Uh Oh...



  • TranquilChaosTranquilChaos Join Date: 2003-07-25 Member: 18425Members
    I occasionally yell at new players, not for because of their skill levels, but because many refuse to listen. Often, I'll take a few moments out of my time to explain why what they are doing is wrong or how they could improve their technique. The response I get is usually something along the lines of completely ignorance or annoying snappy response. Not exactly good motivation for me to help others.

    What I often find even worse are semi-new players, whom having a few weeks practice suddenly think they know the ends and outs of the game.
    (Ex: Anti-DMSers who drop SC or MC but refuse to help secure a second hive location or Players fresh from Marine Trainer/other bot servers/ servers with terrible aliens who have decided that turret farms and electrified nodes win games.)
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