I would say without any hesitation, that roughly 50% or more of my bullets as marine do not register

Kama_BlueKama_Blue Join Date: 2012-03-13 Member: 148710Members
edited December 2012 in NS2 General Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">Hit reg is so bad it's like all aliens have perma umbra</div>Fades, Skulks and Lerks. I don't know why, i don't know what causes it or if my bullets are somehow missing by inches. But consistently it's taking me far more than 10 bullets to kill a skulk. Averaging 30-40 bullets and sometimes the entire clip + three or four frantic pistol shots.

Killing a moving lerk with a single LMG clip? I don't think it's possible for a single marine to do with the kind of hit feedback i'm getting. I've certainly never done it. With a full clip on a moving lerk i can usually get 100 damage off, maybe 150 if he's not strafing and flying up and down to dodge me. We can say i'm just a bad shot sure, but honestly that's 15 bullets out of 50. I feel like sometimes that lerk i fired an entire clip at probably should be dead considering it's so statistically unlikely i've never hit a lerk with more than 20 bullets it's not funny

Killing a fade that's teleporting in and out and not standing still? I don't think even two marines unloading an entire clip in that fade's direction can hit him enough to kill him. I watched myself and another very skilled player spend an entire round unable to kill a fade, because we simply didn't have three or four marines that could aim and focus fire him down.

I'm not crazy, the LMG should deal 500-600 damage a clip depending on upgrades, but it doesn't deal anywhere near that much to anything but an Onos, not even once in a blue moon can a single marine kill a fade 1v1 with an lmg. If it was possible i would see it happen, a marine has just enough time to unload a clip before a fade hits three times, and they only have to hit 35 of the bullets out of 50 into the fade to kill the darn thing. But it DOESN'T happen, i don't think it's possible. But in NS1 a good marine could kill a fade that zooms in, and tries for three hits EASILY. In Ns2 the fade runs up, three hits and the rine is dead before reloading, every time, no contest, no dodging at all.

I've talked to hundreds of players and they all unanimously agree that yeah, the game is built around absolutely terrible hit registration, and players are falling back on the shotgun because the LMG becomes a worthless weapon against half the alien team. Even then the shotgun is gimicky and hits for "22" when you're aiming straight at a skulk, and hits for 200+ when you obviously miss a lerk.

Just tell me it's being looked into, or fixed, or worked on, or that i'm crazy, or that maybe i'm just really unlucky, or that you don't get it, or that some people get it and some people don't. But dear god it's infuriating, things should die when i shoot them, fades should die, lerks should die, please...


  • {GGs} Chicken{GGs} Chicken Join Date: 2011-11-22 Member: 134663Members, NS2 Map Tester
    I disagree. This game has the best hitreg I've ever seen. Trust me I'd know, I play Call of Duty.
  • fivesevenfiveseven Join Date: 2012-11-26 Member: 173272Members
    Trolling aside, you're not crazy - the hitreg in NS2 is terrible. In my experience it gets worse with lower FPS - on my PC the shotgun is pointless to use, while on my mate's PC (better FPS) the shotgun is decent. Still, if im circle-strafing around an AFK skulk i miss nearly half the shots, or the classic pistoling an immobile skulk chewing power node and only have 2-3 bullets hit (an entire clip doing 20 damage).
  • nezznezz Join Date: 2012-12-11 Member: 174712Members
    I Think there are a few hit reg issues. Shotty's and pistol really frustrating me. However i have killed multiple fades within a clip of LMG without lvl 3 weaps. ofcourse bad ones...
  • Champlo0Champlo0 Join Date: 2012-04-17 Member: 150617Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2043413:date=Dec 10 2012, 10:48 PM:name=nezz)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (nezz @ Dec 10 2012, 10:48 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043413"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I Think there are a few hit reg issues. Shotty's and pistol really frustrating me. However i have killed multiple fades within a clip of LMG without lvl 3 weaps. ofcourse bad ones...<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    You can easily end up dying as fade from fat ass marine syndrome
  • reasareasa Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8010Members, Constellation
    I don't think hit-reg is nearly that bad. Today alone (I have too much free time these days) I killed half a dozen lerks and 3 fades ziping around.

    There are issues, but the game is still very playable.
  • TechercizerTechercizer 7th Player Join Date: 2011-06-11 Member: 103832Members
    I can't say that OP doesn't have issues, because I'm not him and I'm not on his computer. What I can say is that I have no significant hit registry issues, in competitive or pubs. The game plays for me like a game with perfect hit registry.
  • HivelordHivelord Join Date: 2003-06-21 Member: 17567Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited December 2012
    In NS1 I could run around with 9 bullets in my gun and be able to kill almost any skulk I come across. This game I'm lucky if half a round will register correctly.
  • nezznezz Join Date: 2012-12-11 Member: 174712Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2043435:date=Dec 10 2012, 10:13 PM:name=reasa)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (reasa @ Dec 10 2012, 10:13 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043435"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I don't think hit-reg is nearly that bad. Today alone (I have too much free time these days) I killed half a dozen lerks and 3 fades ziping around.

    There are issues, but the game is still very playable.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Very much so, I don't think the hitreg issues are major issues just a little frustrating at times. Overall, Great game.
  • Ness_FrogKingNess_FrogKing Join Date: 2012-10-18 Member: 162628Members
    It fell down to the 3rd page, but <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=125559" target="_blank">this</a> is what you're looking for.
  • Kama_BlueKama_Blue Join Date: 2012-03-13 Member: 148710Members
    edited December 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=2043439:date=Dec 10 2012, 10:24 PM:name=Hivelord)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Hivelord @ Dec 10 2012, 10:24 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043439"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->In NS1 I could run around with 9 bullets in my gun and be able to kill almost any skulk I come across. This game I'm lucky if half a round will register correctly.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    <!--quoteo(post=2043440:date=Dec 10 2012, 10:25 PM:name=nezz)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (nezz @ Dec 10 2012, 10:25 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043440"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Very much so, I don't think the hitreg issues are major issues just a little frustrating at times. Overall, Great game.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    <!--quoteo(post=2043437:date=Dec 10 2012, 10:21 PM:name=Techercizer)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Techercizer @ Dec 10 2012, 10:21 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043437"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I can't say that OP doesn't have issues, because I'm not him and I'm not on his computer. What I can say is that I have no significant hit registry issues, in competitive or pubs. The game plays for me like a game with perfect hit registry.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    So some people just don't have it and some do ,gotcha

    <!--quoteo(post=2043441:date=Dec 10 2012, 10:31 PM:name=Ness_FrogKing)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Ness_FrogKing @ Dec 10 2012, 10:31 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043441"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->It fell down to the 3rd page, but <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=125559" target="_blank">this</a> is what you're looking for.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Yeah i was considering making a video to see if i could track the lost bullets frame by frame.
  • GlissGliss Join Date: 2003-03-23 Member: 14800Members, Constellation, NS2 Map Tester
    edited December 2012
    honestly, these posts are kind of pointless without videos or something. I don't deny that there is a hitreg issue, I've experienced it myself, but it's not quite as widespread as most people would like to believe. if you slow down your videos I'm sure you'll find that most of your shots are simply missing, or it's related to the funky animations of NS2. I've been recording religiously basically since I've started playing, and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've run into a legitimate "hitreg" issue. most of the other issues can be attributed to random shotguns, incorrectly displayed or not displayed combat text, etc. both of which are also incredibly frustrating to deal with but they are not hitreg issues.
  • Omar - The WireOmar - The Wire Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165320Members
    edited December 2012
    ^ What Glissy said.

    Outside of my one video (<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=r32PiW8k8uo#t=333s" target="_blank">here</a>) I've done a bunch of other "tests" that have yet to consistently reproduce a dropped registration issue.

    It exists, definitely. Is it as extreme as people would like to believe? I can't really back that either. I am the first scream "###### hit reg" when I get angry but now that I've spent sometime exploring it.... it doesn't seem that is the cause of the issue.

    About ~6 hours of playtime devoted totally to making bullets miss and I've probably got 30 seconds of footage where anything negative is show (<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=r32PiW8k8uo#t=333s" target="_blank">5:30</a>) and even then, they could possibly be a timing issue.

    Shotguns on the other hand... Their random spread is infuriating. If a skulk is within a foot of you, there is no earthly way a shotgun does 20 damage. That's ridiculous.
  • ZenuZenu Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 72861Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited December 2012
    I often find myself emptying whole LMG mag on close range to fade and sometimes even get time to shoot few pistol bullets at him but they never ever die unless someone else is shooting him with me also. Never did the math though that should one lmg clip be enough to kill that fade.

    If demo recording doesn't hit performance too much I'll try to get some footage to see if there is something wrong there.
  • YMICrazyYMICrazy Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 165986Members
    Man I hate fades. And the sound of their arm blades swinging. Man I start running when I hear that. Unless I have 2-3 teammates with me I cannot take one down. The smart ones kill one and retreat and then kill the rest slowly one by one. I guess it is meant to be that way since Fades are not exactly cheap. But yea LMG is gg vs a fade.
  • RockyMarcRockyMarc Join Date: 2009-11-24 Member: 69519Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    It's definitely different for me depending on the server and my ping.
    I've noticed with say a 70~ ping it's pretty good, but anything around 100~ it starts to be a bit more obvious and frustrating :|
    If that's a reg problem? I have no idea! Just adding my input :)
  • KopikatKopikat Join Date: 2012-09-06 Member: 158170Members
    edited December 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=2043390:date=Dec 10 2012, 09:25 PM:name={GGs} Chicken)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE ({GGs} Chicken @ Dec 10 2012, 09:25 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043390"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I disagree. This game has the best hitreg I've ever seen. Trust me I'd know, I play Call of Duty.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    You should try Super Monday Night Combat. The hitreg is client-side, which is the best that you can ever get. If you shoot something, you will damage it fully 100% of the time.
  • SwiftspearSwiftspear Custim tital Join Date: 2003-10-29 Member: 22097Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2043465:date=Dec 11 2012, 02:37 AM:name=YMICrazy502)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (YMICrazy502 @ Dec 11 2012, 02:37 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043465"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Man I hate fades. And the sound of their arm blades swinging. Man I start running when I hear that. Unless I have 2-3 teammates with me I cannot take one down. The smart ones kill one and retreat and then kill the rest slowly one by one. I guess it is meant to be that way since Fades are not exactly cheap. But yea LMG is gg vs a fade.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I agree with you. But you might find it interesting that it's actually theoretically possible to kill a fade with a single LMG clip and a single pistol clip, even with no weapons upgrades. You only need to land 5 of your pistol shots too (if you have hit with 100% of your LMG bullets)

    Once in a blue moon we'd actually see a marine solo a fade in NS1, and on paper it should actually be easier in NS2.
  • fanaticfanatic This post has been edited. Join Date: 2003-07-23 Member: 18377Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    edited December 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=2043470:date=Dec 11 2012, 08:48 AM:name=Swiftspear)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Swiftspear @ Dec 11 2012, 08:48 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043470"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I agree with you. But you might find it interesting that it's actually theoretically possible to kill a fade with a single LMG clip and a single pistol clip, even with no weapons upgrades. You only need to land 5 of your pistol shots too (if you have hit with 100% of your LMG bullets)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    A full mg clip does 500 damange, plus another 200 from the pistol, while a fade only has 350 effective hitpoints. If it wasn't for innate regen adding another bullet worth of damage to each fade, you could actually kill two fades with lvl0 mg/pistol, assuming 100% hit rate.

    <!--quoteo(post=2043455:date=Dec 11 2012, 08:11 AM:name=Gliss)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Gliss @ Dec 11 2012, 08:11 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043455"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I don't deny that there is a hitreg issue, I've experienced it myself, but it's not quite as widespread as most people would like to believe. if you slow down your videos I'm sure you'll find that most of your shots are simply missing, or it's related to the funky animations of NS2.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    This fits well with my experiences ingame. For the past month I've been trying to understand why it's so much harder to hit skulks now than it was before and just after release, but I haven't been able to connect it to any actual "hit reg" problem.

    Instead, I believe it simply became a lot harder to reliably track skulks due to the highly erratic movement of certain skulk behaviour, caused by the combination of nearly unlimited air control and high minimum speed boost from jumping off any wall. The big walljumping revamp shortly after release seems to coincide with the time skulks became significantly harder to hit, so it seems like that is the likely culprit behind the sudden jump in tracking difficulty.
  • DestherDesther Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165195Members
    Hit-reg is too perfect (when it works). Bring back single bounding-box hitboxes and everyone will be happy!
  • kespeckespec Join Date: 2012-11-18 Member: 172279Members
    i wouldnt care about hitreg if i had a solid fps.
  • SwiftspearSwiftspear Custim tital Join Date: 2003-10-29 Member: 22097Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2043476:date=Dec 11 2012, 04:49 AM:name=fanatic)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (fanatic @ Dec 11 2012, 04:49 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043476"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->A full mg clip does 500 damange, plus another 200 from the pistol, while a fade only has 350 effective hitpoints. If it wasn't for innate regen adding another bullet worth of damage to each fade, you could actually kill two fades with lvl0 mg/pistol, assuming 100% hit rate.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    You are correct sir. I was thinking 250 damage per LMG clip, which of course is false, embarrassingly enough.
  • gnoarchgnoarch Join Date: 2012-08-29 Member: 156802Members, Reinforced - Gold
    <!--quoteo(post=2043468:date=Dec 11 2012, 08:44 AM:name=Kopikat)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Kopikat @ Dec 11 2012, 08:44 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043468"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You should try Super Monday Night Combat. The hitreg is client-side, which is the best that you can ever get. If you shoot something, you will damage it fully 100% of the time.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Problem with this should be that better ping wins. always.

    I think hitreg is actually good in NS2. Far better than in e.g. BF3 which I played alot.

    I bet that 99% of hitreg issues origin from low FPS/Server performance.

    I have >60 fps constantly and I not once experianced a situation where I thought there was a hitreg issue(under the condition of having a good ping <80).
  • KopikatKopikat Join Date: 2012-09-06 Member: 158170Members
    edited December 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=2043492:date=Dec 11 2012, 02:41 AM:name=gnoarch)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (gnoarch @ Dec 11 2012, 02:41 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043492"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Problem with this should be that better ping wins. always.

    I think hitreg is actually good in NS2. Far better than in e.g. BF3 which I played alot.

    I bet that 99% of hitreg issues origin from low FPS/Server performance.

    I have >60 fps constantly and I not once experianced a situation where I thought there was a hitreg issue(under the condition of having a good ping <80).<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Actually, the problem is that the higher ping always wins. Sharpshooter classes can shoot you around walls and such if they're lagging but you aren't for example.
  • Champlo0Champlo0 Join Date: 2012-04-17 Member: 150617Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2043465:date=Dec 11 2012, 12:37 AM:name=YMICrazy502)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (YMICrazy502 @ Dec 11 2012, 12:37 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043465"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Man I hate fades. And the sound of their arm blades swinging. Man I start running when I hear that. Unless I have 2-3 teammates with me I cannot take one down. The smart ones kill one and retreat and then kill the rest slowly one by one. I guess it is meant to be that way since Fades are not exactly cheap. But yea LMG is gg vs a fade.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Go fade and try to kill an armor 3 marine, it's more infuriating than anything else in this game.
  • Omega_K2Omega_K2 Join Date: 2011-12-25 Member: 139013Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    <!--quoteo(post=2043476:date=Dec 11 2012, 10:49 AM:name=fanatic)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (fanatic @ Dec 11 2012, 10:49 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043476"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->This fits well with my experiences ingame. For the past month I've been trying to understand why it's so much harder to hit skulks now than it was before and just after release, but I haven't been able to connect it to any actual "hit reg" problem.

    Instead, I believe it simply became a lot harder to reliably track skulks due to the highly erratic movement of certain skulk behaviour, caused by the combination of nearly unlimited air control and high minimum speed boost from jumping off any wall. The big walljumping revamp shortly after release seems to coincide with the time skulks became significantly harder to hit, so it seems like that is the likely culprit behind the sudden jump in tracking difficulty.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    While that might be true, it still doesn't explain shots disappearing, especailly noticeable when shooting stationary players in pub games (ie, lifeforms hitting powernodes). That also applies on moving targets, but is less noticeable; but it even can happen with extremly bad movement skulks or gorges which move in a straight line.

    With NS2Stats in PCWs I observed rather ridiclous accuracy differences, ranging from 8% to 33% as marine (that is even playing on the same server vs the same team (!)), while on aliens it seems rather consistent.

    Though something else that should be looked into is mouse sensitivity, as it seems to depend on fps as well. Not sure whether there is also some mouselag invovled that gives the impression of the bad hitreg, though I think it probably is a lot of these issues combined (and actual hitreg inconsistencies being one of them).
  • Kama_BlueKama_Blue Join Date: 2012-03-13 Member: 148710Members
    edited December 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=2043481:date=Dec 11 2012, 02:03 AM:name=Swiftspear)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Swiftspear @ Dec 11 2012, 02:03 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043481"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You are correct sir. I was thinking 250 damage per LMG clip, which of course is false, embarrassingly enough.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    It's false, but it also shows pretty clearly you have the hitreg problem and are having serious problems making the LMG viable against a fade. Personally i can't make the shotgun deal more than 100 damage against most lifeforms.

    <!--quoteo(post=2043492:date=Dec 11 2012, 02:41 AM:name=gnoarch)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (gnoarch @ Dec 11 2012, 02:41 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043492"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Problem with this should be that better ping wins. always.

    I think hitreg is actually good in NS2. Far better than in e.g. BF3 which I played alot.

    I bet that 99% of hitreg issues origin from low FPS/Server performance.

    I have >60 fps constantly and I not once experianced a situation where I thought there was a hitreg issue(under the condition of having a good ping <80).<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I play on a <100 ping, 100 performance server, at 50+ FPS at all times. I actually think players with lower ping are getting the issue worse than players with higher ping, believe it or not.

    <!--quoteo(post=2043511:date=Dec 11 2012, 03:16 AM:name=Champlo0)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Champlo0 @ Dec 11 2012, 03:16 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043511"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Go fade and try to kill an armor 3 marine, it's more infuriating than anything else in this game.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Three hits?

    Go and try and kill a fade as an armor 3 marine. IT's not possible.

    <!--quoteo(post=2043535:date=Dec 11 2012, 04:18 AM:name=Omega_K2)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Omega_K2 @ Dec 11 2012, 04:18 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043535"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->While that might be true, it still doesn't explain shots disappearing, especailly noticeable when shooting stationary players in pub games (ie, lifeforms hitting powernodes). That also applies on moving targets, but is less noticeable; but it even can happen with extremly bad movement skulks or gorges which move in a straight line.

    With NS2Stats in PCWs I observed rather ridiclous accuracy differences, ranging from 8% to 33% as marine (that is even playing on the same server vs the same team (!)), while on aliens it seems rather consistent.

    Though something else that should be looked into is mouse sensitivity, as it seems to depend on fps as well. Not sure whether there is also some mouselag invovled that gives the impression of the bad hitreg, though I think it probably is a lot of these issues combined (and actual hitreg inconsistencies being one of them).<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    IT could possibly have to do with the alien hitboxes being TOO accurate and unforgiving. In the other thread with the videos there were frames where bullets passed between the legs and/or right under the curve of the belly of the skulk without a hit registering. The hits might actually be near indescipherable misses, but we can't tell because of how accurate the hitbox is. We as humans can't track all four legs of a skulk at all time or something.
  • RoobubbaRoobubba Who you gonna call? Join Date: 2003-01-06 Member: 11930Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    <!--quoteo(post=2043499:date=Dec 11 2012, 06:52 AM:name=Kopikat)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Kopikat @ Dec 11 2012, 06:52 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2043499"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Actually, the problem is that the higher ping always wins. Sharpshooter classes can shoot you around walls and such if they're lagging but you aren't for example.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->


    I've lost count of the number of times I've been killed by high ping players after I'm miles around a corner that they absolutely definitely can not see around. As a low pinger, you're at the disadvantage of thinking they aren't shooting at you: in reality, they aren't shooting at you yet, because they don't see you yet. That assumption that because they're not shooting, they're not shooting, is false. That's what gets me killed more often than not!!

  • includeinclude aka RpTheHotrod Dallas, TX Join Date: 2003-01-08 Member: 12027Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    edited December 2012
    HitReg is definitely a problem and I hope they correct the issue. I've experienced it myself and I've even seen posted videos of people hitting a fade dead on with a shotgun, blood splattering everywhere, and no damage dealt (numbers popping up).

    The second frustrating thing is how you can turn a corner, go halfway down the hall, and then suddenly die "through the wall".

    My ping is typically 15-30 in those cases, as well.
  • TechpunkTechpunk Join Date: 2011-06-10 Member: 103527Members
    edited December 2012
    For me this is much more related to bad fps. As a marine when shooting a skulk my fps has a crazy drop from 60 fps to something around 19-25, and skulks become super saiyans with power over 9000 who's moviments I cant see.

    Not to mention these are my specs.

    i7 2670qm 2.2 ghz snd Gen
    6gb ram
    Geforce GT 555m

    What helps a bit is lowering my resolution to awful 800x600 and turning off the AA and all the rest.
    And dont even think about getting that fancy infestation going on, my pc almost choked when they implemented that.
  • AxehiltAxehilt Join Date: 2003-09-12 Member: 20796Members
    It should be fixed.

    That said, shoot 25ms in front of where the skulk is (visually) and you'll land every bullet. I land a ton of my bullets as marine. Starting to get hack accusations again, actually.
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