TWG X: Survival of the Fittest
Name changed from Freak83Toronto Join Date: 2003-03-13 Member: 14484Members, Constellation

<!--sizeo:6--><span style="font-size:24pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->It is now Night One! No posting!<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
<b>im_lost</b> slammed the door of his car and walked towards the large mansion that lay just ahead of him. He carefully observed that there were several vehicles already parked in the proximity around him. “So it looks like it’s real…” he muttered to himself.
Yes, he remembered only too well how he had received his invitation to be on the new reality television series “Survival of the Fittest” about a month ago. His letter had arrived in the mail promising fame and riches which <b>im_lost</b> could only dream of. For what seemed like the fiftieth time he looked down at his photocopy of the letter and read:
<i>Dear im_lost,
You have been randomly selected to become one of the contestants on our new reality television program entitled ‘Survival of the Fittest’. This show is a challenge where you will face off against sixteen other randomly selected contestants to go through a series of puzzles and claim a prize before anyone else. If interested please send this original envelope back with your response no later than…</i>
From there all that followed was a bunch of legal aspects and obligations in the fine print. It was fairly standard stuff. <b>im_lost</b> reached the door of the mansion and went inside. He walked through the lobby and into what appeared to be a glamorous room which could only be described as the mansions main hall. There were already a bunch of other contestants in the room (as <b>im_lost</b> could only assume) and doing a quick head count he noticed that he was the last one to arrive. He quietly shut the door behind him but as no-one in the room was talking, even the slightest bit of noise was enough to make everyone’s head turn to face him. <i>“Here it goes again…”</i> <b>im_lost</b> thought.
Sure enough, he recognized the look on everyone’s face as they saw him. It was the look everyone gave him as their first glance. A look of awe, followed by them blushing as they realized they had been staring and quickly turned away. <b>im_lost</b> was deformed with third degree burns all to his body. After being engulfed in an explosion several years ago he was lucky to be alive although his body had literally been almost destroyed. It was <b>im_lost’s</b> hope to win this competition and get the money to receive the appropriate surgery to restore his body to normal.
<b>im_lost</b> walked towards the crowd of people who still weren’t talking to each other. It was pure nervousness holding everyone back from talking. At the moment no-one knew much about what to expect from this competition and it was scaring them badly. “Welcome!” appeared a voice from no-where. “Welcome to my competition of ‘Survival of the Fittest’”.
From the balcony above a lone figure walked out speaking these words and <b>im_lost</b> along with everyone else turned their heads up to look towards him.
“I would like to thank all of you for responding to my invitation and attending this competition! My name is Freak83 and I will be your host until the end of this little game. Anyway, if that’s that… I’ll let the competition get started!”
“Hey wait a minute!” someone from the crowd shouted upwards towards Freak83. “You haven’t told us what we have to do yet!”
“Ah, my mistake <b>Isamil</b>, but I thought that much was obvious. Just as the name of the competition states this is a game about survival of the fittest. The last one of you to be alive at the end of the game will win.”
“Excuse me! You expect us to <i>kill</i> each other for some stupid competition of yours? Forget this, I’m out of here!” another person shouted in anger.
He walked away from the crowd and towards the lobby. As he turned the knob on the mansion door however it refused to budge as it had been locked behind him. Looking frustrated he came back into the room.
“Sorry about that <b>Nightstalker</b>, but after all you already did accept the terms and conditions of this game when you signed the contract. I believe <b>im_lost</b> has a photocopy of it with him if you would care to take a look.” Freak83 said.
At these words <b>im_lost</b> instinctively pulled out his photocopy of the game form and took a look at the legal obligations part of the contract. He cringed when he reached the line that Freak83 must have been talking about and read it out loud.
“…All contestants upon signing this form consent to completely accept the responsibility of any harm or injury that may befall them, included but not limited to personal health and fitness, and death…”
At these words the entire crowd went into an outburst but quickly settled down when they realised Freak83 was just watching them without saying anything. “To help you get started I’ve placed four of my own staff among your group. They will be working together to kill each of you, so please for your own benefit. Try to kill them first, the deal is if you can kill all of them you’ll each win a million dollars. I do wish all of you the best of luck.”
“And is there anything else we should know?” Another contestant asked somewhat sarcastically.
“Why <i>yes</i> actually there is, thank you so much for asking <b>GrayDuck</b>. You see this vault here right in front of you? Inside of it there is an Artifact which will help you on your way to victory. There’s clues as to what the combination to it may be scattered around the mansion. Please feel free to try and open it whenever you can. Good luck everyone.”
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I am now going to send out everyone’s roles. You may either become the Seer, Guardian, Psychic, or one of the four wolves. In addition <i>any player</i> including someone who has already received a role may become the Investigator. When you have received your role the wolves will not be making a kill tonight so only the Seer needs to send me a PM to inspect a player.
Will <i>all</i> players also now please send me their first PM as to where in the mansion they would like to move. For this night select any room and use the “Search” option to get the best result. I would like to point out that I slightly edited the map from the pre-game thread for logistical reasons. The bathroom has been removed and the Main Hall may or may not contain a clue now.
Lastly I have said this once before already but would like to state it again. If you intend to get the code to the vault by using the individual clues <b>you must work together and combine your efforts</b>. It <i>will</i> be impossible to actually get the combination with the individual clues alone if you do not work together. Night One will end Saturday at 7:00PM EST.
<img src="" border="0" alt="IPB Image" />
<b>im_lost</b> slammed the door of his car and walked towards the large mansion that lay just ahead of him. He carefully observed that there were several vehicles already parked in the proximity around him. “So it looks like it’s real…” he muttered to himself.
Yes, he remembered only too well how he had received his invitation to be on the new reality television series “Survival of the Fittest” about a month ago. His letter had arrived in the mail promising fame and riches which <b>im_lost</b> could only dream of. For what seemed like the fiftieth time he looked down at his photocopy of the letter and read:
<i>Dear im_lost,
You have been randomly selected to become one of the contestants on our new reality television program entitled ‘Survival of the Fittest’. This show is a challenge where you will face off against sixteen other randomly selected contestants to go through a series of puzzles and claim a prize before anyone else. If interested please send this original envelope back with your response no later than…</i>
From there all that followed was a bunch of legal aspects and obligations in the fine print. It was fairly standard stuff. <b>im_lost</b> reached the door of the mansion and went inside. He walked through the lobby and into what appeared to be a glamorous room which could only be described as the mansions main hall. There were already a bunch of other contestants in the room (as <b>im_lost</b> could only assume) and doing a quick head count he noticed that he was the last one to arrive. He quietly shut the door behind him but as no-one in the room was talking, even the slightest bit of noise was enough to make everyone’s head turn to face him. <i>“Here it goes again…”</i> <b>im_lost</b> thought.
Sure enough, he recognized the look on everyone’s face as they saw him. It was the look everyone gave him as their first glance. A look of awe, followed by them blushing as they realized they had been staring and quickly turned away. <b>im_lost</b> was deformed with third degree burns all to his body. After being engulfed in an explosion several years ago he was lucky to be alive although his body had literally been almost destroyed. It was <b>im_lost’s</b> hope to win this competition and get the money to receive the appropriate surgery to restore his body to normal.
<b>im_lost</b> walked towards the crowd of people who still weren’t talking to each other. It was pure nervousness holding everyone back from talking. At the moment no-one knew much about what to expect from this competition and it was scaring them badly. “Welcome!” appeared a voice from no-where. “Welcome to my competition of ‘Survival of the Fittest’”.
From the balcony above a lone figure walked out speaking these words and <b>im_lost</b> along with everyone else turned their heads up to look towards him.
“I would like to thank all of you for responding to my invitation and attending this competition! My name is Freak83 and I will be your host until the end of this little game. Anyway, if that’s that… I’ll let the competition get started!”
“Hey wait a minute!” someone from the crowd shouted upwards towards Freak83. “You haven’t told us what we have to do yet!”
“Ah, my mistake <b>Isamil</b>, but I thought that much was obvious. Just as the name of the competition states this is a game about survival of the fittest. The last one of you to be alive at the end of the game will win.”
“Excuse me! You expect us to <i>kill</i> each other for some stupid competition of yours? Forget this, I’m out of here!” another person shouted in anger.
He walked away from the crowd and towards the lobby. As he turned the knob on the mansion door however it refused to budge as it had been locked behind him. Looking frustrated he came back into the room.
“Sorry about that <b>Nightstalker</b>, but after all you already did accept the terms and conditions of this game when you signed the contract. I believe <b>im_lost</b> has a photocopy of it with him if you would care to take a look.” Freak83 said.
At these words <b>im_lost</b> instinctively pulled out his photocopy of the game form and took a look at the legal obligations part of the contract. He cringed when he reached the line that Freak83 must have been talking about and read it out loud.
“…All contestants upon signing this form consent to completely accept the responsibility of any harm or injury that may befall them, included but not limited to personal health and fitness, and death…”
At these words the entire crowd went into an outburst but quickly settled down when they realised Freak83 was just watching them without saying anything. “To help you get started I’ve placed four of my own staff among your group. They will be working together to kill each of you, so please for your own benefit. Try to kill them first, the deal is if you can kill all of them you’ll each win a million dollars. I do wish all of you the best of luck.”
“And is there anything else we should know?” Another contestant asked somewhat sarcastically.
“Why <i>yes</i> actually there is, thank you so much for asking <b>GrayDuck</b>. You see this vault here right in front of you? Inside of it there is an Artifact which will help you on your way to victory. There’s clues as to what the combination to it may be scattered around the mansion. Please feel free to try and open it whenever you can. Good luck everyone.”
<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" alt="IPB Image" /></div>
I am now going to send out everyone’s roles. You may either become the Seer, Guardian, Psychic, or one of the four wolves. In addition <i>any player</i> including someone who has already received a role may become the Investigator. When you have received your role the wolves will not be making a kill tonight so only the Seer needs to send me a PM to inspect a player.
Will <i>all</i> players also now please send me their first PM as to where in the mansion they would like to move. For this night select any room and use the “Search” option to get the best result. I would like to point out that I slightly edited the map from the pre-game thread for logistical reasons. The bathroom has been removed and the Main Hall may or may not contain a clue now.
Lastly I have said this once before already but would like to state it again. If you intend to get the code to the vault by using the individual clues <b>you must work together and combine your efforts</b>. It <i>will</i> be impossible to actually get the combination with the individual clues alone if you do not work together. Night One will end Saturday at 7:00PM EST.
<img src="" border="0" alt="IPB Image" />
This discussion has been closed.
Currently you are no-where on the map. When you PM me the room you want to search this will be your starting location. You can start anywhere you would like.
<b>GrayDuck</b> stood behind a pillar in the Main Hall with his arms folded in sheer frustration as everyone cleared out of the room. “<i>So this is how it is eh?</i>” he thought to himself watching the door close for the last time as <b>Nightstalker</b> walked out of view. “<i>Fine… I’ll just search this Main Hall for any clues and get that treasure inside the vault for myself.</i>”
<b>GrayDuck</b> stepped out from around the pillar but was startled to see that he wasn’t the only one who had stayed behind in the room. The deformed person was still here too. “<i>What was it that Freak83 had called him? <b>im_lost</b> wasn’t it?</i> At that thought <b>im_lost</b> heard the scraping of <b>GrayDuck’s</b> feet on the floor and turned to face him. “Ah, hello there.”
“So how did you get all burned like that?” <b>GrayDuck</b> asked rather bluntly.
“Nice to meet you too. I’m <b>im_lost</b> by the way.”
<b>im_lost</b> walked over towards <b>GrayDuck</b> and stuck out a hand for <b>GrayDuck</b> to shake. He took it and shook rather reluctantly. “I’m <b>GrayDuck</b>.”
There was a moment of awkward silence before <b>im_lost</b> spoke again. “I see you’re not going to stop staring so let me fill you in. I used to be a police officer back in my home country of Djibouti and was called to North America on a mission for the United Nations. Upon landing at the arrival site of where my mission was to take place the helicopter I had been traveling in exploded. My comrades presumed me to be dead, though I was still alive however barely. Luckily I had an emergency distress beacon which would signal my own government I was in trouble and they were able to dispatch a rescue crew to collect me. They were able to save my life.”
<b>GrayDuck</b> nodded his head, apparently satisfied with the story. “Very well then, as for this vault combination, do you have any idea what it might be?”
“No idea. And for that matter I need to search this room. So if you’ll excuse me now, I have work to do.”
<b>GrayDuck</b> nodded. They both began to search the mansions main hall for a clue.
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Sorry for being late on getting this up. I kept getting called away to do stuff and this is the first chance I've had to get it up. With that said, a few notes I would like to point out:
- Not everyone PM'd me a room they would like to search, I only got 15 PM's from the 17 of you so the two that did not PM me did not get a clue or placed on the map yet. You can place yourself the next night.
- For those of you that were unclear about whether you used "Move and Search" or "Search" I gave you the benefit of the doubt and let you use the "Search" command tonight. Since you were not on the map yet, "Move and Search" would have been pointless.
- With everyone using the search command you would have gotten one of three messages from me. In case you're unclear, here's what they were and would have meant.
"You searched the room and found a clue!" - You found a clue. Good job.
"You searched the room but the room did not contain a clue." - That room doesn't have a clue in it
"You searched the room but failed to find a clue." - This room DOES contain a clue but the other person in the room with you found it instead.
Day One will end Monday at 9:00 PM EST. You have 48 hours for the first day. Instalynch is at 9 votes. Good luck!
Yay, the game is going. As I said in the TWG VIII postgame thread, I am not going to start this game with a random vote like I have done in the past. So, how should we start this game?
Well, the problem is... No wolfing the first night, so we have nothing at all to go on. I mean, I assume the wolves will work out some kind of plan to get as many clues as possible, but everyone is distributed pretty evenly, so there's no indicators...
This is my vote, and it is completely and utterly random. <b>Omegaman</b>.
I have nothing against any of my fellow players, but someone has to be the first to vote.
(The first one was Omega, the second was myself, the third was Omega again, so I'm using the fourth one)
humm, let see the totals now.
Comprox -3
Omegaman- 1
TheAdj -1
Nightstalker -1
I'm going to discuss a little bit about the clues right now. I have mentioned this in IRC some already so a few of you may have heard this idea already. Please, tear it apart if it's bad, I'm a little on the fence on it, but it makes sense in my head so far.
The idea is everyone posts what clues they find. The reason is that there is 4 wolves working together sharing clues already and the humans will really need luck to win if people are only forming small groups to share clues (and a good chance a wolf will be in a group dropping fake clues). If everyone posts their clues in the public, then that helps shift the advantagte to the humans as now all humans will be on the same page and with most of the clues. This would mean there would be a very good chance the artifiact is found on the second night coming.
The big problem with this idea if if the wolves found most of the 6 clues. They could easily skew their answers, confuse us all and take the item which has been repeatedly stated as "a big help" (hence why Im spending so much time on it). The balance for this is there is a good chance a human will find the clue soon after as well, and we could tell who was lying.
So, by everyone putting the clues out in the open, we're all on the same playing field, and basically the first one to PM will get it I bet. These are at least better odds than 4 wolves working against scattered humans in my head.
So, do people think this is a good plan, or is there another big hole I am missing?
Now for the wolf part of it. Ack, hates me. You think people would spread the love a bit more so early in the vote, but guess not. I'd LIKE to vote for, but he is not in the game. From what I've seen, on day 1 people have little to work with, so people generally bandwagon and don't change their votes since they have no evidence. Since I already have 3 votes, Im really worried a few more will jump on, just to ensure their safety. I can't accuse anyone right now directly, so this vote is purely out of self preservation to try and prevent more people from jumping on me to save their own lives. In that vein, I vote <b>Nightstalker</b> who didn't at least give the (thin) excuse of <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" /> (and his refusal to change so far for no reason).
Or even worse, a human could lie, and be found to be lie, causing him to be hung as a wolf. Where in fact he was waiting to be seered and then tell the seer, if he trusted him, the real clue.
"- Do not search the "Main Hall". It does not contain a clue"
I forgot about that, until I was re reading it trying to figure some other information out. I really don't see why a human would do something so suspicious so, <b>im_lost</b>, you get my vote. Eternally lost also said you contacted him saying you found the clue IN the room you are in (not from trade).
OK, vote change time. im_lost... im_sorry, you did a big mistake. You told me specifically in PM that you found a clue, IN THE ROOM you were in, which is Main Hall. In the rule thread, it clearly states:
"- Do not search the "Main Hall". It does not contain a clue"
I forgot about that, until I was re reading it trying to figure some other information out. I really don't see why a human would do something so suspicious so, <b>im_lost</b>, you get my vote. Eternally lost also said you contacted him saying you found the clue IN the room you are in (not from trade).
For above reasons, I change my vote to <b>im_lost</b>
Vote counter Time(may be off)
im_lost 2
Comprox 2
TheAdj 1
Omegaman 1
Nightstalker 1
OK, vote change time. im_lost... im_sorry, you did a big mistake. You told me specifically in PM that you found a clue(but not what it was), IN THE ROOM you were in, which is Main Hall. In the rule thread, it clearly states:
"- Do not search the "Main Hall". It does not contain a clue"
I forgot about that, until I was re reading it trying to figure some other information out. I really don't see why a human would do something so suspicious so, <b>im_lost</b>, you get my vote. Eternally lost also said you contacted him saying you found the clue IN the room you are in (not from trade).
Actually, it says <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->The bathroom has been removed and the Main Hall may or may not contain a clue now.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->.
May or may not<i>(was that statement needed?)</i> contain a clue. So it could really gain a clue.
Contain a clue*
Also, remember no one is allowed to edit even for typos.
Edit: Also, remember when you double or triple or whatever post within 10 minutes between each other, each post will combine.
Proper vote count time:
Comprox (2) - Xentor, Nightstalker
im_lost (2) - Comprox, Eternaly_Lost
Omegaman (1) - screaming_tree4
TheAdj (1) - im_lost
Nightstalker (1) - Petco
For those playing for the first time, this system makes it easier to keep track of who is voting for whom, making people accountable for their votes and making it easier to update if someone moves their vote from one person to another. I also decided to put the people with the most votes at the top of the list.
As far as the idea of everyone posting clues, I don't think it can work. If the werewolves can keep one clue to themselves, they can pretty much guarantee that they will get the Artifact before the humans have all the clues. I think we have to rely on small groups exchanging clues, plus whatever a seer network can accomplish. At the very least, it might be a good idea to wait another day or two before posting all the clues. That way it will be harder to lie about clues, since other people will have checked the same room.
Unfortunately, the votes against me seem to actually be due to a rule misinterpretation. Normally I would expect that type of vote to just move off of me, but there isn't any reason for people to move their votes to anyone else, unless we just start voting for people that aren't participating yet. I guess we'll just see what happens.
You know why. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad-fix.gif" />
As for EMP Demon, I think it's just clue envy. I won't take it personally.
Comprox (1) - Nightstalker
im_lost (2) - Comprox, Eternaly_Lost
Omegaman (1) - screaming_tree4
TheAdj (1) - im_lost
Nightstalker (2) - Petco, Xentor
Xentor (1) - EMP Demon
I'm thinking that comprox's idea of sharing sounds good. Since there are so many humans it would be easy for us to double / triple check the clues from specific rooms. If / when someone is found lying, it must be a wolf (I see no real reason for a human to lie about a clue).
Actually, ya know what...Ima just the thing..... hmm sorry <b>Chakuu</b> <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />
If the above info is correct, I'm changing my vote to <b>im_lost</b>... Reason I hadnt changed my vote earlier was I was forced to go somewhere without my prior knowledge of this event, I just now got back in <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
Actually, ya know what...Ima just the thing..... hmm sorry <b>Chakuu</b> <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />
Well who is it? you bolded two peoples there