Old Aspects Of 1.0x
O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation

<span style='color:red'><b><u>Warning:</u> Long post. Leave if you feel like skimming.</b></span>
I honostly feel that version 1.0x was the prime of NS's lifespan at this point. The current build of NS is all fine and well -- its somewhat fun in its own right, but its not what I.. "grew up" with, per say. Yes yes, I know, "just because its not fun for you doesnt mean it should be changed." I'm not saying that (as much as you imply at least) but instead betting that the game would be better if we went back and revisited some good points in the old version. I'm going to outline a few here and basically see everyones opinion on them. Please be constructive as well, the last thing I need is spam from someone thats horridly opposed to any change what so ever.. keep an open mind. Also, this post is <i>not</i> to visit the bad aspects of the game. There were obvious improvements as of the jetpack nerf and the break to the D-M-S chain. Yes, you had to be in a good community to find the good games of 1.0x that had the jetpack nerf plugin as well as the no jetpack rushing rule... so please, dont bring it up. I'm well aware of the flaws and I'm not screaming 3.0x's in this thread. We're here to discuss the good points. Lets go on...
<ul><li>Old alien res system -- Single Gorge</li></ul>I'm sure some of you remember this, but I'll explain to those who dont. The old res system gave a larger percentage of res income from the RTs to the gorge, not everyone got their fair share. As such, usually only one person became the gorge on the team because if more than one person was gorge, the increased res income would be split between the players. This is where the "perma gorge" comes from.
-Only one gorge with a concentrated res flow allowed the aliens to establish a foothold at multipule areas in the game. OCs and other chambers were much more common and a sort of "boundry" was set between the marine occupied side of the map and the alien side.
-More organized alien building. If anyone has heard the phrase "too many chefs" it should be applyed here. With only one person as the gorge the buildings would be less random in their placing and much more organized, offering a better defense against the marine team.
-Another style of play. Perma gorging now is hardly what it used to be "back then." Now that the res income is much slower, being a primary build class in the round was often a slow paced, boring game. With the shorter round times the round might be over before you even really get "started" on your gorging.
-Only one gorge. Theres no healing support on the front lines (if anyone sees that anymore) and the one gorge <i>must</i> be protected. If he dies all of his res goes down the drain and he has to start from square one. However with the increased res flow this isnt as hard to recover from as usual. Only one gorge can be seen as both a pro and a con, but for me there is more pros than cons.
<ul><li>Hive Linked Lifeforms</li></ul>Ahh yes, the hive dependent lifeforms. This is when a certain amount of hives must be up in order to evolve into a lifeform. Onos required three hives while the fade required two, everything else only needed one. While it seems bad on pen and paper...
-Longer games! The hive linked lifeforms made early game fades and onos nothing but.. <b><span style='color:red'><i>a legend.</i></span></b> The game played like a train starts up, slow and gaining speed as it goes, only speed representing lifeforms and tech (no, not the drug).
-Greater hive importance. Hives were <i>hot spots</i> (I dont think anyone can debate about that) in 1.0x. If a fight was going chances are it was in the hive. Usually all combat was focused on that one area, as when a hive was going up the fades would hit you.. and fades were slightly overpowered in those days, which usually spelled death for the marines unless they had their HA, HMG with 3/3 upgrades. If thats the combo you had going up against fades, you usually had an extremely decent hour or two game ahead of you fighting tooth and nail against the aliens. Being how "overpowered" fades were, when hives were going up it was obviously the center of attention. Hive building times were much, <b>much</b> longer in 1.0x (which I'll bring up later in this post), so the battle was usually fierce and constant at the hive area.
-Beefy lifeforms. Because they were all linked to a hive, the lifeforms, such as the fade, were much harder to take down and delivered an <b>extremely</b> solid punch, which is why overpowered is in quotes above. The onos? Nothing like the paper doll it is now. That beast packed the guns and the looks to back them up, it was truely a fearsome thing. Usually they could take down four heavies at once, but that was also in part due to the bugged hitboxes. We chalk that up to what would be HP now.
-Chained lifeforms! No one could be a fade for the first half of the game, and unless it was a good game they werent seen as often. Onos were nothing but a myth. New players and veterans alike shat themselves when they saw one barreling down the hallway to move, and only the veteran had the sense to move.
-The alien res pool cap increased in incriments of 33 res at hive one, 66 res at hive 2, and 99 (100?) res at hive three. Only the gorge retained 80 res at all the hives. But because you couldnt evolve into anything more expensive than the lerk, this wasnt an issue.
<ul><li>Longer research & build times</li></ul>This might sound bad off the bat, but it was in fact good for the game if you read the pros below. Its pretty self explanitory -- the hive took much, much longer to build, advanced armoury as well as all marine techs took at least three times longer than they do now and buildings were more expensive (which I'll chalk up to increased build times). Extended time also gave the commander a wider availablity of strategys to test out and try as well as execute. There was no set build limit at all, except for the advanced armoury upgrade. Everything else was up in the air.
-More time to fight. Because things took longer to upgrade and build, more time was devoted to the commander and aliens slogging it out against eachother as their techs slowly rose behind them. You didnt immediatly have weapons one or armor one, and HA or Jetties were late game techs.
-More time to command. Extended time also gave the commander a wider availablity of strategys to test out and try as well as execute. There was no set build limit at all, except for the advanced armoury upgrade. Everything else was pretty much up in the air. He could lead his troops through the map and watch over them without worrying about missing something to upgrade.
-Just longer games! The great games went on for about three to four hours a day as most players stuck around to see them out while others went out for dinner and came back to see the game raging. It wasnt boring and confusing to join a game in progress, you knew where you were on the timeline and where you were going, it wasnt a scramble. I'm still not used to having HA as early as we get it now in the game, the same with upgrades and weaponary. <b><i>These</b></i> were the epic games you heard about, because each side slowly teched up and there were different stages of the fight. I'll go into this here for those unfamilier with it:
<u>1st:</u> The game starts. Marines establish base and start the advanced armoury ASAP, since its a long long upgrade. A squad is usually dispatched (or the entire team) to the nearest hive to lock it down immediatly to prevent the aliens from reaching higher lifeforms and more upgrades.
<u>2nd:</u> The fight for the second hive begins. One of the hives is almost guarenteed to the marines at the beginning of the game, if the second comes under their control the odds shift heavily into the marines favor and the game usually ends here. This is where the average games are seperated from the good games.
<u>3rd:</u> The second hive is claimed for the aliens and the hive inside is going up. Its now a brutal fight to keep the hive up for the aliens and to desperatly take it down for marines. The tech tree of the marines could have reached weapons and armor one, or just weapons two. The advanced armoury could be done or near completion. The tables for the epic games have been set. If the hive goes down now the aliens must retake the hive quickly and put it back up or all hope is lost.
<u>4th:</u> The second hive goes up and the gorge evolves into a fade (which was quite the different lifeform back then). The shock trooper roves the map and eliminates any resistance put up against it. The marines are usually pushed into a corner at this point as they almost finish researching HA. This is where the good games are seperated from the truely epic games.
<u>5th:</u> The marines succeed in keeping their foothold at marine start and being to pump out HA against the increased number of fades. Acid rockets are exploding everywhere and HMG fire is heard throughout the map. The game is now epic as the marines slowly push back the aliens and get stick in a gridlock at the middle of the map. Its any mans game now as the last of each team's techs are researched. At this point the focus would switch from marine start to the third hive that is occupied by the marines so the aliens can get onos.
-Longer build times? I honostly dont see cons with longer games and slower teching. This was by far my favorite part of NS so its obvious that I cant see any. Please post your own opinions on the game length of version 1.0x.
<ul><li>No RFK</li></ul>No RFK (res for kill)! One of my favorite things about the version besides everything else listed here so far. Simply put, you didnt get res when you shot an alien or chomped a marine, it was all gathered from RTs.
-<b>The skulk rushes!</b> There was <i>no</i> harm in being a kamakazie freak as the aliens because no one would get res from your death, and the game usually started out with the standard skulk rush. The entire alien team (except the one perma gorging) would rush the marine spawn. An absolute blast to defend against as a marine and an exellent time to participate as an alien.
-No end game turret holdouts. Although this was more of a problem when there was no build radius around buildings, players can not prolong a game (specifically marines) by holding off the aliens long enough to get enough res to march an HA train with 3/3 upgrades (as we all know, nearly unstoppable these days) to the hives and end the game in a BS manner.
-You dont get res for killing someone? The game was more focused on RTs? I dont see any of these as cons myself, and the game certainly benefits without RFK.
<ul><li>Map Limits</li></ul>The limits in the mapping guidelines limiting how many entitys and such you can have on one map were not in place during 1.0x. Maps could have nearly as much as they wanted and were much more interesting (in my opinon) than they were now. Although major kudos to the mappers working with this limitation now and having the beautiful maps that they do.
-Much more active and beautiful maps. The overall look was better and mappers didnt have to be stingy with the details.
-Slow down. Server CPUs would bog with all of the extra data and raise pings considerably..
<ul><li>Different lifeform abilities</li></ul>Some lifeforms had their abilities worked around. Fades had bile bomb (which also did damage to players), lerks had their spikes and bite (as well as a different flight model), onos had the primal scream and there was no BS devour ability that makes the onos hit and run now.
-The fade was much more shock trooper oriented. It wasnt hit and run as much as it was up front and in your face fighting.
-The onos, without its devour, was also not a hit and run unit. Instead of stomp it had paralyse, so it wasnt stopping entire marine squads in their tracks either. It was brute force for the onos, and thats how we liked it.
-<b><i>Babblers!</b></i> <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
-This is, much like the pros, opinion oriented. I felt that the fade and onos were much better suited for the up front fighting roles than the hit and run they are now, which truely dissappoints me and partially ruins the game (for me).
Thats all I've got now. Throw in any you think hit the same note as these or express your opinions on them in a <b>civil</b> manner. Remember that we're not here to bring up the bad points of 1.0x, but instead to discuss the good ones. And christ, thanks for reading if you even got this far, which I seriously doubt many did.
I honostly feel that version 1.0x was the prime of NS's lifespan at this point. The current build of NS is all fine and well -- its somewhat fun in its own right, but its not what I.. "grew up" with, per say. Yes yes, I know, "just because its not fun for you doesnt mean it should be changed." I'm not saying that (as much as you imply at least) but instead betting that the game would be better if we went back and revisited some good points in the old version. I'm going to outline a few here and basically see everyones opinion on them. Please be constructive as well, the last thing I need is spam from someone thats horridly opposed to any change what so ever.. keep an open mind. Also, this post is <i>not</i> to visit the bad aspects of the game. There were obvious improvements as of the jetpack nerf and the break to the D-M-S chain. Yes, you had to be in a good community to find the good games of 1.0x that had the jetpack nerf plugin as well as the no jetpack rushing rule... so please, dont bring it up. I'm well aware of the flaws and I'm not screaming 3.0x's in this thread. We're here to discuss the good points. Lets go on...
<ul><li>Old alien res system -- Single Gorge</li></ul>I'm sure some of you remember this, but I'll explain to those who dont. The old res system gave a larger percentage of res income from the RTs to the gorge, not everyone got their fair share. As such, usually only one person became the gorge on the team because if more than one person was gorge, the increased res income would be split between the players. This is where the "perma gorge" comes from.
-Only one gorge with a concentrated res flow allowed the aliens to establish a foothold at multipule areas in the game. OCs and other chambers were much more common and a sort of "boundry" was set between the marine occupied side of the map and the alien side.
-More organized alien building. If anyone has heard the phrase "too many chefs" it should be applyed here. With only one person as the gorge the buildings would be less random in their placing and much more organized, offering a better defense against the marine team.
-Another style of play. Perma gorging now is hardly what it used to be "back then." Now that the res income is much slower, being a primary build class in the round was often a slow paced, boring game. With the shorter round times the round might be over before you even really get "started" on your gorging.
-Only one gorge. Theres no healing support on the front lines (if anyone sees that anymore) and the one gorge <i>must</i> be protected. If he dies all of his res goes down the drain and he has to start from square one. However with the increased res flow this isnt as hard to recover from as usual. Only one gorge can be seen as both a pro and a con, but for me there is more pros than cons.
<ul><li>Hive Linked Lifeforms</li></ul>Ahh yes, the hive dependent lifeforms. This is when a certain amount of hives must be up in order to evolve into a lifeform. Onos required three hives while the fade required two, everything else only needed one. While it seems bad on pen and paper...
-Longer games! The hive linked lifeforms made early game fades and onos nothing but.. <b><span style='color:red'><i>a legend.</i></span></b> The game played like a train starts up, slow and gaining speed as it goes, only speed representing lifeforms and tech (no, not the drug).
-Greater hive importance. Hives were <i>hot spots</i> (I dont think anyone can debate about that) in 1.0x. If a fight was going chances are it was in the hive. Usually all combat was focused on that one area, as when a hive was going up the fades would hit you.. and fades were slightly overpowered in those days, which usually spelled death for the marines unless they had their HA, HMG with 3/3 upgrades. If thats the combo you had going up against fades, you usually had an extremely decent hour or two game ahead of you fighting tooth and nail against the aliens. Being how "overpowered" fades were, when hives were going up it was obviously the center of attention. Hive building times were much, <b>much</b> longer in 1.0x (which I'll bring up later in this post), so the battle was usually fierce and constant at the hive area.
-Beefy lifeforms. Because they were all linked to a hive, the lifeforms, such as the fade, were much harder to take down and delivered an <b>extremely</b> solid punch, which is why overpowered is in quotes above. The onos? Nothing like the paper doll it is now. That beast packed the guns and the looks to back them up, it was truely a fearsome thing. Usually they could take down four heavies at once, but that was also in part due to the bugged hitboxes. We chalk that up to what would be HP now.
-Chained lifeforms! No one could be a fade for the first half of the game, and unless it was a good game they werent seen as often. Onos were nothing but a myth. New players and veterans alike shat themselves when they saw one barreling down the hallway to move, and only the veteran had the sense to move.
-The alien res pool cap increased in incriments of 33 res at hive one, 66 res at hive 2, and 99 (100?) res at hive three. Only the gorge retained 80 res at all the hives. But because you couldnt evolve into anything more expensive than the lerk, this wasnt an issue.
<ul><li>Longer research & build times</li></ul>This might sound bad off the bat, but it was in fact good for the game if you read the pros below. Its pretty self explanitory -- the hive took much, much longer to build, advanced armoury as well as all marine techs took at least three times longer than they do now and buildings were more expensive (which I'll chalk up to increased build times). Extended time also gave the commander a wider availablity of strategys to test out and try as well as execute. There was no set build limit at all, except for the advanced armoury upgrade. Everything else was up in the air.
-More time to fight. Because things took longer to upgrade and build, more time was devoted to the commander and aliens slogging it out against eachother as their techs slowly rose behind them. You didnt immediatly have weapons one or armor one, and HA or Jetties were late game techs.
-More time to command. Extended time also gave the commander a wider availablity of strategys to test out and try as well as execute. There was no set build limit at all, except for the advanced armoury upgrade. Everything else was pretty much up in the air. He could lead his troops through the map and watch over them without worrying about missing something to upgrade.
-Just longer games! The great games went on for about three to four hours a day as most players stuck around to see them out while others went out for dinner and came back to see the game raging. It wasnt boring and confusing to join a game in progress, you knew where you were on the timeline and where you were going, it wasnt a scramble. I'm still not used to having HA as early as we get it now in the game, the same with upgrades and weaponary. <b><i>These</b></i> were the epic games you heard about, because each side slowly teched up and there were different stages of the fight. I'll go into this here for those unfamilier with it:
<u>1st:</u> The game starts. Marines establish base and start the advanced armoury ASAP, since its a long long upgrade. A squad is usually dispatched (or the entire team) to the nearest hive to lock it down immediatly to prevent the aliens from reaching higher lifeforms and more upgrades.
<u>2nd:</u> The fight for the second hive begins. One of the hives is almost guarenteed to the marines at the beginning of the game, if the second comes under their control the odds shift heavily into the marines favor and the game usually ends here. This is where the average games are seperated from the good games.
<u>3rd:</u> The second hive is claimed for the aliens and the hive inside is going up. Its now a brutal fight to keep the hive up for the aliens and to desperatly take it down for marines. The tech tree of the marines could have reached weapons and armor one, or just weapons two. The advanced armoury could be done or near completion. The tables for the epic games have been set. If the hive goes down now the aliens must retake the hive quickly and put it back up or all hope is lost.
<u>4th:</u> The second hive goes up and the gorge evolves into a fade (which was quite the different lifeform back then). The shock trooper roves the map and eliminates any resistance put up against it. The marines are usually pushed into a corner at this point as they almost finish researching HA. This is where the good games are seperated from the truely epic games.
<u>5th:</u> The marines succeed in keeping their foothold at marine start and being to pump out HA against the increased number of fades. Acid rockets are exploding everywhere and HMG fire is heard throughout the map. The game is now epic as the marines slowly push back the aliens and get stick in a gridlock at the middle of the map. Its any mans game now as the last of each team's techs are researched. At this point the focus would switch from marine start to the third hive that is occupied by the marines so the aliens can get onos.
-Longer build times? I honostly dont see cons with longer games and slower teching. This was by far my favorite part of NS so its obvious that I cant see any. Please post your own opinions on the game length of version 1.0x.
<ul><li>No RFK</li></ul>No RFK (res for kill)! One of my favorite things about the version besides everything else listed here so far. Simply put, you didnt get res when you shot an alien or chomped a marine, it was all gathered from RTs.
-<b>The skulk rushes!</b> There was <i>no</i> harm in being a kamakazie freak as the aliens because no one would get res from your death, and the game usually started out with the standard skulk rush. The entire alien team (except the one perma gorging) would rush the marine spawn. An absolute blast to defend against as a marine and an exellent time to participate as an alien.
-No end game turret holdouts. Although this was more of a problem when there was no build radius around buildings, players can not prolong a game (specifically marines) by holding off the aliens long enough to get enough res to march an HA train with 3/3 upgrades (as we all know, nearly unstoppable these days) to the hives and end the game in a BS manner.
-You dont get res for killing someone? The game was more focused on RTs? I dont see any of these as cons myself, and the game certainly benefits without RFK.
<ul><li>Map Limits</li></ul>The limits in the mapping guidelines limiting how many entitys and such you can have on one map were not in place during 1.0x. Maps could have nearly as much as they wanted and were much more interesting (in my opinon) than they were now. Although major kudos to the mappers working with this limitation now and having the beautiful maps that they do.
-Much more active and beautiful maps. The overall look was better and mappers didnt have to be stingy with the details.
-Slow down. Server CPUs would bog with all of the extra data and raise pings considerably..
<ul><li>Different lifeform abilities</li></ul>Some lifeforms had their abilities worked around. Fades had bile bomb (which also did damage to players), lerks had their spikes and bite (as well as a different flight model), onos had the primal scream and there was no BS devour ability that makes the onos hit and run now.
-The fade was much more shock trooper oriented. It wasnt hit and run as much as it was up front and in your face fighting.
-The onos, without its devour, was also not a hit and run unit. Instead of stomp it had paralyse, so it wasnt stopping entire marine squads in their tracks either. It was brute force for the onos, and thats how we liked it.
-<b><i>Babblers!</b></i> <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
-This is, much like the pros, opinion oriented. I felt that the fade and onos were much better suited for the up front fighting roles than the hit and run they are now, which truely dissappoints me and partially ruins the game (for me).
Thats all I've got now. Throw in any you think hit the same note as these or express your opinions on them in a <b>civil</b> manner. Remember that we're not here to bring up the bad points of 1.0x, but instead to discuss the good ones. And christ, thanks for reading if you even got this far, which I seriously doubt many did.
its hitbox was the size of a marine for crying out loud
its hitbox was the size of a marine for crying out loud <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-Topic+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Topic)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Usually they could take down four heavies at once, <b>but that was also in part due to the bugged hitboxes.</b> We chalk that up to what would be HP now.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I'm aware of it.. I called them bugged, but I could call them misrepresenting if you'd like.
its hitbox was the size of a marine for crying out loud <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I wish you didnt bring up the good old days....... It makes me well up inside <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/sad-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Perma gorge, class link to hive ohhhh man cant somebody get a server up?
the most fun and crucial part of ns1.0 was the climactic fight over the second hive, where if it was lost the game was lost, due to a lack of umbra; and if the hive was won the game was won even against HA3/3 without proper GL support because of web and fades.
this is ofcourse ignoring several imbalanced marine tech advancements (but jp-hmg rush wasnt one of them)
It would have been better to post your long reply than to assume I would write it off. After all I did write a massive hunk of text, no reason if you read mine that I cant read yours.
like teching taking longer, it was much faster!
etc etc, I didnt bring them up because theyre irrelevent, here ill edit my old post if youre bothered
like teching taking longer, it was much faster!
etc etc, I didnt bring them up because theyre irrelevent, here ill edit my old post if youre bothered <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Teching wasnt faster, I know that. And the onos *was* tough, the fact that the hitbox was smaller made it so just as well. The charge was much stronger than it is now (the crappy piece of work it is) and was available immediatly because the onos was tied to the third have and granted all his abilities, and I dont remember a small amount of the HMG clip killing one, unless you're going purely based on stats and not the variables encountered in the game.
When i used to play 1.0x (i Quit for a while when 2.0 came out) the games would last forever. Man they were fun you actually had to have a commander that was skilled to accomplish annything. Since games averaged 4 hours. (i sat through an entire 8 1/2 hours on bast one sunday. fighting the aloens for control over furnace.) Now it seems that the commander has a checklist of waht he has to do. there is really no strat involved. Everything upp's so fast that if either team messes up they pretty much lose. back in 1.04 regardless of what really happend both teams had a chance of winning.
I was most of the time perma gorg on aliens. Main thing is rt's go up faster, and pg plays an important role. 1st thing you would do is cap rt's since rt's if i remember correctly costed 22 res?. you would cap rt's like 2 or 3 than go for hive two. Than provide oc's and dc's for alien combatants in hotspots and rt's. Since rt's were expensive and took forever to build rt's usually were lockdowned and sieged, and then the marines would return the favor.
Dont get it wrong oc's,a and turrets back in 1.0x were badass not the little pices of crap that cant even kill a cara fade. Turrets and oc's were feared. i think that 3 turrets could severly damage an onoi. and a HA was the prized posetion of the marines. HA for marines was like the ultimate thing.
Fade wasnt hit and run fade was always using his acid rockets that actually killed marines with ease that was good. Since alot of people avoided blink (since you would get stuck in walls) the fade didnt need it. 1 or 2 fades could hold its ground.
Just some of the thingss i liked about 1.0x
Wow nostalgia hitting me <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
fun fun days they were.
like teching taking longer, it was much faster!
etc etc, I didnt bring them up because theyre irrelevent, here ill edit my old post if youre bothered <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Teching wasnt faster, I know that. And the onos *was* tough, the fact that the hitbox was smaller made it so just as well. The charge was much stronger than it is now (the crappy piece of work it is) and was available immediatly because the onos was tied to the third have and granted all his abilities, and I dont remember a small amount of the HMG clip killing one, unless you're going purely based on stats and not the variables encountered in the game. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
onos was made that way to end the games. everyone knows that onos/babbler rush ended games.
One thing i forgot in my post.
When the team got sufficient rt's up there would be more gorges around like 2 somtimes 3 to help attacking aliens. Maybee some of you remember that? <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif' /><!--endemo-->
it was constantly back and forth, i loved when the marines/hmg battled fades, those were great battles. and i remember playing like a 5 hour game, was absolutely amazing, endless battles for control of hives
now if they existed now I would try to pretend I was one of them <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> slowly bouncing movements doing 40dmg per bite and some damage on death(xeno)
<b><i> Bouncy...bouncy...BOOM</b></i>
When babblers was removed, they also removed apart of my heart and soul...
I also remember carapice being the only thing to get... nearly doubling the damage you could take if i remember correctly.
like teching taking longer, it was much faster!
etc etc, I didnt bring them up because theyre irrelevent, here ill edit my old post if youre bothered <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Teching wasnt faster, I know that. And the onos *was* tough, the fact that the hitbox was smaller made it so just as well. The charge was much stronger than it is now (the crappy piece of work it is) and was available immediatly because the onos was tied to the third have and granted all his abilities, and I dont remember a small amount of the HMG clip killing one, unless you're going purely based on stats and not the variables encountered in the game. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
teching was much faster
every single 1.04 game was a jp/hmg rush. the only chance aliens had was to drop dcs first, no rts, and have a lerk or 2 to fend off the rush, THEN drop the hive. JP was definately NOT late-game tech.
there are so many inaccuracies in your post its not even funny
like teching taking longer, it was much faster!
etc etc, I didnt bring them up because theyre irrelevent, here ill edit my old post if youre bothered <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Teching wasnt faster, I know that. And the onos *was* tough, the fact that the hitbox was smaller made it so just as well. The charge was much stronger than it is now (the crappy piece of work it is) and was available immediatly because the onos was tied to the third have and granted all his abilities, and I dont remember a small amount of the HMG clip killing one, unless you're going purely based on stats and not the variables encountered in the game. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
teching was much faster
every single 1.04 game was a jp/hmg rush. the only chance aliens had was to drop dcs first, no rts, and have a lerk or 2 to fend off the rush, THEN drop the hive. JP was definately NOT late-game tech.
there are so many inaccuracies in your post its not even funny <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I never said I was summarizing the entire version of 1.0x. I never said it didnt have its flaws at all. I even said that in the original post. I'm well aware of the flaws of the version.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->rose-colored glasses anyone?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Good community anyone? I played on the readyroom server where there was no JP rushing...sorry if I grafted some of that into my post.
I think the biggest mistake the devs made with NS was going from 1.04 > 2.0.
skulks were marine fodder, and unless you were playing noob marines, you are pretty much skulk for the whole game. this was not fun.
once second hive comes up, BAM, all those kill starved skulks save for fade, and then with the acid spammage all the light marines become the fodder.
that was pretty much all of the 1.0x games until the jp/hmg exploit was found. then it was a rush to jp and a single jper takes down the hive.
yeah 1.04 had a lot of good memories, but it was horribly unbalanced and needed to die. the only thing that hasn't changed at all is that fades still make or break the alien team, albeit with blink/slash now instead of adic rocket.
I don't know if Ziggy was even playing NS, because I started in 1.03 and I have no friggin' clue what he is talking about.
Furthermore, the gameplay of 1.04 was that marine went in groups, resulting massive group ambush with a few scouts here and there (with 1-2 gorges).
The gameplay of 2.0 was rambo marines which the aliens had to adapt trying to be everywhere at once, loosing the massive skulk group to take down group of marines.
1.04, for the most part (yeah, yeah, hmg/jp rush), was group of aliens vs. group of marines, one room at a time.
2.0 and on is all about one vs. one everywhere on the map. With fights everywhere on the map, you can see why the territory feel gets completely lost from 2.0 and on.