Life And What You Make Of It.
<div class="IPBDescription">WARNING: Rant Ahead</div> I've been thinking a lot about why I'm here, what I plan on doing, what kind of person I want to be with, reflecting on my past and all that, which made me rather depressed (no ****). Seeing everyone I knew with their girlfriends didn't help too much. After consulting at least 8 different people, you come to realise you only get out of life what you put in, a fact which I neglected for a long time.
As you can tell, I'm a gamer. I've been playing video games since i was 3, right up to now. Relationships with others haven't worked out to anything, mainly due to bad luck, bad timing, and so forth. Gaming doesn't help that. It is a passtime, a hobby, if you will, that didn't let me see the truth. I may seem like a confident person, but I'm exactly the opposite. I'm not very confident at anything actually. I never command in Natural-Selection, mainly because I'm thinking if I stuff it up, people aren't going to think that highly of me. And no, I'm not a complete
wuss. I've punched many a man in the face. But yet, I am not a very social person. (as if punching someone in the face is going to make you social anyway =p)
I don't want to just go out with chicks for no reason, either. I'm not out just for sex, or a short term high-school relationship. I want a long term one (who doesn't?).
Another issue was future work. Work experience has taught me well. Office careers suck. Stuck in a cubicle, 9-5, sometimes later, repetitive work, Monday to Friday, and unless your a VIP, you dont make all that much moolah. Moolah, it seems, wouldn't even matter much, as you'd be pretty much living in your office more than you would at home. A bleak future, but the most likely fate. Just a place to wait for death, or retirement, which both are not very good possibilities.
It seems I had so many visions of the future, so many possibilites to become someone important, and they all just broke apart like leaves. Followed by a leaf BBQ.
As I mentioned, I spoke to several people...
<b>Gaming Isn't Everything</b>
Why should it be either? It's a distraction, like watching TV. Don't expect 'wonderous computer coding skillz' by playing NS enough times. And certainly don't prioritize gaming over relationships, homework, exercise,
or anything mildly important. It's not worth it. On the other hand, you should be doing what you enjoy doing. If you like doing it, go for it. Everything is good for you in moderation.
<b>You Only Get Out of Life What You Put In</b>
If you do jack ****, you usually end up having a boring life. If sucess was easy, everyone would be doing it. <a href='' target='_blank'>This</a>, in some ways, helps tell you this, though in many ways the messaging in it is wrong. BTW that link is G8+, minor violence/adult themes/sex scenes. But its all stick figures so what ya gonna do.
<b>Men are like cars, and women want to buy them. (shaddup)</b>
Say if we are all cars and girls are interested in buy cars. Cars with more features will be more attractive to girls. If a car as A/C, mp3 stero, anti-theft device and cost less then any other car, that car would be the most attractive, but only to the person who wants those features. You can sell a product 2 ways: Focus on advertising, or focus on the product. The point is you can get people attracted to you by the way you present yourself to the world, or you can make them attracted to you by the way you are. Sure, I don't like the idea of being someone im not, but you can change yourself short term and if you leave to university, be yourself. At university the people are much better, they say. So what if your 17 and have no girlfriend? And in a few years, who's going to care? That can't stop you from wanting one. And if you don't have one later, games isn't the cause of that problem.
Still, I think I'll take a walk, and stop gaming as much.
Please keep the "NOBODY CARES" comments to a minimum.
As you can tell, I'm a gamer. I've been playing video games since i was 3, right up to now. Relationships with others haven't worked out to anything, mainly due to bad luck, bad timing, and so forth. Gaming doesn't help that. It is a passtime, a hobby, if you will, that didn't let me see the truth. I may seem like a confident person, but I'm exactly the opposite. I'm not very confident at anything actually. I never command in Natural-Selection, mainly because I'm thinking if I stuff it up, people aren't going to think that highly of me. And no, I'm not a complete
wuss. I've punched many a man in the face. But yet, I am not a very social person. (as if punching someone in the face is going to make you social anyway =p)
I don't want to just go out with chicks for no reason, either. I'm not out just for sex, or a short term high-school relationship. I want a long term one (who doesn't?).
Another issue was future work. Work experience has taught me well. Office careers suck. Stuck in a cubicle, 9-5, sometimes later, repetitive work, Monday to Friday, and unless your a VIP, you dont make all that much moolah. Moolah, it seems, wouldn't even matter much, as you'd be pretty much living in your office more than you would at home. A bleak future, but the most likely fate. Just a place to wait for death, or retirement, which both are not very good possibilities.
It seems I had so many visions of the future, so many possibilites to become someone important, and they all just broke apart like leaves. Followed by a leaf BBQ.
As I mentioned, I spoke to several people...
<b>Gaming Isn't Everything</b>
Why should it be either? It's a distraction, like watching TV. Don't expect 'wonderous computer coding skillz' by playing NS enough times. And certainly don't prioritize gaming over relationships, homework, exercise,
or anything mildly important. It's not worth it. On the other hand, you should be doing what you enjoy doing. If you like doing it, go for it. Everything is good for you in moderation.
<b>You Only Get Out of Life What You Put In</b>
If you do jack ****, you usually end up having a boring life. If sucess was easy, everyone would be doing it. <a href='' target='_blank'>This</a>, in some ways, helps tell you this, though in many ways the messaging in it is wrong. BTW that link is G8+, minor violence/adult themes/sex scenes. But its all stick figures so what ya gonna do.
<b>Men are like cars, and women want to buy them. (shaddup)</b>
Say if we are all cars and girls are interested in buy cars. Cars with more features will be more attractive to girls. If a car as A/C, mp3 stero, anti-theft device and cost less then any other car, that car would be the most attractive, but only to the person who wants those features. You can sell a product 2 ways: Focus on advertising, or focus on the product. The point is you can get people attracted to you by the way you present yourself to the world, or you can make them attracted to you by the way you are. Sure, I don't like the idea of being someone im not, but you can change yourself short term and if you leave to university, be yourself. At university the people are much better, they say. So what if your 17 and have no girlfriend? And in a few years, who's going to care? That can't stop you from wanting one. And if you don't have one later, games isn't the cause of that problem.
Still, I think I'll take a walk, and stop gaming as much.
Please keep the "NOBODY CARES" comments to a minimum.
bahahahahaha....lmao. That made me laugh...heh. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Okay, this is how your supposed to look at life, Sdavid.
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Lifes a garden, dig it.</span>
-You get the one of the best jobs there is.
-You become rich.
-You have a lot of friends, and you're happy with them.
And die.
And you will have to leave it all behind, like it didnt matter.
The money you cannot use anymore, you cant see your friends anymore.
What is the big difference with someone who did waste his whole life gaming?
do you think when you die zaggy that some one 50 years from now is going to think ooo remember that game in eclipse where that guy was a good commander?
i rather be rich then die atleast ill know my family will have some support while im gone
Heheh, I hope.
Humans seem pretty weird, they get born, the live, they make a next generation, they die.
And that gets repeated over time. (Wee the animals do it too <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo-->)
Its just that, I don't see much of a point in it.
And only the people who did great stuff like (for example, and yes there are way more) inventing things have their name remembered.
if you wanna be the ferarri with the 6 pack, good credentials, interesting life stories etc.. you gotta work for it... they aint gonna come to you while you play commander.
i am the same i been neglecting everyone around me recently.. i havent lifted a proper weight (did some 60 kg's the other day) in weeks last time i properly worked out was like 12 days...
i havent paid my gf hardly any attention .. in short i been sucking at life...
you actually kinda helped me realise.. so what im gonna do now? is put on my trainers and train till 11 then im gonna go meet this bt engineer and get my dsl socket moved.. then im gonna actually pay my gf some attention...
Edit: The particular versions of the gf, career, etc. which I had were not what I was looking for. This isn't to say these things are meaningless.
Yay! New sig!
Edit: I hate engllriiishhhh
Don't let "geek-sounding" ruin a life choice for you... do what you're interested in, or you'll never keep it up in the end.
however, a tip:
if it bothers you thinking about when you start talking to some girl and she's like "what are you studying" and you're like "robotics" she'll be like omg nerd gotta go, take a single class in philosophy or art or something sexy-sounding and say you have an interest in philosophy art or something sexy-sounding but you're also taking technical classes in "computers" (make it sound slightly less geeky, robots and hardware both score you geek points; architecture can be teh sex tho) but only because you're thinking about the future. hehehe. two birds with one stone: appearance of sexeh-intellectual + $$-future ftw. personally- and friend-tested and approved. <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif' /><!--endemo--> And then when they like you for your personality or whatever you can slowly reveal how much you're actually into hardware/software/maybe-star-trek.
Not that this is a path to happiness in life...
if you wanna be the ferarri with the 6 pack, good credentials, interesting life stories etc.. you gotta work for it... they aint gonna come to you while you play commander.
i am the same i been neglecting everyone around me recently.. i havent lifted a proper weight (did some 60 kg's the other day) in weeks last time i properly worked out was like 12 days...
i havent paid my gf hardly any attention .. in short i been sucking at life...
you actually kinda helped me realise.. so what im gonna do now? is put on my trainers and train till 11 then im gonna go meet this bt engineer and get my dsl socket moved.. then im gonna actually pay my gf some attention...
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Glad to hear you decided to do something about it <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Don't let "geek-sounding" ruin a life choice for you... do what you're interested in, or you'll never keep it up in the end.
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Very true. If you let other people around you change what you wanna do, you aren't going to be happy.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->To post that one shouldnt game as much because they are depriving themselves out of "life" is a very biased comment, its really just is applicable to you and people with the same view point as you.
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I never said that. After that sentence in the first paragraph, I also said that you should do what you enjoy doing. Not gaming as much was my personal choice. I never told other people not to, just gave them something to think about.
Right now I'm stuck in secondary insomnia, might be chronic. My boss had to drive me home from work. <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I'm a Yugo!
EDIT: ****. Alright, you can stop laughing now. Told you i wasnt a very confident person...
Thats weird. Every journey I go on is because I want to get somewhere, to see someone or do something at the end of it. The journeys that do not go anywhere, just driving around, are pointless at the end of the day, you might was well have just stayed at home. What makes the journey of life different? Why does every other journey focus on the destination, yet in the biggest journey we will ever take, the most important thing it the journey itself?
If you want to be remembered, you could always devise a way to trisect an angle with nothing but a pencil, a pair of compasses and a straight edge. The Greeks said it was impossible, but they couldn't program a VCR either. If you do mange it, I am sure you will get lots of women interested in that sort of stuff interested in you.
No offence, but this is a horrible oversimplification. You get out of life what you take out of life.
Some people enjoy sitting on thier porch watching cars go by all day, is it fair to say that they aren't getting anything out of life? they enjoy thier life, they like what they are getting, so is it acctually true that they are getting "less" out of life?
Not to say that to put alot of work into the things you do is a bad thing, great satisfaction can be derived from accomplishment and amassing of wealth, but there is inately more to the quality of a persons life than the work they have done and the money they have made. If you like gameing, if you like programing, if you like building computers, get as much satisfaction as you can out of those acts. In the end no one will remember you anyways (at least they won't remember who you really are, they might remember how much you had, or something you did), so take out of life whatever it has to give you, and don't strive for a goal that will inevitibly fail to bring value to a life that can not have eternal value.
In the end, just be happy with what you do and who you are, and draw joy from building yourself into whatever you want to be, and if at all possible, try to help other people walk the same path.
Thats weird. Every journey I go on is because I want to get somewhere, to see someone or do something at the end of it. The journeys that do not go anywhere, just driving around, are pointless at the end of the day, you might was well have just stayed at home. What makes the journey of life different? Why does every other journey focus on the destination, yet in the biggest journey we will ever take, the most important thing it the journey itself? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
it's a metaphor, the journey IS life.
destination - death.
its no use arguing philosophy, because if youre in a different state of mind, you cant appreciate it. its the faith system modified slightly, theres no use arguing it. if you present them with an alternate or revised state of mind, and they are unable to appreciate it, arguing it will only perpetuate the problem.
Kudos, and welcome to the forums. Though you may not be around much...
And as for me, as long as I can laugh in life I will, for to stop laughing is to stop living. A day that I don't enjoy is a day wasted. That is how I've lived my life, and it's served me well so far. So, yes, I am living for the journey, not the destination.
You know [WHO]Them, you make too many good sig quotes <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Thankyou. I try to be a good 1st time poster. You all missed something on the 2nd page, 2nd post...
Thankyou. I try to be a good 1st time poster. You all missed something on the 2nd page, 2nd post... <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Wait. What? Did I miss something here? Are you Sdavid?
Hey cool im dark queen now...
Eh? You haven't done anything bad that I know of. In my opinion, if you are smart enough to enjoy NS, dedicated enough to join the forums, and in your case, dedicated enough to donate to Constellation, you have to be a good person. If you say something stupid/strange/whatever, who cares? Everyone stumbles now and then, but that doesn't make you a worse person.
Also, your problem might be a lack of body gestures you normally get in everday conversations. Most of the things that might be insults are said as a joke. I found that out the hard way. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Edit; Example: I can't spell person. Ain't I a nub? <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->