[BUG - 239] A few things i've been noticing.

puelopuelo Join Date: 2013-02-01 Member: 182730Members
So since 239 (maybe even 238) there seem to be some bugs:

1. Fades can sometimes use blink without it being researched. It happened to me twice today (and i am not using Fade very often - so this might be pretty common) (

2. Sometimes the game just freezes for a couple of seconds (not very often, but happened to me twice today....never before 238)

3. "Waiting for free Slot" in Server-Browser is not always working. This is how you might be able to reproduce it:
a) Try to join a full server. The "Waiting for free Slot" appears.
b) Cancle it and go back to main menu
c) Go back to the Server-Browser and try again.
d) Now you will connect to the server, although it's still full.

4. Longer reload times when getting hit by a onos: i dont know if this is intended, but while getting hit by a onos the weapon is not reloading properly.

5. Whips sometimes throw the grenades against a wall and not the way the grenade came.


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