Are Aliens Weaker Or What?
Join Date: 2004-09-03 Member: 31282Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Beta 5</div> Hmm.. somehow I think it is getting easier and easier for marines to kill us aliens. What's happening? Are aliens becoming weaker, or are the marine's weapons more powerful? Or are marines gaining resources faster than aliens?
The marines should have some disadvantage as well!
The marines should have some disadvantage as well!
This kind of feedback doesn't tell anyone anything..
No changes were made for large games so the large game issues still exist.
But what else specifically?
1) shotguns are MUCH better
2) JPs are better
3) aliens are now easier to spawn camp (in CO)
Hopefully the next build will include some alien-side beefing, like stronger OC's, altered res-system, and seriously beefed up acid rocket / charge. Lerks could use some more HP too, so they can survive that one sg blast.
People keep saying this... I don't understand. How is it better?
People keep saying this... I don't understand. How is it better? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
The aiming reticle (crosshair) is aligned properly now, making it easier to predict where your pellets are going to go.
No, skulks need a bigger boost, lerks need just a tad more armor and health (5 health, 10 armor) and a fixed resflow for larger games.
acid rocket is weaker than spit......
yeah, aliens could use some boosts. skulk&lerk hp/ap, carapace armor bonus (perhaps), res flow, building&lifeform costs, acid rocket&charge&stomp. youve all heard of these so i wont go on.
and please implement forlorn's idea of a new electricution. and/or decrease the elec range to that of the skulk bite :B edit.
People keep saying this... I don't understand. How is it better? <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The aiming reticle (crosshair) is aligned properly now, making it easier to predict where your pellets are going to go. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
This is actually throwing me off. I'm used to aiming off on purpose.
It is definately more intuitive for new players, however, so I'll just have to un-learn my mental x-hair fix.
Hahaha. Ha. Hahahahahahaha. Haha. Ohh man, that's a good one. This guy's a real funny one, eh?
Seriously, buffs? They "buffed" the Onos, but that doesn't balance the game. They balanced knockback, but that isn't a buff for aliens. They gave the gorge some more AP and better spit attack, but does that even count as a buff? Is that a cruel joke on the community? The gorge is not a frontline creature; the skulk is. The skulk needs the buff wayyyy more than the gorge.
So we've got 2 buffs, and one is the obvious Onos carapace buff. W00t, that's one hell of an incredible buff. It helps, no doubt, but it's not doing much for the most critical part of the game.
They should have given skulks/lerks a buff and nerfed the fade a little to compensate. The aliens are too dependent on one early lifeform (the fade) to slow marine expansion while the rest of the team struggles to the second hive. That's rediculous, and I'm sure the dev team knows it. At least, I hope they do.
Think about it for a minute: the alien team is forced to struggle the opening 5 minutes of the game against all odds to control a second hive <b>and</b> as many RT's as possible. Within in 2-3 minutes, the marines will have MT, which means the skulk's every advantage is worthless.
Could they just give the aliens <i>something</i> of an advantage? 20 AP on the skulk, 40 AP on the lerk. Something. Something to make the three smaller classes more flexible for players.
That's my feedback about this beta. They didn't balance classic. I may love combat (and I think the new changes are very interesting, indeed) but classic is where the community really is.
They buffed the gorge...I don't think I'll ever get that one.
BTW, now I usually kill the marine with gorge before he kills me.
Oh, beta 5 was JUST a platform with LESS BUGS so they could inplement more features in the future. Ok?
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If it was just bug fixes, why impliment gameplay changes? Don't get me wrong, change is usually good, but not when it gives the marine side even more of an advantage and doesn't give the alien side an equivilant boost.
I say though, they really stuffed up for the aliens this beta. It's like Beta5 is more... "marine-friendly"... and I mean, aliens are melee (mostly) while marines are long-range. Shouldn't we spice up the aliens a bit more so that it balances against the rines?
And this new wave spawn system seriously sucks. As soons as one team is entirely killed it takes 30+ seconds to spawn, and when they do spawn they are all instantly killed by the opposing team. Sure, spawning in waves is great, but not when it takes over 30 seconds to do it.
I just have one thing to say to the Dev team: re-balance the game.
*once again stunned at amount of replies*
Its just too monotonous because of it, too predictable.
You can often predict the outcome of a CO game 2 minutes into it (if its not over already), and be like 90% accurate on your call.
Imagine if you could 90% accurately predict the outcome of any football or basketball match, within the first 5 minutes of play.
Or what if the rules of football made it so that its sudden death (first goal wins the entire game)... and then added to that, for every couple yard the opposing gains, the defenders LOSE an extra player...
Yeah... same thing would happen. You'd know the outcome within a minute or two. Whoever wins the first 2 minutes of gameplay wins.
Theres even less chance of a comeback than there was before.
And I'm not speaking as just alien team here, I mean for both sides. Games are MUCH more predictable now, MUCH fewer chances for a comeback, its like... you play for 2 minutes and if you're playing with even vaguely mediocre players, you're at that point either going to inevetably win or inevetably lose.
I'm not sure what the aim of the spawn system redesign was... but it accomplished the following:
* Games are far shorter
* Once a team starts winning, its almost impossible to come back. Far more so than previously. So much so, that people are beginning to F4 in CO matches, because its so pointless to continue after the 2 minute mark if you're behind.
* Games are predictible, and the only play that matters is the first few seconds / first minute.
* Once one team has an advantage, the rest of the game is 'fluff' and may as well be skipped, because its only fun for one side.
Added to this, of course, there is the that skulk-spawn thing. That just kinda twists the knife.
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For each new release a wave of vets returns, meaning people with decent aim - add scriptblocking into this which encourages casual pubbers to marine even more than before, and you have some serious rape.
Its not a balance issue though. In Melee Aliens are significantly more intuitive to handle now - so intuitive you can intentionally manipulate knockback effects with an Onos for example, knock a marine into the air and punt-juggle him until he dies. Or you can be fairly certain that isn't standing on something, or has a loss in height near him, won't get significant knockback (you will however always get 1-2 feet worth of knockback, which you can easily traverse anyway).
Usually in NSbeta4 games lasted AT LEAST 10 minutes if not more.
Average I'm getting for Beta5 games (CO of course, I don't play NS) is about 2.5 minutes, if not less (lowest I got was 1:01 and the most time I got in this new beta was 7:09)
Wth is up with that?
Now old maps have more open spaces and some more light (bast), so skulks cant get close enought to attack. Knockback change in beta 5 would have helped but real problem is that you cant get close enought to use it.
In beta5 marines get all ammo which dead marine had and that really helps situations like attacking hive with siege and and phasegate. If marine dies and drops gun you have all ammo and you dont have to wait ammo from comm or go back to base to get more. Comm can spam less 2 res cost ammo so he gets more resources to other things. This favors marine team. This improvement is basically good and I personally wanted to have all ammo which marine had, but alien team needs some extra too to compensate it.
When you are kharaa most of time you play as skulk (or most people have to). Nowdays when you are skulk it feels that you are target in marine target practice area which is quite boring and frustrating. I think thats reason of f4-syndrome.
In my opinion best way to improve game would be to beef up skulk to withstand little more damage.
btw gorge is now better so lets see some early game gorgerushes . <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Marines got it good with the ammo clips...
Alien spawn system needs to be fixed. Spawn camping is becoming a bigger problem... either give umbra to a spawning player or give the hive some sort of attack =/
Ocs die way too fast and it's very costly.
Skulk upgrades need to be 1 res or free, I really don't see the point of upgrading when you are going to xeno anyway.
I notice that the life forms are gettin weaker due to the shotty becoming more powerful because of the new animation...
You guys have no idea what you are talking about
Keep playing the game, thanks!
i agree with that and with the thought that i no longer feel bad for lerking and thus weakening my co team, either. being able to go back to gorge when needed is invaluable.
the endgames... they're tidier due to long-spawn waves for both teams, but meaner too. in co maps with a large hive room i can't help but think that the jetpackers own all the first time aliens are forced to spawn in a large (weak) wave. no, i'm not saying the jp are the only way to go (since you almost need heavies against the load of lerks who were killing your marines causing them to respawn in a cramped MS nose-to-nose with an onos) but you gestate and die or you dont and the hive dies. almost makes me want to ask why the marines spawn with their jp and shotty still. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
as for lmg shooting more accurately, i did notice that too in classic. unprotected oc were fair game.