Big Brother
<div class="IPBDescription">What would you do?</div> I was just watching some of Merlin on Aussie big brother and laughing at [not with] him, and I got to thinking..
You all know the show, you know the publicity, you know the horrible let downs. If you managed to fool your way past the applications, and somehow got on Big brother.. what would you do? In all seriousness.
Myself, I'm partial to a bit of the..
Speak your mind and anything and everything. Let no ground be untainted. All this timid 'nice, meek, deep and caring persona' BS is annoying. Let there be excitement! I will not shy away from challenging whoever is p*ssing me off. I mean, I'll be funny when I do it, just incase there are some people who watch Big Brother who aren't complete lost cases, but I just want to have fun, make an impression, and make headlines and become a cultural legend - the guy who stood up to Big Brother and smacked them in the face for their inadequicies as human beings. I would plan on being the first one out, collect my XBOX and my $2000 and leave, knowing full well that I will be remembered in Big Brother <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Speaking your mind is great, but unless you're really out there, the other housemates aren't going to provide much stimulus. Which is why I would bring in a banjo, and use it as my only method of communication with people - if i'm not singing to them accompanied by the banjo, the conversation isn't happening. also, i would be constantly naked.
Another few favourite ideas are to wake up at 2am, walk over to another person's bed, and sleep in their bed with them. I don't think they will challenge me - they want the million dollars. Screw em.
Looking at my inane and nonsensical post, I realise now that it is.. inane and nonsensical. Which is why I want to know what you people would do on big brother?
I am too young to go on it, but why don't you guys figure out what you'd do, take some ideas, then fool your way onto camera in your country, and go all out. Don't aim for the million dollars - aim on making it worth people's time to watch Big Brother. If people in sweden can have group orgies on big brother, we can surely have naked Banjo's.
You all know the show, you know the publicity, you know the horrible let downs. If you managed to fool your way past the applications, and somehow got on Big brother.. what would you do? In all seriousness.
Myself, I'm partial to a bit of the..
Speak your mind and anything and everything. Let no ground be untainted. All this timid 'nice, meek, deep and caring persona' BS is annoying. Let there be excitement! I will not shy away from challenging whoever is p*ssing me off. I mean, I'll be funny when I do it, just incase there are some people who watch Big Brother who aren't complete lost cases, but I just want to have fun, make an impression, and make headlines and become a cultural legend - the guy who stood up to Big Brother and smacked them in the face for their inadequicies as human beings. I would plan on being the first one out, collect my XBOX and my $2000 and leave, knowing full well that I will be remembered in Big Brother <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Speaking your mind is great, but unless you're really out there, the other housemates aren't going to provide much stimulus. Which is why I would bring in a banjo, and use it as my only method of communication with people - if i'm not singing to them accompanied by the banjo, the conversation isn't happening. also, i would be constantly naked.
Another few favourite ideas are to wake up at 2am, walk over to another person's bed, and sleep in their bed with them. I don't think they will challenge me - they want the million dollars. Screw em.
Looking at my inane and nonsensical post, I realise now that it is.. inane and nonsensical. Which is why I want to know what you people would do on big brother?
I am too young to go on it, but why don't you guys figure out what you'd do, take some ideas, then fool your way onto camera in your country, and go all out. Don't aim for the million dollars - aim on making it worth people's time to watch Big Brother. If people in sweden can have group orgies on big brother, we can surely have naked Banjo's.
And I'd dress up in costumes occasionaly. Like this: <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif' /><!--endemo--> . But if anyone commented on it, I'd fly into a rage and deny everything.
wait until after somebody has been evicted so there is an empty bed and then move into that in the night and start to dry hump it and then think you are doing it with somebody...
The other housemates have no idea, and think they've just been evicted.
The real question is what you <b>you</b> do in that situation? Sadly I lack the creativity to think of any good ideas.
Also, wth x-box? On the British Big Brother the prize is £100,000 and NOTHING to the runners up. Oh, and the £100,000 can be reduced if the housemates are naughty, it's already down to £91,000.
If there was a prize for the runners up I might consider entering myself.
No internet, no computer. I'd be forced to kill somebody.
Actually, if i did murder someone on live tv, would it get good ratings? <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
oh dam they already done that
God i hate the people that are on Big Brother, adults acting like 14 year olds.
Can't have shirts advertising anything. One year someone had their entire wardrobe confiscated because it all had logos on it, can't remember who.
So far the two in the bedsit have turned on the sprinkler system when everyone was sunbathing, and made sure that one guy who they both hate always gets cold water in his showers.
Come on, you can do better than that.
btw German BB's prize money is 1Mil €