Structure Blocking



  • hawthornehawthorne Join Date: 2003-10-05 Member: 21460Members
    marines should have line of sight/sphere of influence and the commander should only be able to drop there.
  • The_IRSThe_IRS Join Date: 2003-11-30 Member: 23798Members
    edited September 2004
    I got a great idea! How about we use CAL's rules of how the structures can be placed and etc. since compative gaming is more intense than going in some pub.
    # Intentionally building structures that do not exist entirely inside the world (i.e. it falls through the floor or sits outside the play area)
    # Building through thin textures
    # Blocking Phase Gates
    # Blocking Infantry Portals
    # Blocking Vents with structures ( Aliens can build in vents and will not usually be subjected to this exploit )
    # Attacking through thin textures ( e.g. bile bombing through floors/walls )
    # Having more than 1 extra players in the Ready Room ( the allowable extra must remain in the RR at ALL times. Failure to do so can result in the forfeiture of the round )
    # By-passing built in game timings ( e.g. old flashlight exploits )
    # Any action that bypasses a game design decision ( e.g. blocking a resource point with a structure other than an RT, blocking an elevator with either a structure or player)

    sounds good to me (someone please add more if I didn't get it all)
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