Anyone In Vancouver
Join Date: 2004-08-30 Member: 31058Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver

in LAN parties
Sure, I'd be up for it... and a few more OldF guys would too I'm sure.
Give me a date and I'll see if I can make it.
Only problem is I dont drive, but if I can hitch a ride with someone that would be cool, and i'll bring doughnuts.
How many people should we aim for? I was thinking kinda smallish, but I'm good with anything really. And anyone know of a good place to host it in?
We could organize a few tourneys, but it would mostly be just playing around, I hope.
Lan possibly during Winter-een-mas? (when I have new PC built?)
(Guess we forgot to clarify this earlier)
The location would depend on how many ppl we have. Large would mean a gym or other large gathering place, small could possibly be someones largish house...
Any idea on the number of people who would show up? i have maybe 2 friends to bring, so add 3 to the total.
uhm, yeah, I'd guess around 10-20 ppl you could rustle up. I know a LAN downtown that would be game to hosting it for us. I think it's like, 2 bucks an hour?
With solid numbers I'm sure we could get a discount.
I presume we would be using there computers? or can we bring our own?
There is a new chick at work that likes to LAN with her bf and others....if i get in touch with them, we could bring some others. <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
It would be best if this could be done on a saturday(Poss. sunday).
Which makes since, because clans start by people playing with eachother a server, and people are attracted to servers mainly for latency, and latency has many factors, but one of the main factors is distance from the server... and OldF's most popular server is located in Seattle, WA, in the almight nuclear fallout cluster.
well, add me to the list of people who live in the lower mainland, man i love trees. you guys like trees too? yeah, trees are awesome. rivers too. we have lots of rivers.
on a slightly more insane topic, are any of you vancouverites planning on going to paX? (penny arcade expo, <a href='' target='_blank'></a> ) because i'm going... if i can get a ride... and that's where you guys come in! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
also, a lan would be awesome, if we could ever organize the damn thing. so far the internet cafe sounds like a good idea, 2 bucks an hour is a good price anyway, not even thinking about group rates here.
just throwing ideas out here but i wonder if you guys have the commitment for an "ultimate lan"? an all night long blow-your-brain-out lan-fest, nothin' but NS (or dawn of war or something, dawn of war lan would be AWESOME gotta say... Dow ain't much in the singleplayer department but godamn... what a Lan game. anyway, yeah! lan-fest05 man! i hope none of you have work saturday morning because i suggest we find out a way to have the best lan.. ever. i'll get into contact with a few of you's via IRC if i see you, or just plain old fashioned email. cause it's the only way to actually get a LAN to happen man... gotta keep on the ball.
also there will be pizza, lots of pizza. and depending how many people there are, the pizza theoretically should get cheaper. because, as everyone knows... LAN = pizza,
also, (L + P) * (H / C) = E
(where L = Lan, P = pizza, H being hours spent, and C being cost. E of course being enjoyment, or ecstacy... your choice)
yes.... so... this lan will happen, i will help make it happen... a vancouver LAN must occur! first we need a rought estimate of how many people are coming. it looks around this point like 10-15? correct me if i'm wrong, i'm assuming that about half of you are bringing friends... hmm... well anyway, Niteowl do you know if that internet cafe operator would be willing to spend the night LANing it up? cause if not then the all-night LAN-Tastic thing is.. going to need... alteration... yes.
And we should start think about what stuff we want on the server. AMXx, any plugins? etc. I'm fine as long as mp_bs is 0. I really don't care about the rest, although lerk lift rules.
Where downtown? And what are the specs on their comps?
As for cost, I would suggest everyone pays their $2/hr fee, plus $5 addmission, to go for prizes (amounts depending on how many people). Pizza, pop, that stuff would be extra. We can just pool.
And numbers, I have 1 friend who would want to come, and another as a maybe.
Contact me at:
XFire: rekcv
IRC: CV|ReK_ on gamesurge
If this becomes serious, we should get together irl.
I'm not too familiar with lanshops in Vancouver, could some of you vancouverites do some scouting?
I would be interested to know the specs of the PC's at a proposed lanshop, as well as if we can bring our own PC, and at what cost/deduction.
I'm hoping by spring break I will have my uber new PC <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> .
I do know a really cheap place, but they only have 8-10 computers and the network doesn't have the best stability. It is the cheapest place I've found. 2.5 blocks south of Georgia and Denman, rather small, has a yellow sign that says "All day $10" and is right next to a dominoes. $10 for 13 hours, can't beat that.
I can set up the server package. My preferred plugins would be:
Lerklift (less functional, but more stable than superlift)
Teamres (Allows aliens to see the class and res total of their teammates)
3 hive health (Displays the health % of all three hives in classic ns)
CC/Hive Health (Displays the CC, armoury and hive health to the respective teams in co)
Res Tower Info (Displays number of nodes owned/total number of nodes on map in classic ns)
Parasite Buttons (Allows skulks to trigger switches with parasite, like the gorge can with spit)
Parasite glow (Gives parasited marines a yellow glow, similar to the blue elec glow)
Combat buildings (Allows you to spend level points to build buildings in combat, brings some more teamplay and strategy to combat)
Infinite Levels (Just what the title says, does NOT have /menu, I like to have the extra points for the buildings)
Colimit (Limits the number of oni and gls in combat, so you dont get endless uberoni and gl spam with the infinite levels)
Map Manager (The map vote system almost all servers use)
Any you don't like or have ones you want to add? Let me know. This list is just my preferences, anything is removable, nothing is final.
Has anyone played Giants: Citezen Kabuto ? single player was lame, but multi rocked!
Half life mods are definitly in, HL2 DM and cs:s would be cool...but thats going to depend on the system specs!
Maybe some War3?
Hey Rek/Nite owl and other vancouverites interested in going... know of any other lan shops that would have more pc's, stable network, and beefy pc's? other options are good. Need to know prices too.
Mostly NS, and that mostly classic (combat = teh sux)
UT 2004 (Onslaught pwns all)
ARC:HL, for when we get hyper enough to like it.
Scientist Hunt, for a while at least
Warcraft 3, I predict hour-long DOTA games
And, just had a sweet thought, how about a Garry's mod contest? Keep it clean though, way too much alyx pr0n on those forums.
Ok, so I'm sure we could rustle up ~5 or so OldF community folks. A LAN cafe on transit is probably best. Does anyone know of a good LAN cafe by the skytrain?
Though in retrospect, transit routes through vancouver are quite exceptional compared to Slurrey.