What Do You Like About Your Favourite Server?
Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11636Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Finding out what NS players want...</div> I want to know what people look for and like about the servers they play on.
What things do you find appealing?
What things do you hate?
Do you like FF?
Do you like anti-hack programs like CD (do you think they help)?
Do you like Blockscripts ON or OFF?
Do you like places with rules that enforce no swearing (keep the swearing to a minimum)?
Do you like servers that enforce NO racism rules/censor things?
etc. etc.
Help me answer some of these questions if you can guys...
I'm sure this topic has come up before but searching didn't help me (or it's been so long ago, it didn't show up).
Just to let you know who I am/why I'm doing this:
-I started and run the "Mr|Server(FF) - mrcommunity.ca"
-I'm always looking to improve on how we run the community and feedback is important.
If you've visited the server before, your feedback is greatly appreciated (both positive or negative). If you've never played there before, it would be nice to know what you guys like about the servers you DO play on.
Thanks for helping,
Boris <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/nerd-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
What things do you find appealing?
What things do you hate?
Do you like FF?
Do you like anti-hack programs like CD (do you think they help)?
Do you like Blockscripts ON or OFF?
Do you like places with rules that enforce no swearing (keep the swearing to a minimum)?
Do you like servers that enforce NO racism rules/censor things?
etc. etc.
Help me answer some of these questions if you can guys...
I'm sure this topic has come up before but searching didn't help me (or it's been so long ago, it didn't show up).
Just to let you know who I am/why I'm doing this:
-I started and run the "Mr|Server(FF) - mrcommunity.ca"
-I'm always looking to improve on how we run the community and feedback is important.
If you've visited the server before, your feedback is greatly appreciated (both positive or negative). If you've never played there before, it would be nice to know what you guys like about the servers you DO play on.
Thanks for helping,
Boris <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/nerd-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
they have quite strict rules and punishments, but as long as you behave its a decent pub to play on (usually), definitely amongst the best in europe.
basically though, if you stick to 1 server make it FF on, dont crowd it with plugins and try to work so that reg is decent. as long as stuff registers people wont complain too much.
Scoreboard icons, awards, crabmapmanager's voting, whichbots, custom maps, mvm, 15 minute mp_combattime
<b>What things do you hate?</b>
Being told what team to join or switching me, extralevels2 that isn't balanced, over 16 slots, combat or ns only, power-tripping admins
<b>Do you like FF?</b>
Ab-so-damn-lutely yes!
<b>Do you like anti-hack programs like CD (do you think they help)?</b>
No don't hink they help. Awaiting VAC support.
<b>Do you like Blockscripts ON or OFF?</b>
Off, they'll find a way around it anyways.
<b>Do you like places with rules that enforce no swearing (keep the swearing to a minimum)?</b>
Keep it to a minimum, but no swear filters.
<b>Do you like servers that enforce NO racism rules/censor things?
etc. etc.</b>
Ab-so-damn-lutely yes!
an example of a bad set of servers are those run by [AeRo]. There's nothing wrong with the server itself per se or their members, but almost every other time I play on their servers I can spectate and spot a speedhacker (and no, it's not cybernetics. Cyber doesn't raise your weapon firing rate by ridiculous levels).
What things do you hate?
Do you like FF?
Do you like anti-hack programs like CD (do you think they help)?
Do you like Blockscripts ON or OFF?
Do you like places with rules that enforce no swearing (keep the swearing to a minimum)?
Do you like servers that enforce NO racism rules/censor things?
etc. etc.
Help me answer some of these questions if you can guys...
I'm sure this topic has come up before but searching didn't help me (or it's been so long ago, it didn't show up).
Just to let you know who I am/why I'm doing this:
-I started and run the "Mr|Server(FF) - mrcommunity.ca"
-I'm always looking to improve on how we run the community and feedback is important.
If you've visited the server before, your feedback is greatly appreciated (both positive or negative). If you've never played there before, it would be nice to know what you guys like about the servers you DO play on.
Thanks for helping,
Boris <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/nerd-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
blockscripts off
don't care about swearing, as long as you don't get banned for uttering a word once or twice
don't care about racism
CD is a pain in the **** and doesn't work anyway, cuts down on player-size regardless
don't care either way for FF
<b>hate combat with plugins</b>
oh yeah did you add blockscripts? i remember you had a good server but i can't remember if you added it and the player skill went way down, or if that was another server.
1. it locks ex_interp, which the HLGuards devs even said is <b>only for cs 1.5</b>
2. it has a retarded "aimbot" detection system which picks up anyone who can aim worth a damn
3. worthless 50 level combat 60 minute rounds
I hated Mr. Server. One of the guys there i absolutely hated because he had a very annoying voice and was a total a-hole.
Pino? I think was one of his names... eradicator i think was his normal one.
lame server... lunixmonster has a lot more teamwork and generally better quality of games.
1) Server Setup?
----18 players, 1 reserved slot (we used to run 16 for the longest time, 18 is still good in my opinion, but NO MORE!)
----FF = ON
----BS = ON (we like to play VANILLA as much as possible and yes people can get around certain things, but we like to try to get them to play vanilla - it's the way we want the game to be played. So crying about this falls on deaf ears)
----CrabMapManager (great plugin!)
----No CD/HLGuard - our admins are our CD (they try their best)...
----That's pretty much it I guess...
2) What game changing Plugins do you run?
---- Extralevels (no extra stuff, just 17 levels, but this doesn't really matter, we play NS maps mainly - mainly: meaning all the time)
---- RT information plugin - tells you how many RT's you've built (and how many are building) of how many on the map. Ex. RT: 1/1/10 - you have 1 of the 10 RT's on the map and 1 is being built.
---- TeamRes - /res to show teammate res count. We do not run GiveRes!
3) Rules?
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Some Server Rules...
1. Have FUN and Play FAIR!
2. Try NOT to swear and ABSOLUTELY no racism!
3. No inappropriate logo sprays! (porn/racist/etc)
4. No channel spamming (ie: singing/music)
6. Don't FRIENDLY FIRE (incl. structures)! Play NICE!
7. No ONOS in small games unless necessary (NS maps)
8. Marines get the "Odd Man"!
9. Don't recycle NECESSARY structures (IPs/ArmsLab/etc)!
10. Don't F4! don't prolong the game!<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
----Some of the last ones are so we can say they exist in the rules, and are provided for the "stupid people"...
I guess that's pretty much it for how the server is setup...gives you an idea at least...
Block Scripts - I hate this command, please turn it off - your server is the lowest pinging one ever, but I'm unable to play normally now that I've changed my play-style for my clan...
Swearing - No punishment, more of a filter (like the NS forums) would be acceptable, but I don't mind it myself.
Cheating-Death [and other various anti-hack programs] - Lags the server more-so, although it's fair to have...
I hated Mr. Server. One of the guys there i absolutely hated because he had a very annoying voice and was a total a-hole.
Pino? I think was one of his names... eradicator i think was his normal one.
lame server... lunixmonster has a lot more teamwork and generally better quality of games. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I'm sorry to hear that aeroripper...I actually think I recall playing with you at some point. It's hard for some people to get along and you can't please everyone. As long as you've found a suitable home, good for you. Hopefully you'd come back and check us out again, maybe you/Pino were having a bad day.
Anyways, keep up the feedback guys, and if you can think of any more angles of how a server is run, include a question you think should be asked...
Because I believe so strongly against any form of making the game easier to exploit or being able to improve yourself beyond what is humanly possible, I really like the idea of BS.
I know tons of people use scripts, and as I understand, CAL allows it. I don't know if this will get changed or not on our server. A lot of the guys like the vanilla style, and having that BS = 1 gives them a little peace of mind that some of the really helpful scripts are not being used.
I don't want to start a debate about this in this post, but it's something we've always wondered about whether we should keep it or not. Personally, I am against scripts, so naturally, I would want others to play at the same level.
It's open for big debate, and has been debated for a long time, but we will leave that to another post altogether...
Low ping, no loss or choke, good admins, vanilla combat, vanilla everything, no custom maps beside orbital.
What things do you hate?
hackusations, plugins, siege maps, lots of loss/choke, did I mention PLUGINS? I hate anti-spawn camping rules. I hate any server that has rules against going to the hive just to kill things.
Do you like FF?
doesnt matter to me
Do you like anti-hack programs like CD (do you think they help)?
Useless, they don't do anything except lag people
Do you like Blockscripts ON or OFF?
OFF, turning this on kills most chances for clanners to play in your server
Do you like places with rules that enforce no swearing (keep the swearing to a minimum)?Do you like servers that enforce NO racism rules/censor things?
No censors, just ban racists.
I actually know you Aero, I know I played with you at some point and I know that you are a good player cuz I normally remember the names of regulars and really good players.
Sad you feel that way about me. I don't know what I did but I'm not so sure you remember either.
At any rate, this thread was brought to my attenetion and it's too bad u feel that way.
Not so much admin powers, or server settings, I find that it is the personality of the regulars that make a server worth revisiting, like the Kryptic Korps Learning server, stumbles across that one a few weeks back, and it is now presiding at the top of my favourite servers.
ON. If you can use talent, don't resort to scripts for your movement/jumping/bhopping. I have nothing against people who can legitimately do the above successfully, but I can't stand people who use a script for it/to help with it (for the record, I can't bunnyhop, and will not use any scripts...)
People maoning because "someone is too good", "comm is a noob for not relocating", general "N00b comm" situations. The commander doesn't have to bend over for you. Give and take...
Friendly Fire:
Not really bothered by it. I would like to know it's on, before I kill my entire team with the GL spam though...
Always have been against censorship. If you don't like what someone is saying, or you're offended by it, DON'T READ IT!
Use to swear by it, but now swear at it for how many people are getting round this particular gamehook. Also, incompatibility with the VAC-dominated HL2DM, and CS: S made me remove it...
Bookmarked the Mr|Community server, and will play on it soon. Keep an eye out for me, [CBL Staff] Patch (Adam). I'll be the one spamming the comm for a GL <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Cheating Death will keep away most casual hackers, but it'll also keep away most casual players. The program also gave some players framerate problems, at least when it was last used in CAL.
Blockscripts off. The advantage that can be given by scripts is little greater than that given by customized binds, and disabling scripts forces those who use them to adapt to a new configuration.
I don't mind swearing unless it's used in excess or in a hateful manner, as then it detracts from a friendly atmosphere. Racial slurs and other bigotry I would not allow.
I just want to know what the hell I'm playing before I join a server... Don't name your server "Johns server" or something. If you're running Co with extralevels I WANT TO FRIGGING KNOW THAT. Don't waste my time. Personally I just like purist NS or CO (maby 15 levels for co and a bit of extra time, but not the 50lvls plugins). Really there is enough CO servers around. we could use some more good NS only servers.
Give people some nice basic options like map votes and what not, and make sure they are reasonably accessable or else they will either just be abuse or never used. Things like that plugin that gives you the option of selecting one of 8 maps at the end of every round are nice, whereas the AMX default console vote is pretty damn useless.
<b>What things do you hate?</b>Downloading tonnes of useless files when I join a server.
<b>Do you like FF?</b>
Meh. Can be good but really goes to **** when people start abusing it.
<b>Do you like anti-hack programs like CD (do you think they help)?</b>
No, get some damn competent admins and stop trying to get third party software to do thier jobs for them. As mentioned before, it's really nice to be able to contact admins from in game, something like an admin beacon... Either way, some system needs to be implimented to prevent hackers to know when they are being reported.
<b>Do you like Blockscripts ON or OFF?</b>
off. Anyone who says otherwize is either ignorant or stupid.
<b>Do you like places with rules that enforce no swearing (keep the swearing to a minimum)?</b>
There are pros and cons to not allowing swearing. 90% of the time swearing is used to offend someone else, not allowing this bites that problem in the butt... But on the other hand it's really frigging lame telling poeple what they can and can't say.
<b>Do you like servers that enforce NO racism rules/censor things?</b>
Censoring is largely stupid and lame, racism is also lame, extreamly lame. Just ban people for llamaism and jacktardism.
What things do you find appealing?
What things do you hate?
Do you like FF?
Do you like anti-hack programs like CD (do you think they help)?
Do you like Blockscripts ON or OFF?
Do you like places with rules that enforce no swearing (keep the swearing to a minimum)?
Do you like servers that enforce NO racism rules/censor things?
etc. etc.
Help me answer some of these questions if you can guys...
I'm sure this topic has come up before but searching didn't help me (or it's been so long ago, it didn't show up).
Just to let you know who I am/why I'm doing this:
-I started and run the "Mr|Server(FF) - mrcommunity.ca"
-I'm always looking to improve on how we run the community and feedback is important.
If you've visited the server before, your feedback is greatly appreciated (both positive or negative). If you've never played there before, it would be nice to know what you guys like about the servers you DO play on.
Thanks for helping,
Boris <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/nerd-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
1. low ping, good admins.
2. lame players, idiotic and subjective admins.
3. no.
4. i dun mind since i dun hax.
5. i dun mind since i dun script.
6. i dun like so. as swiftspear says, it's really frigging lame telling poeple what they can and can't say. btw if u talk about personal attack, swear is not nescessarily needed to do so too. however, u need it somehow since it express the feeling that some normal words cannot. well if u dun like just ignore/mute them.
7. yes ban racists plz.
I actually know you Aero, I know I played with you at some point and I know that you are a good player cuz I normally remember the names of regulars and really good players.
Sad you feel that way about me. I don't know what I did but I'm not so sure you remember either.
At any rate, this thread was brought to my attenetion and it's too bad u feel that way. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
lol it actually wasn't that bad i think i must have been in a bad mood that day. Its just one of those things when you lose a intense game and everybody's frustrated .
Nothing personal i feel kind of bad now sorry <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/sad-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
1.) School of Darwinism, Custom NS/CO/siege maps
Extra levels plugin, /menu upgrades, many admins, no swearing or racism. Blockscripts is on, but no CD.
2.) Gorges Hideout Classic NS (Only goes to CO if there are less than 14 people on server)
3.) MvM Server
4.) Marine Canteen, like Server 1 except more wacky
iam-clan.com for more info.
No bonus downloads of textures and junk, they just get annoying.
AMX mod only for admin features and map voting. Vanilla NS and CO if anything.
FF on or off, I could deal with either, but if its a pub....it may be better to leave it off.
Admins, more than 2 or 3 so theres usually one on.
BS, i could care less about.
CD, I have never used it, so I wouldnt know.
Swearing is alright, just nothing excessive, its probably just better to have a no swearing rule, and if admins want to enforce it, they can.
Thats just me, but when I make a server, im gonna try and make it like that.
FF on.
BS off.
When using CD, then please announce it in your server name. (CD req OR CD opt)
When using mp_consistency 1 please announce it in your server name (consistency 1)
Only plugins, that dont change the gameplay (AFK kick|unstuck|mapvote|showres)
MIN 12,MAX 16 slots
Decent timelimits: NS:25 min;CO:30 (with MAX 15 min round limit)
so the ideal server would look like this:
"MAXX pure ns|BS 0|FF 1|CD req|MP_CONST 1"
Most importantly I like servers that have skilled players and low ping. I used to strongly prefer 16 player servers and maybe play some 20 person servers, but now I play in NSA Classic mostly and its 24 max, sometimes I even play hamptons (28 max!). The newer versions of NS are actually better balanced on large servers, as opposed to previous versions which rines would dominate.
I also look for servers that pla ns_ maps only. If a server is good however, I dont mind co maps in the rotation.
I also like the plugin in that lets you vote for the next map (it usually lists sever ns and co maps). Majority ruleth.
What things do you hate?
People that are just stupid, but theres not much an admin or server op can do about this. I also hate STUPID PLUGINS LIKE LERK LIFT OR SPIKES. WnF used to be a tight server until they went all crazy.
Do you like FF?
No preference. EDIT2: acivillian just reminded me of the MC rush with FF servers, I do like that a lot!
Do you like anti-hack programs like CD (do you think they help)?
No, no. Not many hackers in NS, and just get a demo and ban them.
Do you like Blockscripts ON or OFF?
I strongly prefer it off, but the vast majority of pubs have it on...so I am forced to play on them sometimes. If I could find more bs_0 servers besides NSA I would play there. Noobs tend to gather on the bs_1 servers as well, so if you want skilled players keep blockscripts OFF!
Do you like places with rules that enforce no swearing (keep the swearing to a minimum)?
As long as they dont go over board I dont care...I love my mute button.
Do you like servers that enforce NO racism rules/censor things?
Same as above.
EDIT: Forgot some stuff. I dont like silly rules like no spawn camping, structure blocking, or other rediculous rules that some servers have (you know who you are).
What things do you find appealing?
What things do you hate?
Do you like FF?
Do you like anti-hack programs like CD (do you think they help)?
Do you like Blockscripts ON or OFF?
Do you like places with rules that enforce no swearing (keep the swearing to a minimum)?
Do you like servers that enforce NO racism rules/censor things?
etc. etc.
Help me answer some of these questions if you can guys...
I'm sure this topic has come up before but searching didn't help me (or it's been so long ago, it didn't show up).
Just to let you know who I am/why I'm doing this:
-I started and run the "Mr|Server(FF) - mrcommunity.ca"
-I'm always looking to improve on how we run the community and feedback is important.
If you've visited the server before, your feedback is greatly appreciated (both positive or negative). If you've never played there before, it would be nice to know what you guys like about the servers you DO play on.
Thanks for helping,
Boris <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/nerd-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I find a good community with highly skilled(i.e., higher tier clan level) players.
I hate excessive addons, and bots.
I love Friendly Fire.
I hate CD, as it causes momentary fps loss on 65% of machines that run it.
Blockscripts off
I'm fine with swearing
Burn racists
Other: Must have netcode constantly checked, and have the box maintained a LOT for optimum performence(sp?).
Things that make me leave a server: Blatant cheating. I've spotted a few people out there with some sort of rapid-bite hack.. I see that going on, I'm generally gone. Other than that, it's mostly subjective, some trash-talk is fine, too much, and I'm outta there, I'm playing for fun - not abuse. Where the line is? I'm afraid I can't tell you, just people tend to know when it's been crossed. (In fact, I'm rarely the first one to think it's been crossed, so..).
FF on?
No opinion. Though I'm sure my team-mates would prefer it if it wasn't. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Again, meh. I don't run it just because I find it's a pain and seems to cause me to lose connection more often when I do. I don't mind servers that run it and smack the [No-CD] label on. (I don't even mind if the server then chooses a [No-CD] to be the first to be booted when a slot is needed.) If you run a "CD or leave" server, I'll wind up leaving.
Again, meh. I don't use scripts, but I'm not terribly offended by those who do. One day I'll be good enough to kick rear without them and then we'll all show up on G4-TechTV's Arena on their machines that have no scripts and I'll own everybody.. and while I'm dreaming, I'd like a pony. But still.. meh.
No-swearing rules?
Meh. Keep it light is my motto. Someone lets out one once in a blue, no big deal. Just a friendly warning to "Keep it clean, please" is certainly all that's needed. Someone goes on a blue streak? Shut'em down.
No racism/hatred?
Yes. It's a game. I'm not there to hear your political philsophies, whether they be direct from God or repugnant. If someone can't be friendly, I see no reason to waste my time around them.
The awards one is kinda fun. Sometimes someone else is the Target Dummy even.
If you're going to go with auto-assign teams after x seconds, you definitely need to include an auto-kick for idle players. Votemap plugin is certainly appreciated.
Buildmenu and extra levels can be fun once in a while, but it's better as a very rare thing. Same deal with Gorge hook, spore eggs, and lerk spikes.. they can be fun for a change of pace once in a while, but definitely not something regular. Same deal again with bizarro maps and MvM (though I'm not sure what that one guy had against ns_siegekickmydog.. that's a sweet map. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> ) Actually, I'd suggest if you have a hankering for any of that stuff, then, if possible, set it to a specific night each week (say, Wacky Wednesdays!) and keep it restricted to then.
CO & NS.. I don't like to bother with NS below 12, and I prefer it at 14 or higher. I find CO is most fun at 12 and under.. above that and it generally winds up in a steamroll by one side or the other.
Oh, my preference is also to try to avoid bots unless it's announced on the listing.. nothing makes me put a server in the ignore list like popping in to what I think is going to be a decent game and seeing 7 people with 0 ping all standing stone-still in the ready-room. If I wanted to play against bots, I'd do it locally.
I find a good community with highly skilled(i.e., higher tier clan level) players. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
What things do you find appealing?
What things do you hate?
Do you like FF?
Do you like anti-hack programs like CD (do you think they help)?
Do you like Blockscripts ON or OFF?
Do you like places with rules that enforce no swearing (keep the swearing to a minimum)?
Do you like servers that enforce NO racism rules/censor things?
etc. etc.
Help me answer some of these questions if you can guys...
I'm sure this topic has come up before but searching didn't help me (or it's been so long ago, it didn't show up).
Just to let you know who I am/why I'm doing this:
-I started and run the "Mr|Server(FF) - mrcommunity.ca"
-I'm always looking to improve on how we run the community and feedback is important.
If you've visited the server before, your feedback is greatly appreciated (both positive or negative). If you've never played there before, it would be nice to know what you guys like about the servers you DO play on.
Thanks for helping,
Boris <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/nerd-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
What things do you find appealing?
I find Servers with a good player base and great teamwork fun. Also any server where my friends play often.
What things do you hate?
abuseive admins. servers with plugins that do not try and balance them.
Do you like FF?
Love it, after playing with it for over 3 months now, it almost like i need it to play correctly.
Do you like anti-hack programs like CD (do you think they help)?
Yes i like those, and i do think they help, if even just a little.
Do you like Blockscripts ON or OFF?
OFf always.
Do you like places with rules that enforce no swearing (keep the swearing to a minimum)?
Do you like servers that enforce NO racism rules/censor things?
etc. etc.
not sure, never played on any of those severs as far as i could tell.
I love both vallina and modded NS. the major thing here is that the server need to be balace so that both teams have about equal chance of winning. My most visted server, untill it went down, had over 30 plugins, varring from simple help plugins to thing like e-weld, extralevels, and such. and we had about 50%-50% wins. so i would call it ballance, and it was fun.
However they must be ballance to be fun, and changed if they are not.
"I hate CD, as it causes momentary fps loss on 65% of machines that run it."
Odd i have never had a drop in fps in the 10 differnt computers that i have used it on.
I have a felling that the drop is due to spyware and not CD, as on those 10 computer i only let run, what i want to. and everyone who asked me if i knew what might fix it, i told them to run spybot serch and destroy, then try again. often it works for them.
The game can't be played the way it is set up by default. NS's default config is equivalent to a CS config with no +moveforward, it is literally layed out that poorly.
Basicly scripting is one of two options. Option A is totally rebuild your config so the game is playable (mousewheel as +jump and/or +attack, fastswitch on, and a tighter weapon selection base) or script to make the default config work to do all those things for you with the same proper set of keys.
A good player's config will never be set up default, so if you intend to inforce vanillaism, just ban any good player and you are set. Scripting doesn't allow pretty much ANYTHING adventagious that cannot be done without scripts. I know, because I've done my recearch, and I still don't script.
Really the main thing BS1 does is chase skilled players away from your server. It's bad publicity and little else.
Do you prefer to attract noobie players with little or no comunity voice or play experiance as your regulars, or do you prefer to attract skilled players who will bring alot more to your table by playing there? because from a PR standpoint that is the choice you are making between BS1 and BS0. Realize that by putting BS1 on you are basicly freezing any scripter's config as soon as they join your server. They can not hotkey join a team, they cannot attack, they cannot jump, they have to rebind everything just to play a game there. Most of them just go somewhere else rather then fool around with it, and certainly don't decide to regular your server after that experiance. A big price to pay considering pretty much every american clanner scripts, and even the one's that don't probably won't regular your server if you chase away all thier buddies.