Dynamic Cone of Fire



  • Voodo_HUNVoodo_HUN Join Date: 2006-11-29 Member: 58773Members
  • RipurRipur Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7193Members
    Having one or two static cones of fire for stationay and moving rines doesn't sound to bad, but what erks me the most now is the pistol. I'm stilling getting Awped with that thing after i get my celerity and b-hop on. Can't it have SOME cone of fire?
    I would find the game more attractive if rines had less survivability for getting into ambushes and more power when defending an area. At mid game Good marines are difficult to kill as a skulk even when you get the jump on them (vanilla rines, not ones with shotties) and Good fade players are pretty much unstoppable.
    I favor a more RTS game though, so i'm sure my opinion is in the minority.
  • SpookyJewelerSpookyJeweler Join Date: 2007-02-10 Member: 59925Banned
    edited February 2007
    But ns already has so many fun features like cloaking and devour, don't you think that adding cone of fire so that the marines can enjoy the immersiveness of missing when they are aiming directly at the skulk would cause a fun overload???
  • N_3N_3 \o/ Join Date: 2004-03-12 Member: 27291Members, Constellation
    Jumping around and dodging aliens is a key part of marine movement and skill, ns shouldnt be just a point and click game. Even so, if you think about it there is already is an aiming penalty for jumping around in the most natural of ways possible - its harder for you as the user to track and shoot aliens whilst jumping around.
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