DAK Server Admin Mod



  • StukaJU87cStukaJU87c Join Date: 2012-11-04 Member: 166988Members
    edited November 2012
    Ok, I deleted the dakconfig.json and let it generate a new one, it didn't work but it did something odd, it generated a tiny config file..

    <!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->    "DAKLoader": {
          "kEnabled": true,
          "GamerulesClassName": "NS2Gamerules",
          "OverrideInterp": {
            "kInterp": 100,
            "kEnabled": false
          "LoadFromServerLUA": true,
          "GamerulesExtensions": true,
          "kPluginsList": [ "afkkick", "baseadmincommands", "enhancedlogging", "mapvote", "motd", "unstuck", "voterandom", "votesurrender" ],
          "kDelayedServerUpdate": 1,
          "kDelayedClientConnect": 2

    That was all that was in it

    I'm going to try redownloading/resintalling the mod
  • StukaJU87cStukaJU87c Join Date: 2012-11-04 Member: 166988Members
    edited November 2012
    Okay! Resinstalling worked however a couple issues:

    I still can't get the command surrender or sv_surrendervote <team> to work..

    and with the new version the rtv command doesn't seem to work...sv_votemap works fine though

    Thanks for all your help Dragon


    None of the in chat commands work, rtv/random/stuck/surrender/vote <#> for map votes (they all work in console, just not chat)
    sv_surrendervote does not work, but just surrender does.

    Edit 2: After server server restart in-chat commands seem to be working fine.
  • TechnIckSTechnIckS Join Date: 2007-01-14 Member: 59616Members
    xDragon, you are my hero. I love the fact that you updated the readme with all the info on what each line represents in the config file.
    I will be trying it right now and post my results here!
  • Silent262Silent262 Join Date: 2012-09-21 Member: 160267Members
    edited November 2012
    After updating, the server began spamming the first line of the map vote sequence until sv_cancelmapvote was used. I can only assume this was the first map vote after I updated the lua scripts. Will disable/reenable plugin. All other parts are functional.

    Edit: Solved, seems to have been a new plugins/old config issue.
  • TechnIckSTechnIckS Join Date: 2007-01-14 Member: 59616Members
    edited November 2012
    Confirmed, works as planned. Love the new password feature!

    xDragon, if you want to see if in action send me a private message with your ns steamid and ill set you up a reserved slot.
    Servers are at nationalgaming.org:27015 and nationalgaming.org:27018.

    Reserved slot password is "national".
  • xDragonxDragon Join Date: 2012-04-04 Member: 149948Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    Glad to hear its working.
  • TripleTriple Join Date: 2007-06-18 Member: 61290Members
    edited November 2012
    Problem with new build/patch duno if its just me but mod has been acting up :/ keeps spaming map vote is starting rapidly! i have to change map manually for it to stop...i havnt change anything really just updated my server from steamcmd and left everything as is and this started happening... also get this message in console when map loads:
    <!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->    #2: lua/plugins/plugin_mapvote.lua:302
            deltaTime = 0.033961925655603
        #3:  (tail call):-1
        #4: lua/DAKLoader_EventHooks.lua:67
            deltaTime = 0.033961925655603
            (for index) = 3
            (for limit) = 7
            (for step) = 1
            i = 3
    [Server] Script Error #1721: lua/plugins/plugin_mapvote.lua:130: attempt to perf
    orm arithmetic on field 'kExtendDuration' (a nil value)
        Call stack:
        #1: UpdateMapVoteCountDown lua/plugins/plugin_mapvote.lua:130
            validmaps = 1
            recentlyplayed = 1
            tempMaps =  {1="ns2_mineshaft", 2="ns2_summit", 3="ns2_veil", 4="ns2_doc
    king", 5="ns2_veil", 6="ns2_veil" }
        #2: lua/plugins/plugin_mapvote.lua:302
            deltaTime = 0.032678455114365
        #3:  (tail call):-1
        #4: lua/DAKLoader_EventHooks.lua:67
            deltaTime = 0.032678455114365
            (for index) = 3
            (for limit) = 7
            (for step) = 1
            i = 3
    L 11/15/2012 - 02:06:52 - <{ÐG}Guttersnipe><1><33855850><0> executed sv_changem
    ap ns2_veil
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
         { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
         } TOC01 0.024158s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.024406s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ServerLoadJob::Run
         { TIC01 M4::ServerLoadJob::Run sections
         } TOC01 0.000001s M4::ServerLoadJob::Run sections after Physics_InitializeT
         { TIC01 M4::ServerLoadJob::Run sections
             { TIC02 M4::ServerWorld::Initialize
                 { TIC03 M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections
    Downloading mods
    Finished downloading and installing mods
                 } TOC03 0.299914s M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections after mods s
                 { TIC03 M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections
    Mounting mod from C:/Users/Guttersnipe/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Works
                 } TOC03 0.000244s M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections after more m
    ods stuff
                 { TIC03 M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections
                 } TOC03 0.000767s M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections after lotta
                 { TIC03 M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections
                 } TOC03 0.000119s M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections after init p
                 { TIC03 M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections
                 } TOC03 0.000017s M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections after init p
                 { TIC03 M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections
                 } TOC03 0.000180s M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections after load g
                 { TIC03 M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections
    Loading config://ServerAdmin.json
    Loading DAK configuration.
    Loading DAK settings.
    Loading config://ServerConfig.json
    Loading config://ServerAdmin.json
    Loading config://BannedPlayers.json
    Loading config://MapCycle.json
    Loading config://ConsistencyConfig.json
    Hashed 1 game_setup.xml files for consistency
    Hashed 673 *.lua files for consistency
    Hashed 32 *.fx files for consistency
    Hashed 13 *.screenfx files for consistency
    Hashed 63 *.surface_shader files for consistency
    Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
    Hashed 2 *.render_setup files for consistency
    Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
    Loading config://MapCycle.json
    AFKKicker Loading Complete
    Loading config://BannedPlayers.json
    BaseAdminCommands Loading Complete
    EnhancedLogging Loading Complete
    MapVote Loading Complete
    ServerMOTD Loading Complete
    Unstuck Loading Complete
    VoteRandom Loading Complete
    VoteSurrender Loading Complete
                 } TOC03 15.885408s M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections after LoadS
                 { TIC03 M4::ServerWorld::Initialize sections
                     { TIC04 M4::World::LoadMap
                         { TIC05 M4::World::LoadMap sections
                             { TIC06 M4::World::UnloadMap
                                 { TIC07 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
                                 } TOC07 0.000004s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
                             } TOC06 0.000201s M4::World::UnloadMap
                         } TOC05 0.000399s M4::World::LoadMap sections After Unload
                         { TIC05 M4::World::LoadMap sections
                             { TIC06 M4::World::OnPreLoad
                                 { TIC07 M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
                                 } TOC07 0.000021s M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
                             } TOC06 0.000217s M4::World::OnPreLoad
    Loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
                         } TOC05 0.000517s M4::World::LoadMap sections After OnPreLo
                         { TIC05 M4::World::LoadMap sections
                             { TIC06 M4::GameLevel::Load
                                 { TIC07 M4::GameLevel::Load sections
                                 } TOC07 0.915247s M4::GameLevel::Load sections
                             } TOC06 0.915501s M4::GameLevel::Load
                         } TOC05 0.915688s M4::World::LoadMap sections after level l
                         { TIC05 M4::World::LoadMap sections
                             { TIC06 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
                                 { TIC07 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
                                 } TOC07 0.056080s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sect
                             } TOC06 0.056444s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
                         } TOC05 0.056691s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreateM
                         { TIC05 M4::World::LoadMap sections
                         } TOC05 0.470627s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreateP
                         { TIC05 M4::World::LoadMap sections
                         } TOC05 0.004674s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreateP
                         { TIC05 M4::World::LoadMap sections
                         } TOC05 0.000009s M4::World::LoadMap sections after Script_
                         { TIC05 M4::World::LoadMap sections
                             { TIC06 M4::World::OnPostLoad
                                 { TIC07 M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_veil.level
                                     { TIC08 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
                                         { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections

                                         } TOC09 0.008301s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMes
    h sections After build normals
                                         { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections

                                         } TOC09 0.002137s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMes
    h sections After rcCalcBounds
                                         { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections

                                         } TOC09 0.000177s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMes
    h sections After InitMeshConfig
                                         { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections

                                         } TOC09 0.000147s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMes
    h sections After nav mesh init
                                         { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections

                                         } TOC09 0.000011s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMes
    h sections After set area costs
                                         { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections

                                             { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5T
                                             } TOC10 0.005812s M4::PathingMesh::Buil
                                         } TOC09 0.006130s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMes
    h sections After allocating for chunky mesh
                                         { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections

                                         } TOC09 0.320370s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMes
    h sections After rcCreateChunkyTriMesh
                                         { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections

                                             { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::RasterizeTileC
                                                 { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::RasterizeT
    ileCacheGrid sections
    Client disconnected ( Quit
                                                 } TOC11 2.785783s M4::PathingMesh::
    RasterizeTileCacheGrid sections
                                             } TOC10 2.786208s M4::PathingMesh::Rast
    OK! Saved tile cache grid to maps/ns2_veil.level-server.tile_cache_grid
                                             { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTile
                                                 { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcess
    Tiles sections
                                                 } TOC11 0.000122s M4::PathingMesh::
    PreProcessTiles sections After adding tiles
                                                 { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcess
    Tiles sections
                                                 } TOC11 0.015990s M4::PathingMesh::
    PreProcessTiles sections After build navmesh tiles
                                                 { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcess
    Tiles sections
                                                 } TOC11 0.000001s M4::PathingMesh::
    PreProcessTiles sections
                                             } TOC10 0.017724s M4::PathingMesh::PreP
                                         } TOC09 2.812229s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMes
    h sections After preprocess tiles
                                         { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections

                                         } TOC09 0.000065s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMes
    h sections End
                                         { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections

                                         } TOC09 0.000006s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMes
    h sections
                                     } TOC08 3.152515s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
                                 } TOC07 8.720857s M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
                             } TOC06 8.721143s M4::World::OnPostLoad<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->

    Theres more but thats the most i could of caught... :( do i have to update mod or does it update itself or what? and how?.... or is this a current problem untill dak is updated witch is being worked on? or what?
  • xDragonxDragon Join Date: 2012-04-04 Member: 149948Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    Try renaming your current DAKConfig.json file and letting it generate a new one, there are some new vars that were added recently.
  • TripleTriple Join Date: 2007-06-18 Member: 61290Members
    edited November 2012
    Sorry to say this i think new patch just killed your mod :/... I tried what u told me removed old config files and now when i try connecting to server says server/client differs then i remove mod and it works again i think its the new VAC system they've added :|
  • Silent262Silent262 Join Date: 2012-09-21 Member: 160267Members
    I have not had an issue with the server, and I am 99% sure that DAK is functioning. I can join the server, and all of my DAK commands are active.
  • xDragonxDragon Join Date: 2012-04-04 Member: 149948Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited November 2012
    Should be fixed now, looks like they have hooked up the required build field in the publisher now so that it will run on that version of the lua code, which was causing the server to run on 228 code and your connecting clients to run on 229.

    This would only affect servers running the mod via the workshop method i believe.
  • TechnIckSTechnIckS Join Date: 2007-01-14 Member: 59616Members
    edited November 2012
    Ok so a few things i noticed after updating to the one with password protection:

    2 changes were made:

    1. Updated mod (fresh install, mod works fine)
    2. Enabled logging.

    Result: Bearable lag/rubberbanding. First half of a game works fine, but once entities go up, it starts having issues.

    First i thought it was due to me updating bios settings and messing with the tubroboost. But it wasn't. I reset bios on server to my previous settings and same thing.
    Then, i lowered player count from 22 (Where it worked decent before) to 18. Still lagging, rubberbanding - quite bad i'd say.

    It seems to also have a TON of choke, from 10-30% sometimes.

    Finally, i disabled DAK Admin Mod. I could not believe it. In 229, with 22 players towards end of game with tons of entities it was keeping a tickrate of 27+. Minor occasional skips here and there (Once every 30 seconds-1 minute, lasting for under 1sec), but i'm seeing considerably better tickrates in (now) vanilla 229 than vanilla 228.

    DO you think the logging is the issue? I haven't tried turning that off yet as the servers are full and working right and i didn't want to kick all the people :).
  • Silent262Silent262 Join Date: 2012-09-21 Member: 160267Members
    So far as I know, map change will actually reload the modules in DAK. I am going to try disabling logging and see what happens.
  • xDragonxDragon Join Date: 2012-04-04 Member: 149948Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    Hmm there really is very little in DAK that would cause those kinda of issues- maybe a slight tickrate drop but IMO should never increase choke. I will admit the logging is a potential issue mainly because for some stupid reason NS2's lua doesnt support appending files, so it has to rewrite the entire log each line (really, really stupid).
  • sleepingsleeping Join Date: 2005-01-16 Member: 35868Members, Constellation, NS2 Map Tester
    Last night we found that the mapvotes where bugging out and spamming the crap out of the server.. nothing you could visually see.. but when we checked the logging on the server it was sending out tons of jiberish and causing our tickrate to drop to like 8-9.. i had to stop the server.. turn off dak and then restart.. no issues since.
  • MaxunitMaxunit Join Date: 2005-02-01 Member: 39414Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited November 2012
    Maybe this is what caused my Server to intially crash sometime this morning instead of being the cpu overheating.

    Thank you for the hint with the logging. I will check that out again, if that applies to my Server as well.
  • xDragonxDragon Join Date: 2012-04-04 Member: 149948Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    The mapvote issue can occur if you are using an old version of the DAKConfig.json with the newest version. You should generate a new config (by renamed your current one) if you have experienced that issue.
  • TechnIckSTechnIckS Join Date: 2007-01-14 Member: 59616Members
    Take a look here.

    With DAK on the 12th: <a href="http://ns2servers.devicenull.org/servers/4941/" target="_blank">http://ns2servers.devicenull.org/servers/4...=11%2F12%2F2012</a>
    Without DAK so far today (Right side of the graph only - no longer dips to 0 - lowest is 15 or so): <a href="http://ns2servers.devicenull.org/servers/4941/" target="_blank">http://ns2servers.devicenull.org/servers/4...=11%2F15%2F2012</a>

    I'll re-enable DAK and disable logging and check again tonight.

    Fingers crossed.
  • PukaDeliveryPukaDelivery Join Date: 2012-11-15 Member: 171566Members
    Ok so, i've gotten butthurt enough to make an account to find some help on this as im having both a DAK and general server config issues.

    A few days ago, I had DAK and NS2stats working together and everything was cool, sadly after a patch came out it broke the mods and i had to do a fresh reinstall of the server. From what i can recall, i had it setup using the -mods "xxx xxx" in the server config, and then also in mapcycle i had just put in mods "mods": "xxx xxx", above the map line. This worked great, and I had no issues, and now it no longer works.

    So after reading the wiki and these forums it seems to me theres some vague information that isnt being detailed. Does everyone setup their mapcycle with a general "mods" row like I did? Or does everyone do what the wiki says and do { "map": "ns2_tanith", "mods": [ "xxx" ] }

    Now, heres the problem with the wikis information. It states "This also allows for custom maps from the Steam Workshop to be loaded by the server." by using the line I just listed for Tanith, if this is the proper line to use to have a normal map like Tram load DAK it should be changed to reflect so.

    Now on that note, I know that using { "map": "ns2_tram", "mods": [ "xxx" ] } will indeed load any mod on map change; however, I have two issues with this.

    #1 When I change my mapcycle to use the string above while using DAK, it causes the RTV command to flip out and spam the command continiously.

    #2 I thought about just disabling RTV and using NS2stats votemap command, however the wiki does not state the proper way to load multiple mods with the string above. When i try to use { "map": "ns2_tram", "mods": [ "xxx xxx" ] } it seems to break the game, when i try to changemap using sv_changemap to tram in this case, it will not work at all and does not change map.

    The TL;DR im getting at here is that I think the wiki needs more spesific information on multi mod setup as well as the mapcycle.json file, If anyone can explain how to fix my issue so i can get dak and ns2stats running It would be appreciated. If needed I can post my current json/cfg files
  • itspreachitspreach Join Date: 2012-10-30 Member: 164638Members
    edited November 2012
  • xDragonxDragon Join Date: 2012-04-04 Member: 149948Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    If your having an issue with the RTV/mapvote in DAK spamming messages/console errors, its because your config file is old. Try renaming it and letting DAK generate a new one.

    In the future im going to change how the config gets loaded so that it loads the defaults then your custom config, so that any new keys get created without issue.
  • PukaDeliveryPukaDelivery Join Date: 2012-11-15 Member: 171566Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2025741:date=Nov 16 2012, 10:05 AM:name=xDragon)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (xDragon @ Nov 16 2012, 10:05 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2025741"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->If your having an issue with the RTV/mapvote in DAK spamming messages/console errors, its because your config file is old. Try renaming it and letting DAK generate a new one.

    In the future im going to change how the config gets loaded so that it loads the defaults then your custom config, so that any new keys get created without issue.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    This cant be right? I had literally JUST reinstalled my entire server as well as dak and ns2stats about 2 hours prior to this post. When i put the server back up i didnt copy and old config files back over and let everything generate new.
  • xDragonxDragon Join Date: 2012-04-04 Member: 149948Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    Hmmmm but you got the mapvote error when using DAK on that new installation?
  • PukaDeliveryPukaDelivery Join Date: 2012-11-15 Member: 171566Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2025832:date=Nov 16 2012, 11:37 AM:name=xDragon)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (xDragon @ Nov 16 2012, 11:37 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2025832"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hmmmm but you got the mapvote error when using DAK on that new installation?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Yes, but ONLY when I input { "map": "ns2_tram", "mods": [ "5f4f178 " ] }

    So, my mapcycle.json would look like this:

    "time": 50,
    "mode": "order",
    { "map": "ns2_tram", "mods": [ "5f4f178 " ] }

    as soon as i change to add the last line there, it will cause RTV to sperg out, otherwise without it it works fine.
  • itspreachitspreach Join Date: 2012-10-30 Member: 164638Members
    edited November 2012
    Puka I think if you are trying to load dak for all maps you don't specify the map with mod on the same line. (I'm not sure since I load from server.lua and dont need to edit mapcycle.)

    (or it could be you are missing a comma after "docking") ???

    Have you tried this for your mapcycle:

    "time": 50,
    "mode": "order",
    "mods": [ "5f4f178" ]
    "ns2_tram" }
  • xDragonxDragon Join Date: 2012-04-04 Member: 149948Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    for loading DAK, you wouldnt want to have it loaded per map, so like below would work better:

    "time": 50,
    "mode": "order",
    "mods": [ "5f4f178 " ]

    Now there may be a bug with DAK when having the mapcycle configured that way, I actually hadnt realized that you could do that.
  • PukaDeliveryPukaDelivery Join Date: 2012-11-15 Member: 171566Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2025893:date=Nov 16 2012, 12:32 PM:name=xDragon)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (xDragon @ Nov 16 2012, 12:32 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2025893"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->for loading DAK, you wouldnt want to have it loaded per map, so like below would work better:

    "time": 50,
    "mode": "order",
    "mods": [ "5f4f178 " ]

    Now there may be a bug with DAK when having the mapcycle configured that way, I actually hadnt realized that you could do that.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Now, this type of setup is exactly how I use to run the json file, but when i load it liek this i'm pretty sure the mods stop loading on mapcycle... I'm going to try it again when the server gets empty so i can double check.
  • itspreachitspreach Join Date: 2012-10-30 Member: 164638Members
    Dragon or anyone... when I add a player to the reserved list in-game with console, where is the file created? I enabled the plugin but its not creating a reservedplayers.json file
  • ZekZek Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7962Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited November 2012
    For anybody interested in reserve slots, I whipped up a very simple plugin to act as a substitute. It will enable a password on the server when the player count reaches a certain threshold, and remove the password when player count goes below it. We use it to make our server public up until 16/18, at which point the server is locked so players with the password have an easier time getting in.

    <a href="http://www.fileswap.com/dl/cauU4msAHD/" target="_blank">http://www.fileswap.com/dl/cauU4msAHD/</a>
    <a href="http://www.fileswap.com/dl/xhBD85dKv0/" target="_blank">http://www.fileswap.com/dl/xhBD85dKv0/</a>

    Disclaimer: I don't actually know LUA so this might be pretty ghetto, feedback would be appreciated :P

    Also, I'm trying to figure out how to install plugins in the workshop installation so we don't need to modify Server.lua anymore, anybody know if it's possible? Alternately you're free to include it on your end if you want Dragon ;)

    Edit: Oh, I see it puts the workshop lua in the AppData folder and you can change that with the -modstorage server arg. Any idea if plugins will be overwritten by workshop updates?
  • xDragonxDragon Join Date: 2012-04-04 Member: 149948Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    Plugins should update on server restart, and possibly map change (not sure about this). With that plugin, you could publish it in workshop with the files in a /lua/plugins folder, then just add it to the DAKConfig.json under plugins "conditionalpassword".

    Regarding the reserveslots, it should create the file in the same directory as DAKConfig, as ReservedPlayers.json.
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