<div class="IPBDescription">And how to actually do it</div> O.k, my computer (or rather my mum's computer which I rely on for my net connection) is screwed. There is no way I can possibly fix all of the things wrong with it, and it badly needs a complete reformat.
Some of the more interesting quirks it has picked up are:
-Trying to use the search function results in a crash
-The CD drive constantly displays "The sims" whatever CD is in the drive
-Can't access C:\ from "My Computer", I have to go via the "Run" button on the start menu. Clicking C:\ in My Computer gives the message "Unable to find C:\Uninstall.exe, please select another destination".
-Error messages as soon as windows boots up
-The toolbar randomly changes colour, normally signaling an iminent crash
-Have to perform a system restore EVERY DAY or it wont connect to the internet
Several of these are the residue from particularly nasty viruses (my sister being the main culprit for recieving viruses; she thinks Kazza is the greatest program ever created...), some just appeared on their own. I don't have any viruses on <i>now</i>, nor do I have any spyware that ad-aware and spybot could pick up.
My question is; how do I go about reformatting?
I know "format c:\" will do the job, but what will be left afterwards? What will I see when it next boots up, just a C:\ prompt?
The other way is to reinstall from the CD without formatting first, but if I choose this option, will it format <i>properly</i>; i've heard of some viruses (and AOL installations) surviving the formatting process, and I don't want that happening.
From what I understand after reading various sites, I SHOULD be able to just put the CD in, choose a new installation, choose to delete the old installation and choose to format the drive, but I know you people are oh-so-smart and will be far more helpful than any page.
I apologise for my noobishness.
Some of the more interesting quirks it has picked up are:
-Trying to use the search function results in a crash
-The CD drive constantly displays "The sims" whatever CD is in the drive
-Can't access C:\ from "My Computer", I have to go via the "Run" button on the start menu. Clicking C:\ in My Computer gives the message "Unable to find C:\Uninstall.exe, please select another destination".
-Error messages as soon as windows boots up
-The toolbar randomly changes colour, normally signaling an iminent crash
-Have to perform a system restore EVERY DAY or it wont connect to the internet
Several of these are the residue from particularly nasty viruses (my sister being the main culprit for recieving viruses; she thinks Kazza is the greatest program ever created...), some just appeared on their own. I don't have any viruses on <i>now</i>, nor do I have any spyware that ad-aware and spybot could pick up.
My question is; how do I go about reformatting?
I know "format c:\" will do the job, but what will be left afterwards? What will I see when it next boots up, just a C:\ prompt?
The other way is to reinstall from the CD without formatting first, but if I choose this option, will it format <i>properly</i>; i've heard of some viruses (and AOL installations) surviving the formatting process, and I don't want that happening.
From what I understand after reading various sites, I SHOULD be able to just put the CD in, choose a new installation, choose to delete the old installation and choose to format the drive, but I know you people are oh-so-smart and will be far more helpful than any page.
I apologise for my noobishness.
Make sure you have the win98 disc and key, then goto and get one of <a href='' target='_blank'>these</a>
Then you put the disk in, reboot, and then it will ask you if you want to boot with CDRom support. Select yes, and it will load up some stuff. Then just "format c:" and then switch over to the CD drive letter (your win98 CD) and type "setup" this will start the win98 setup.
IMPORTANT things to remember!!: make SURE you have all drivers needed, ESPECIALLY video and network card. It sure is a pain when you have no network card driver and no means to get it. If you got a network card up and working you should be able to download any other ones as needed.
If it's WinXP it's even easier, just put the CD in the drive and reboot- it'll format for you.
As for viruses that survive a format, I'm not too sure on those. I assume they live in the boot sector, in which case you might have a problem. I'm not sure which tools clear that out, or if you even want to.
You need to make sure you have CD rom support built in to the bios.. otherwise you have to create a startup disk so you can install windows again.
Here are the steps that I used to format my parents computer and add XP Pro.
1) restart in MS-Dos mode
2) type format c:
3) It will ask you to confirm
4) Let it finish formatting, then insert the windows cd (I had cd support already)
5) Restart the computer, it should read from the CD drive first
6) Follow instructions to re-install windows, which ever version it may be.. I know it is mostly the same for 98/ME/2k/XP/NT :-)
7) Try to download the patches needed from a computer that has access to the net.. or take talesin's advice and turn on the firewall if you are using xp.
8) Install security updates/service packs
9) WOOT DONE!? :-)
I was finished by the time I was at step 8.. but there may be some more if you have custom video drivers/audio drivers needed.
In either case, for all intensive purposes, formatting your disk will erase ALL of the disk. Everything gone - no files, no emails, no games, no pr0n, nothing - all gone, for the average user. Do over. Nada. Zip, Zilch. Empty. Clean.
PS: if XP Home edition, I'm unclear on the formatting options its setup has, as I've never used it.
Edit: man oh man am I slowing down or what. So. Many. Replies... Post. So. Redundant.
<!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
In either case, for all intensive purposes, formatting your disk will erase ALL of the disk. Everything gone - no files, no emails, no games, no pr0n, nothing - all gone, for the average user. Do over. Nada. Zip, Zilch. Empty. Clean.
PS: if XP Home edition, I'm unclear on the formatting options its setup has, as I've never used it.
Edit: man oh man am I slowing down or what. So. Many. Replies... Post. So. Redundant.
<!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yeah, at least WinXP Pro prompts you to format during setup- it's a good idea to do it then instead of before you start the setup, because i've had the WinXP install not start unless I had a set of 6 boot disks just for WinXP. Not a good situation to be in if you just wiped your entire hard drive.
Intensive purposes? Is that like Intensive care? <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Intensive care is what he'll be when his folks find out he formatted the PC and they had the last three year's tax returns saved on it with no backups...
<!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Sounds like it would be easiest just to do it from the CD without formatting first, that way I won't need to fart about with boot discs. Now I just need to get my mum and sister to move their "important" files to the 2nd HD so I can transfer them later....
Uh, that's the other thing, if I re-install WinXP on C:\, it won't touch the 2nd hard-drive... right? I mean I know it sounds obvious but my mum would probably disown me if I caused her to lose a year+ of work. I do have a CD writer, but sticking it on a 2nd HD is so much easier...
Oh, and thanks for reminding me about the network card drivers 404, I think the NIC is built-in the the downstairs comp so it shouldn't need any drivers, but I guess i'd better check.
And yes, I mean this seriously- I did a backup on 3GB worth of info on a dying computer using only a 2x burner (it was my spare and DiskJuggler was being stupid) for this girl I know before I formatted her computer.
And yes, I mean this seriously- I did a backup on 3GB worth of info on a dying computer using only a 2x burner (it was my spare and DiskJuggler was being stupid) for this girl I know before I formatted her computer. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Seconded. All it takes is one little mistake and you'll be formatting the wrong drive duting setup...
Go to the 'Documents And Settings' in C:/ (might be in Windows, too lazy to check).
Backup the 'desktop' and 'favorites' folders (and maybe the start bar, but I never use the start bar). Plop them in another drive. Also make sure to save your 'My Documents' folder if you're stupid enough to actually store important files on your C:/ drive <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Reboot. Since I have NO IDEA how to get into the DOS prompt, I put in my Windows98 boot disk. It runs some stuff, gives me an error, and drops me at DOS. C:
Wait... wait... wait... when it's done, reboot with CD in drive. Install windows, then run in and install all your drivers and the stuff like winamp and quicktime, etc.
I've gotten to the point where it takes me about 1/2 hour - 45 mins to reformat and get windowsXP up and running into pristine shape. I do it about once a month or so.
i'm scared i'll screw it up and lose all my stuff that i care about.
one of my friends reformatted(he was putting in a new processor and mobo and some other stuff, and it didn't work properly)
He forgot to back up MS Office. And he had lost the discs.
GG format
[EDIT:] typo
The steps I usually take to reïnstall my pc are:
1-Backup everything you need/want to keep.
2-Make sure you have a backup of everything!
3-format all HD's.
4-Reinstall Windows.
5-Update Windows.
6-Install & update Ad-Aware/Spybot S&D/A good virusscanner/a good firewall.
7-Reinstall any other software you might need like windows office or games or whatever.
...did I miss anything?
Hehe. Missed that one, myself.
If anyone's wondering, the phrase is actually "all intents and purposes". Which does make more sense, when you think about it.
He forgot to back up MS Office. And he had lost the discs.
GG format <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Crap, I don't know where MY office C.Ds are either.
/me digs through stacks of CDs frantically
During the installation it will bring up its own little partition manager, which lets you erase, format and create partitions. If you want to wipe a partition (or harddisk), just erase it and create a new partition, then install on it and you will be prompted to format that drive with whatever file system you want. Well, NTFS or FAT32.
after moving everything important to the second drive, you should disconnect that drive to be perfectly sure that you dont erase the wrong one. turn off the PC, open er up, and pull out the red/black/black/yellow wire from the secondary harddrive. that should be all you need to do to make that drive disabled.
dont plug that drive back in until youve got an antivirus running and updated on the new install, because you could be infected pretty badly right now and it could theoretically get you again when you access those files. (also, never unplug/replug stuff while the power cord is in the back of the computer!)
I blame my midwestern upbringing for misunderstanding the actual phrase all these years. We also wrote the book on ending sentences with prepositions; I still always say 'So, you guys wanna come with?'. Arg.