priority and they are keenly aware of it, as we internally (and threads like these) remind them constantly of it.
But i feel your frustration... key configurations are a huge part of what defines PC gaming over other platforms.
1. For some reason you can't bind Caps Lock. No idea why, it just can't be used for anything. I'm probably one of the very few people that binds anything to this key, but it throws me off because I'm so used to using it in other games.
2. Commander hotkeys can't be changed! Why not? I usually use V for teamspeak in most games, which meant that whenever I tried to talk to my teammates I recycled stuff. I had to reassign teamspeak to G which is just awkward. Also, it's really annoying how the minimap comes up every time I try to place a spur.
2. See my previous post