Ns Beta 5 And Metamod
The Almighty BSO Join Date: 2002-04-02 Member: 373Members, NS1 Playtester

<div class="IPBDescription">Before people start saying it's crashing</div> Use this version of metamod and you should not have any problems with AdminMod, AMX or metamod plugins when using Natural Selection Beta 5. If you are having problems with crashes try removing Scoreboard, spawning or map changing plugins first.
Link: <a href='http://forums.unitedadmins.com/index.php?showtopic=39088' target='_blank'>http://forums.unitedadmins.com/index.php?showtopic=39088</a>
Link: <a href='http://forums.unitedadmins.com/index.php?showtopic=39088' target='_blank'>http://forums.unitedadmins.com/index.php?showtopic=39088</a>
Link: <a href='http://forums.unitedadmins.com/index.php?showtopic=39088' target='_blank'>http://forums.unitedadmins.com/index.php?showtopic=39088</a> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
are you saying we will have no problems WHATSOEVER?
i believe some plugins will royally mess the server. like co wave respawn. and somebody told me icons on the scoreboard mess up your ns aswell. thanks for the link though.
your sentence is just kinda misleading.
So we switched to combat and filled the server, as soon as it went to change to an NS map it crashed. This is the 3rd crash we've had on an NS map. Honestly I would like to see a full server with MM and beta 5 that DOESN'T crash on NS maps. I'm removing MM+AMXX for now. And no, I have no plugins running.
Not sure what causes this but I hope it gets tracked down.
EDIT: Seems to be related to metamod. I was running 1.17.2 and after I removed it the crashes stopped. Lil hard to run a server with no mm tho.
Dropping your weapons or a marine dies (and weapons drop from him) and the server will crash. This is cause a new entity was added to store the ammo for weapons next to the weapon.
p10? I don't know what you're talking about.
metamod-1.17.2p10 <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I don't see why not, try it and find out I guess.
I don't metamod, so I have little experience with it.
Crashed 3 straight NS maps with it.
Removed it and played 4 NS maps so far without any crashes.
meta version
Metamod v1.17.2 2004/08/20
by Will Day <willday@metamod.org>
<a href='http://www.metamod.org/' target='_blank'>http://www.metamod.org/</a>
compiled: Aug 21 2004, 23:11:53 +0200 (optimized)
AMX 0.9.7
author: OLO (http://www.amxmod.net)
compiled: Nov 27 2003, 14:00:50
Currently loaded plugins:
description stat pend file vers src load unlod
[ 1] MM_Serverops RUN - mm_serverops.dll v4.0 ini ANY ANY
[ 2] NSMapVote RUN - nsmapvote.dll v1.01 ini ANY ANY
[ 3] AMX RUN - amx_mm.dll v0.9.7 ini ANY ANY
[ 4] NS2AMX RUN - mm_ns2amx.dll v1.0.0.5 cmd ANY ANY
[ 5] FUN RUN - fun_mm.dll v0.9.8 cmd ANY ANY
5 plugins, 5 running
amx list
Currently loaded plugins:
name version author file status
[ 1] Admin Base 0.9 default admin.amx running
[ 2] Admin Commands 0.9 default admincmd.amx running
[ 3] Slots Reservation 0.9.7 default adminslots.amx running
[ 4] Menus Front-End 0.9 default edited b menufront.amx running
[ 5] Commands Menu 0.9 default cmdmenu.amx running
[ 6] Players Menu 0.9 default plmenu.amx running
[ 7] Anti Flood 0.9 default antiflood.amx running
[ 8] Admin Chat 0.1 AMXX Dev Team adminchat.amx running
[ 9] Scrolling Message 0.9 default scrollmsg.amx running
[ 10] Info. Messages 0.9 default imessage.amx running
[ 11] Display rules on 1.00 [TeamHoward]Papa ServerRules.amx running
[ 12] Cheesy's Respawn 1.4a Cheesy Peteza respawn.amx running
[ 13] Extra Combat Leve 1.0 Cheesy Peteza extralevels.amx running
[ 14] AMX Lerk Lift 1.2 Cheesy Peteza lerklift.amx running
[ 15] Unchain 1.7 mE @ psix.info me_unchain.amx running
[ 16] Resource Balancer 1.1 Cheesy Peteza resbalancer.amx running
16 plugins, 16 running
It doesn't crash on co maps.
Try playing an NS map.
So does this mean someone is going to need to compile a new metamod that's compatible with NS or that someone messed up on the NS server build and broke compatibility with metamod??
For those that don't know NS crashes when a comm drops a shotgun and someone picks it up. Or so I think its just shotguns.
The plugin does fix the server.
If p10 is not fixing it, let me know and I can get a special version of metamod compiled.
Lol, When a mod adds new content into the game, it normally breaks compatability with MetaMod, But that is not something that the NS dev's can overcome, it just happends. MetaMod 1.17.2 will need to be recompiled with an updated list of entities in the latest release. Or you can use the p10 version:
The p10 version hullu created should fix issues with crashing due to the B5 update.
When a mod adds a new features (entity) into the game its name needs to be stuck into a list before it is compiled into a binary file(DLL/SO). If this name is not in the list, and that entity is put into the game, the game won't know what to do with it and will crash.
The p10 version hullu created, no longer requires a list of entities of all the games, because it looks @ the game dll you are loading and generates a list of entities on the spot. It also doesn't require the MOD to be recognised.. The directory structure... before that was hardcoded into metamod, now It is generated on-the-fly aswell.
I wouldn't use any game altering plugins from modns right now till people have tested em.
I would also assume that they need to be compiled with the p10 code, but I am not sure on that.
Hope that helps those that don't understand why, and IT IS NOT THE NS DEV's FAULT! <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/nerd-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
The game wont be able to create the entity, nothing else. The reason why it crashed was because a pointer that was supposed to be to the spawned entity was null, and then it tries to do stuff with a null pointer.
I dont use any icon plugins and any game altering plugins... only plugins for more control and status viewing plugins.
<!--c1--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->
] meta version
Metamod v1.17.2p10 2004/08/31
by Will Day
Patch: All-Mod-Support v10
by Jussi Kivilinna
compiled: Aug 31 2004, 15:46:50 EET (opti
] meta list
Currently loaded plugins:
description stat pend file vers src load unlod
[ 1] AMX RUN - amx_mm.dll v0.9.7 ini ANY ANY
[ 2] <mm_award.dll> badf load mm_award.dll v - ini - -
[ 3] NS2AMX RUN - mm_ns2amx.dll v1.0.0.5 cmd ANY ANY
3 plugins, 2 running
] amx list
Currently loaded plugins:
name version author file status
[ 1] Admin Base 0.9 default admin.amx running
[ 2] Admin Commands 0.9 default admincmd.amx running
[ 3] Admin Help 0.9 tcquest78 adminhelp.amx running
[ 4] Slots Reservation 0.9.7 default adminslots.amx running
[ 5] Menus Front-End 0.9 default edited b menufront.amx running
[ 6] Commands Menu 0.9 default cmdmenu.amx running
[ 7] Players Menu 0.9 default plmenu.amx running
[ 8] Anti Flood 0.9 default antiflood.amx running
[ 9] Admin Chat 0.1 AMXX Dev Team adminchat.amx running
[ 10] Admin Votes 0.9 default adminvote.amx running
[ 11] NextMap 0.9.2 default nextmap.amx running
[ 12] TimeLeft 0.9 default timeleft.amx running
[ 13] Scrolling Message 0.9 default scrollmsg.amx running
[ 14] Info. Messages 0.9 default imessage.amx running
[ 15] Pause Plugins 0.9 default pausecfg.amx running
[ 16] NS Bug Fixes 1.3 Cheesy Peteza bugfixes.amx running (I should probably take this off :])
[ 17] Force Join Team 1.2 Cheesy Peteza forcejoin.amx running
[ 18] NS AFK 2.1 Cheesy Peteza nsafk.amx running
[ 19] Show Eject Votes 1.0 Cheesy Peteza showejects.amx running
[ 20] Team Resources Di 2.1 Cheesy Peteza teamres.amx running
[ 21] AMX UnStuck 1.4 Cheesy Peteza unstuck.amx running
[ 22] NS Force Teams 2.0 skywarp nsteams.amx running
[ 23] Alien Upgrade Inf 1.2 Cheesy Peteza alienupginfo.am running
[ 24] Admin Password 0.1 JustinHoMi admin_password. running
[ 25] Waypoints Fix 1.1a Cheesy Peteza waypointsfix.am running
[ 26] Hive/CC Status 2.1 Cheesy Peteza hiveccstatus.am running
[ 27] Client Exec 0.7 nobody client_exec.am
<!--c2--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->
after that i tested it with the old metamod... and as soon as i dropped a weapon ns got stuck.
So ppl saying "Did you try with a full server on ns" when someone says his server works fine is stupid.
The only reason i see for that to happen is plugins that just are'nt compatiable with this beta being used, or a really bad setup and using the old metamod.
any help?
any help? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Your liblist.gam file needs to be modified in order for it to use metamod. Edit it or copy over your old one.
Thanks a lot !
we have implement this also in our mirrors.
Metamod Download: <a href='http://portal.ns-game.de' target='_blank'>NS-GAME Germany</a>
If p10 is not fixing it, let me know and I can get a special version of metamod compiled. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
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meta version
Metamod v1.17.2p10 2004/08/31
by Will Day
Patch: All-Mod-Support v10
by Jussi Kivilinna
compiled: Aug 31 2004, 15:46:50 EET (optimized)
<!--c2--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->
Still experiencing crashes, I use that + AMXX and NS2AMX, no plugins. Crashes on every NS map. Removed MM and such last night and had no further crashes, played many NS maps.
Use just the metamod p10 posted above and stock amx or amxx and you may have better luck not crashing.
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called with no active message<!--c2--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->
Saying it isn't our problem... it's so and so's... is just plain lame. Imagin if the new version of windows was incompatable with norton antivirus, and adobe software, and etc..? ; no one would use it even if it was free if nothing else worked with it.